Hello From Nigeria


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Hi Everybody,

First of all thanx to those people who have started this wonderful forum. I have been living in Lagos, Nigeria for the last 4 years . I,m not an audiophile but love to listen to all sorts of music specially soft and soothing. Nigeria happen to be the dump yard of EU & US and if searched properly you can find out some good systems . I have bought one amp and a cdplayer from Marantz (PM 700A) and Onkyo (DX1200) and had to enjoy the music from these only. the price I paid for the system is Naira 13,000/- eqivalent to Rs 4000/- But I must tell you these sounds lot better than my system in India (Yamaha amp , Tannoy Mercury MX1 M , Phillips CD Player) , There are couple of AV shops here mostly selling HT gears at the 3 times price , and I think there are no serious listeners here. People mostly come here to earn so nobody cares for audio here but the audio bug which bites me all the time force me to look around for good SQ,also there is always a threat for arm robberies so we are forced to live a simplest life , even a humble IPOD can put your life in danger. Thats the reason we dont really spend on good stuff , 2nd hand stuff even i stolen hardly matters for us. At least you need something in your house for them to rob apart from the money.;)

Now I,m planning to buy a Beresford DAC to hook it up with my laptop. I,ve converted almost all my cds into Flac using Exact Audio. I,ve already contacted Stan Beresford for the DAC maybe I shall buy it once I go on my leave during the summers.

Bye now

Happy listening


Good to know you have some cheap options out there.

Yeah I heard its dangerous out there. Guess you shouldn't spend on costly hi-fi then.

Take care.

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