HD6xx with Zen DAC. Good buy?


Active Member
Mar 15, 2019
Does the HD6xx pair well with the zen dac? Would welcome your thoughts.. Or any other recommendations at similar price range that would go well with the HD6xx
The HD 600 series pairs really well with tube amps. Something like the little dot mk ii if you can get it would be ideal.

Topping L30 and the Schiit Magni Heresy are better amps than the Zen dac but you would need to get a standalone dac.
While a good DAC is important , the Sennheiser 6XX series of all headphones are very finicky on the amp you pair them with. They scale tremendously with the right amps, if this is the only headphone you are going to use do check out for an OTL tube amp (Anode Acoustic OTL amp is about 20k+gst). You can get a zen dac/mimby in future when a good deal pops up.
You may also look at the Hifiman Sundara with Schiit Magni 3+ combo.. Stellar stack for neutral signature, eq as you like!!
Does the HD6xx pair well with the zen dac? Would welcome your thoughts.. Or any other recommendations at similar price range that would go well with the HD6xx

This amp and the HD650 are a terrific match.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.