Has anyone purchased from www.cattylink.com


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
New Delhi, India
I came across this site that sells high quality china made audio stuff. Has anyone purchased from them? Is there anyone who is in HK comment on this?


No but it sounds like an extremely interesting and naughty site... Are you sure it sells only 'high quality' audio stuff? :yahoo:

Disclaimer: This reply post contains absolutely no helpful information with regard to the original posting... Sorry :sad:

No but it sounds like an extremely interesting and naughty site... Are you sure it sells only 'high quality' audio stuff? :yahoo:

Disclaimer: This reply post contains absolutely no helpful information with regard to the original posting... Sorry :sad:

the problem is many of these chinese amps are beating the hell out of global HiFi equipment manufacturers with their (quality) and price. The problem is - its one things buying these stuff in person back in Honk Kong or China - another thing getting it shipped here.

I know this is quite old but maybe someone is just interessted in buying from Cattylink.
I can only warn everone from buying there - they are some nasty crookers - I know some people who have been cheated by them. Those people ordered CD players but Cattylink just sent some other CD players - they never responded on any mails !

So stay away from Cattylink as far as you can !

I did check out this site with a friend for 236MK but somehow the price and uploaded pictures were not very convincing at that time. Plus, their communication didn't help either. The listed prices are often too good to be true! Eventually we dropped the idea. Would like to know fellow members' experience with them, if any.
I too gave up on buying from there. I think since they are export oriented, a friend in HK may not be able to buy from them. I had one friend in HK whom I thought maybe I will send him to them, but he shifted to the US before I could ask.
I considered it last year but dropped it because the delivery charges were adding around $200 to the MRP.

Absolutely right not to trust them !
They know exactly that they can do what they want and you have no possibility to get hold of them !
Buy from a local dealer - he might be more expensive but you know you can trust him !
Why would anybody even consider buying this rubbish anyway when there is so much good product on the market. None of these companies make any original products, they are all just copies of old U.S. and British designs made as cheap as possible in communist gov't owned factories. All the resellers and distributors of Chinese products do the same things and then point their fingers at the other guy and claim that he is the one screwing everything up. Point is, the Chinese themselves are to blame as they are inherently chaotic and opportunistic. Do you think there would be so many guys claiming to be official suppliers if the factories were not actively participating in this charade? Look at the Swiss watch companies if you want to draw a parallel. All Swiss watch companies tell you right on their website not to buy from any internet traders as the goods are either counterfeit, fake, stolen or defective. But then look and see how many internet traders are selling those brands, hundreds if not thousands. Where on earth are they getting their inventory? Of course the factories are complicit in this, they have too much to lose by not participating. Even more so with the Chinese audio makers as their brands mean nothing outside of China. In fact, even Chinese people don't want to buy these brands, they want western products.

My advice, don't buy this crap from anybody under any circumstances. It is only bound to become landfill anyway. And always beware of the company that goes to a lot of effort to put down and try to discredit the other sellers of same, as they themselves are the ones to watch out for. This has been going on for 40 years among the hifi dealers in Hong Kong. ""we are the official distributors" they claim, "Not those other guys". It's a kind of inbred cultural tendency of the Chinese to try to build themselves up by discrediting their competition and claiming to be the official factory sanctioned entity. They are all liars and opportunists trying to get rich quick. Always buy a European, Japanese, or American brand and get true value with support and backup.
Why would anybody even consider buying this rubbish anyway when there is so much good product on the market. None of these companies make any original products, they are all just copies of old U.S. and British designs made as cheap as possible in communist gov't owned factories. All the resellers and distributors of Chinese products do the same things and then point their fingers at the other guy and claim that he is the one screwing everything up. Point is, the Chinese themselves are to blame as they are inherently chaotic and opportunistic. Do you think there would be so many guys claiming to be official suppliers if the factories were not actively participating in this charade? Look at the Swiss watch companies if you want to draw a parallel. All Swiss watch companies tell you right on their website not to buy from any internet traders as the goods are either counterfeit, fake, stolen or defective. But then look and see how many internet traders are selling those brands, hundreds if not thousands. Where on earth are they getting their inventory? Of course the factories are complicit in this, they have too much to lose by not participating. Even more so with the Chinese audio makers as their brands mean nothing outside of China. In fact, even Chinese people don't want to buy these brands, they want western products.

My advice, don't buy this crap from anybody under any circumstances. It is only bound to become landfill anyway. And always beware of the company that goes to a lot of effort to put down and try to discredit the other sellers of same, as they themselves are the ones to watch out for. This has been going on for 40 years among the hifi dealers in Hong Kong. ""we are the official distributors" they claim, "Not those other guys". It's a kind of inbred cultural tendency of the Chinese to try to build themselves up by discrediting their competition and claiming to be the official factory sanctioned entity. They are all liars and opportunists trying to get rich quick. Always buy a European, Japanese, or American brand and get true value with support and backup.

You are truly a Mahatma !! I bow my head to thee in humble respect. :ohyeah: :)

Another thing ... these Chinese Hifi gear may have a Trojan firmware - hidden code embedded in the ASIC visible only under an electron microscope. In the time of war, this code may surreptitiously get activated by the Chinese hacker army across the border. Suddenly your blissful joy filled music listening session may be interrupted by the voice of Chairman Mao advising you to drop everything (no, not your clothes), burn the National flag, and join the Revolution!! Welcome to the new world order!! Join the Chinese Long march!! :ohyeah:
Worst case scenario, the Hifi gear might just go dead and refuse to operate with your favorite CD in the tray irretrievable without smashing the player. :D

They are doing it to our telecommunications equipment, our DSL modems, to our naval ports ... now it is the turn of HiFi gear :indifferent14:

Psssst ... ! And if you open the cover of your Chinese Gear quickly enough (voiding ... the warranty of course - not yourself in the process :D), you might just notice little Chinese men scampering for cover to hide behind and in between the capacitors and circuit boards ;)

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Suddenly your blissful joy filled music listening session may be interrupted by the voice of Chairman Mao advising you to drop everything (no, not your clothes), burn the National flag, and join the Revolution!! Welcome to the new world order!! Join the Chinese Long march!!
Psssst ... ! And if you open the cover of your Chinese Gear quickly enough (voiding ... the warranty of course - not yourself in the process :D), you might just notice little Chinese men scampering for cover to hide behind and in between the capacitors and circuit boards
Gobble, buddy, Looks like you picked up wrong day to post this. Because kungfu Master Y U Hai Ding (a.k.a. Sonny the bone breaker) is in the forum and have read this. His PM message to me says He is very much offended and if you are free in the evening he will be visiting you soon...
YouTube - Master of Melodramatic Kung Fu Death Punch
Gobble, buddy, Looks like you picked up wrong day to post this. Because kungfu Master Y U Hai Ding (a.k.a. Sonny the bone breaker) is in the forum and have read this. His PM message to me says He is very much offended and if you are free in the evening he will be visiting you soon...

Wonderful! Wonderful! :clapping: How eagerly I await the opportunity to share my brotherly love and affections with comrade Ding. :licklips:

My bodyguard - a certain Mr. Rajnikanth will be glad to escort him ... all the way to the border ... no make that outer space, where our DRDO can test their latest laser weapons missile shield system and zap him, to go one up on our comrades from across the fence :ohyeah:

what ???? you have rajnikanth as your bodyguard ?

Edit : This news just came in Kung fu master Y U Hai Ding has gone in to hiding after reading gobble's post.
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They sure have some interesting products.
Has anyone heard the tube amps?Yarland looks promising.Economical as well.
You are truly a Mahatma !! I bow my head to thee in humble respect. :ohyeah: :)

Another thing ... these Chinese Hifi gear may have a Trojan firmware - hidden code embedded in the ASIC visible only under an electron microscope. In the time of war, this code may surreptitiously get activated by the Chinese hacker army across the border. Suddenly your blissful joy filled music listening session may be interrupted by the voice of Chairman Mao advising you to drop everything (no, not your clothes), burn the National flag, and join the Revolution!! Welcome to the new world order!! Join the Chinese Long march!! :ohyeah:
Worst case scenario, the Hifi gear might just go dead and refuse to operate with your favorite CD in the tray irretrievable without smashing the player. :D

They are doing it to our telecommunications equipment, our DSL modems, to our naval ports ... now it is the turn of HiFi gear :indifferent14:

Psssst ... ! And if you open the cover of your Chinese Gear quickly enough (voiding ... the warranty of course - not yourself in the process :D), you might just notice little Chinese men scampering for cover to hide behind and in between the capacitors and circuit boards ;)



It's really nothing anywhere near that elaborate. The product is just junk. It is all Chinese domestic market product made to a cost-down formula in order to be sold to the masses, ie: Chinese laborers who make US$3,500/year. The sad joke is, when it gets into the hands of distributors outside of China, it suddenly is equal in value and performance to products that sell for US$5k. Anybody who can count to 10 can see it's a scam.
i wonder if the world thinks in the same line of thoughts for indian products. Not all chinese are fakes. Doesn't India produce fakes starting from clothes to pharmaceuticals? Correct me if i am wrong, there are a very few ( maybe less than 10) Indian companies that make tube amps or audio gear in a broader sense. At least the Chinese are making them cheap- you get what you pay for- they don't announce otherwise.


It's really nothing anywhere near that elaborate. The product is just junk. It is all Chinese domestic market product made to a cost-down formula in order to be sold to the masses, ie: Chinese laborers who make US$3,500/year. The sad joke is, when it gets into the hands of distributors outside of China, it suddenly is equal in value and performance to products that sell for US$5k. Anybody who can count to 10 can see it's a scam.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating!! Lets listen to a few with A/B comparison to their original "clones" only then we can conclude ... :)

Well, I think this thread is going to a wrong direction.
It started because someone asked of experiences with Cattylink - now it looks like people are beating on chinese products overall.
Keep in mind that a lot of western manufactures are manufacturing or buying in China - China is able to offer very high quality so there is no reason to punder on it.

Cattylink on the other hand are simply cheaters - the pretend to sell products they are not able to sell as the manufacturers know nothing about Cattylink.

Here an interesting post about this:

Who is Cattylink? | Best Value Chinese Hi-Fi News

So again - don't trust Cattylink !
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