

New Member
Sep 23, 2010
Dear All,

I have been browsing this site for several weeks now and found it to be most informative from the Indian music lover's point of view.

A big hello to all of you and before I start hassling you with my novice queries :), I would like to thank you for being so generous with your time and taking the effort to write such detailed and informative posts. I would never have heard of several wonderful Indian equipment makers if it wasn't for you.

This truly is a worthy community and I am delighted to join.

Best regards,
Welcome to the forum, we're all Hi-Fi nuts here, and hence it's a small but very helpful fraternity. What kinda system do you have
Thank you, gentlemen.

heynownow, I don't have good equipment but I want to buy a good system and that is why I was browsing this website. Currently I have an entry level Polk FS and the amp is from an old Philips HTIB. But even so, when I moved up from satellites I was surprised to find that I starting liking music I never liked earlier.

Mostly I listen to rock and hindi film songs but do enjoy fusion music as well (Night Song, Sampooran and Saptak being a few favorite albums). But when I moved to FS, I found that I started enjoying Mozart and Beethoven too, which never engaged me earlier. Imagine my shock!!

I concluded that I have been missing out on a lot of enjoyment because of poor equipment and this inspired me to look for a proper high quality amp and speakers.

I have been doing online research and I have decided that I will buy Indian made equipment as it seems that there are several Indian companies doing a wonderful job.

I have so far shortlisted two companies:

(shortlisted because once I listened to Quad ESLs and was blown away and this is the closest I can afford to an electrostat experience)

(shortlisted thanks to this website and because of Class A amps with high efficiency speakers that should be able to handle rock)

I found that both of these have plenty of fans in the Indian hifi community but they are always compared to foreign brands. I couldn't find any discussion where people compare the two against each other. Has anybody experienced both and shared their comparative impressions?
Hi heynownow,

My current system is nothing great. An entry level Polk FS and the amp is from an old Philips HTIB.

I have been wanting to get a proper system which is why I have been browsing these sites. I want to buy a good amp and speaker set from an Indian company and have so far narrowed down to Lyrita and Cadence.

I can see that both companies have a lot of fans but all review compare them to foreign brands rather than to each other. I wonder if somebody has listened to both and posted his comparative impressions.

I listen to rock and Hindi film music mostly though I also like fusion music e.g. Night Song, Sampooran, Saptak albums. I have heard a lot about tube amps and would like to try one if the corresponding speaker is sensitive enough to be able to play rock music. Lyrita seems to fit the bill but I am wondering if it is worth paying a lot more for one of the hybrid electrostats from Cadence. I listened to a Quad ESL once and it really blew my mind...

Would love to get some advice from you guys.

P.S. I live in Gurgaon and plan to go visit Viren soon but going to Pune for a Cadence audition is going to be a pain so if it is not worth it, I would rather not do it...
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welcome to hfv.. have a grt time here.... and lots more of knowledge gonna get poured
on you soon...

coz u did a sin u asked a question...... haha

kiddin man.. its our right... atleast for me .. coz m still a student here..
Thanks, ironhorse. Actually the gyaan inputs have been rather underwhelming. Could it be possible that nobody has listened to both Cadence and Lyrita??

Perhaps I need to switch my query into a separate thread - it seems to be lost in the introduction.

Strange also that my earlier post that seemed to be lost came up after 24 hours, by which time I had re-posted and now there are two identical posts...
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