Help read to decide on my home entertainment equipment!


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
Hi Guys, After scoring over all the threads and getting more confused than what I initially was, I have these questions.

I m venturing into building up my home entertainment system.

With what I have read, I think I need an AVR, 5.1 Speakers and a DVD Player.

I live in a rented place and the listening space is 10x25. The 40" LCD is placed accross is room midway.

I don't see myself watching many movies. 1-2 a week. MP3/FM will be 2-3 hrs per day. Sources will be compressed music, FM, DVD and divx files.

I m not vey particular about the surrounds as well. Even a brillian 3.1 system will do. Center is very important for me in movies.

AVR: budget $500 will be purchased in US. Is this a good idea? I m looking around denon 1909, yamaha 663 and Marantz SR5003. Everyone seems to be coming ip with new models viz 1910 and 765. Which one should I pickup for my requirements?

Also please let me know what intrconnects (brands and numbers) that is better purchased in US.

5.1 Speaker set: Budget Rs. 30-35k
contemplating Q Acoustics 1010i HCS and Energy Take Classic. Haven't heard any of these. Are there some others that I should be looking at? Where in Bangalore can I audition the speakers above?

Eventually I could buy a pair of FS if this set is not adequate for music.

I m looking for pure SQ at medium volumes.

Suggestions please. I will be eternally grateful.

All the receiver makes & models you mentioned are good. You can buy any one of them.

My personal choice is the Marantz SR5003.

There is one very serious problem if you are buying from the USA. One if the voltage which in all probability will be 110V. So do check on this. Don't buy if you can't switch to 230V & it is best to rule out a step down transformer method cause I don't know who makes a quality one.

The other is warranty. Marantz is a know name in India but support for something bought in the states might be an issue in India. It always is. This goes for all the makes you mentioned.

I have no experience with inter connects. I use Band Ridge. MX is equally good. Both these brands are not the best choice but they work well & this is what you want. I am not someone who will spend a bomb on inter connects cause i don't believe in such things. Besides I don't have a ear thats sharp or good enough to make out small changes from a simple inter connect upgrade.

Energy Take Classic is a good speaker system.

I suggest you go the whole hog & buy floor standers, a centre channel & sub woofer. You can actually delay the sub purchase if there are budget contraints.

I suggest Wharfedale 9.6 or 9.5 Floor Standers. Centre channel can be the matching 9CM or 9CS. Don't know where you can listen to them but it is possible to do so in Bangalore. I think their store is in GEM Plaza on Infantry Road.
All the receiver makes & models you mentioned are good. You can buy any one of them.

My personal choice is the Marantz SR5003.

There is one very serious problem if you are buying from the USA. One if the voltage which in all probability will be 110V. So do check on this. Don't buy if you can't switch to 230V & it is best to rule out a step down transformer method cause I don't know who makes a quality one.

The other is warranty. Marantz is a know name in India but support for something bought in the states might be an issue in India. It always is. This goes for all the makes you mentioned.

Was reading some more reviews and came accross Pioneer VSX-1019AH-K. This seems to have all the features I am looking for (iphone mainly) and future proof for atleast sometime to come. How does it compare to the sound quality of Yamaha 663 or the SR5003?

SR5003 is also $100 more than the rest of the crowd here. Is it worth spending that extra bit for the Marantz?

All the receivers I have seen on sale online are 110v. Is there a way to order the european power supplies in the US? I was thinking of using a step down transformer!
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5.1 Speaker set: Budget Rs. 30-35k
contemplating Q Acoustics 1010i HCS and Energy Take Classic. Haven't heard any of these. Are there some others that I should be looking at? Where in Bangalore can I audition the speakers above?

Where could I audition Q Acoustics, Energy and Klipsch speakers in Bangalore?
If you are sourcing your equipment from US then also look out for Emotiva they only sell online at Emotiva Audio :: Audiophile Quality Audio Electronics and loudspeakers for home theater and music at Factory Direct Prices; Multi Channel Amplifiers, Sound Processors, and Award Winning Speaker Systems and they make some excellent stuff at reasonable prices. Also they have dual power supply so working in India won't be an issue.

Never heard of them, also these guys dont have receivers. I could only see amps!
Never heard of them, also these guys dont have receivers. I could only see amps!

for the price of a compromised reciever you can have a separate's combo with emotiva. They are reputed manufacturers and sell only online. Their products are quite competent in performance per penny.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.