Hi Guys, After scoring over all the threads and getting more confused than what I initially was, I have these questions.
I m venturing into building up my home entertainment system.
With what I have read, I think I need an AVR, 5.1 Speakers and a DVD Player.
I live in a rented place and the listening space is 10x25. The 40" LCD is placed accross is room midway.
I don't see myself watching many movies. 1-2 a week. MP3/FM will be 2-3 hrs per day. Sources will be compressed music, FM, DVD and divx files.
I m not vey particular about the surrounds as well. Even a brillian 3.1 system will do. Center is very important for me in movies.
AVR: budget $500 will be purchased in US. Is this a good idea? I m looking around denon 1909, yamaha 663 and Marantz SR5003. Everyone seems to be coming ip with new models viz 1910 and 765. Which one should I pickup for my requirements?
Also please let me know what intrconnects (brands and numbers) that is better purchased in US.
5.1 Speaker set: Budget Rs. 30-35k
contemplating Q Acoustics 1010i HCS and Energy Take Classic. Haven't heard any of these. Are there some others that I should be looking at? Where in Bangalore can I audition the speakers above?
Eventually I could buy a pair of FS if this set is not adequate for music.
I m looking for pure SQ at medium volumes.
Suggestions please. I will be eternally grateful.
I m venturing into building up my home entertainment system.
With what I have read, I think I need an AVR, 5.1 Speakers and a DVD Player.
I live in a rented place and the listening space is 10x25. The 40" LCD is placed accross is room midway.
I don't see myself watching many movies. 1-2 a week. MP3/FM will be 2-3 hrs per day. Sources will be compressed music, FM, DVD and divx files.
I m not vey particular about the surrounds as well. Even a brillian 3.1 system will do. Center is very important for me in movies.
AVR: budget $500 will be purchased in US. Is this a good idea? I m looking around denon 1909, yamaha 663 and Marantz SR5003. Everyone seems to be coming ip with new models viz 1910 and 765. Which one should I pickup for my requirements?
Also please let me know what intrconnects (brands and numbers) that is better purchased in US.
5.1 Speaker set: Budget Rs. 30-35k
contemplating Q Acoustics 1010i HCS and Energy Take Classic. Haven't heard any of these. Are there some others that I should be looking at? Where in Bangalore can I audition the speakers above?
Eventually I could buy a pair of FS if this set is not adequate for music.
I m looking for pure SQ at medium volumes.
Suggestions please. I will be eternally grateful.