help to choose a TV set


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
I need to buy a new TV set.I mostly watch DishTV. and my viewing distance is about 9 ft.
I had read a lot in this forum but confused to which tv I choose,either CRT or LCD? I have checked samsung sony panasonic and LG LCds and dealer had kept a 26 inch LG LH 20 LCD for demo at my home.The problem with LCD viewing is that the routine DTH broadcast is 4:3 and which when viewed wide format it makes person look short nd fatty and if use zoom mode the scrolls nd upper portions are cut and when choose 4:3 format there are sideways black strech nd one sees a small windowed picture, considering this nd since we watch mostly DTH is it worth to buy LCD or choose 29 inch CRT? I can spend 40 K but i want value for money and good TV.
And If i wish to buy LCD out of Panasonic X11,Samsung LA32 A530 and LG 32LH 35HR which one is better? and if CRT then is it better to go for Samsung or Panasonic or LG?
Thanks and i m desperatly need valuable advice from the wise members as last 15 days i m unable 2 decide which one to buy.
I need to buy a new TV set.I mostly watch DishTV. and my viewing distance is about 9 ft.
I had read a lot in this forum but confused to which tv I choose,either CRT or LCD? I have checked samsung sony panasonic and LG LCds and dealer had kept a 26 inch LG LH 20 LCD for demo at my home.The problem with LCD viewing is that the routine DTH broadcast is 4:3 and which when viewed wide format it makes person look short nd fatty and if use zoom mode the scrolls nd upper portions are cut and when choose 4:3 format there are sideways black strech nd one sees a small windowed picture, considering this nd since we watch mostly DTH is it worth to buy LCD or choose 29 inch CRT? I can spend 40 K but i want value for money and good TV.
And If i wish to buy LCD out of Panasonic X11,Samsung LA32 A530 and LG 32LH 35HR which one is better? and if CRT then is it better to go for Samsung or Panasonic or LG?
Thanks and i m desperatly need valuable advice from the wise members as last 15 days i m unable 2 decide which one to buy.

hi confused;),
I ll recommend a lcd over a CRT TV. CRTs are getting older and ll be phased out soon. LCDs are sleek,lite and beautiful.
the picture getting rescaled,is not a issue i think u ll get used to it .At first it may look weird but let it not be a deal breaker for u
U will enjoy ur DVD movies a lot on LCDs.
samsung,sony,philips are best in business though sony is a bit above ur budget.
audition them and choose the one U like. my personal choice is sam=phi>sony.
if U still want to buy CRT i ll recommend a slim fit TV
I also want to point out that picture in 32"LCD looks smaller than 29"CRT!!!
Hi vulpine and madbulram,
thanks for replies but u both gave me two 180 degree advice,making me still confused to decide whom i listen?
Its an open forum, and each of us have our views. You read, evaluate what we say and listen yourself and decide :)

Bottom line is this, nothing can match a CRT clarity be it a plasma or LCD for DTH. So if you are going to watch DTH for next 3-4 yrs primarily on this TV CRT is the answer. There is no better TV than this.

If u will be watching more DVDs etc in 1 yr time, then it makes sense to buy a LCD else just go and get a good bargain on a CRT.
Thanks Madbulram,
Your reply made mr to select CRT as my new TV.
Could you pl tell me which are bset 29 inch CRT TV available in Indian market,cosidering price is no barrier for me.
I am thinking of Samsung 29A750/730 are they good? I had Onida 25 NV previously which I used for last 10 yrs without a single problem and just now sold at 5000/- Is Onida good too?
Kindly let me know ur valued opinion about best CRT
Thanks Madbulram,
Your reply made mr to select CRT as my new TV.
Could you pl tell me which are bset 29 inch CRT TV available in Indian market,cosidering price is no barrier for me.
I am thinking of Samsung 29A750/730 are they good? I had Onida 25 NV previously which I used for last 10 yrs without a single problem and just now sold at 5000/- Is Onida good too?
Kindly let me know ur valued opinion about best CRT

Hello Confused (sorry don't want to confuse you more by posting this :-)
I agree CRT will give you the best PQ...but then its the dying technology.

I think when you invest 17-20K for CRT...going by our Indian tendency you won't replace the TV for atleast 5 years which will be a big time after the CRT's are dead (may be you won't even get a buy back for CRT 5 years down the line).
I personally think when you buy such gadgets which we use in terms of years...then you should atleast be current even if you are not future proof in terms of technology.

I think for your 9ft. viewing distance atleast go for 42" Plasma if not the premium series LCD TV (which will be costly & out of your budget).
Dear Confused,

From your previous post, it looks like you have made up your mind for a CRT. Still, i would like to share my thoughts - as mentioned, the LCD will look little odd initially and once you start watching it more and more, you will like it even on a DTH - i have a samsung LCD connected to tatasky and it is good. Considering the space saving, elegance and other features like quality DVD watching and other hdmi/AVR possibilities, i would suggest a LCD or a plasma. Sure, you can save more money by buying a CRT and enjoy DTH, but weigh the pros and cons in a long term perspective. happy hunting.

Thanks swami and for a nontechnical dumb like me,its really fascinating that so many ppl try to sort mY confusion.Last 2-3 post made me rethink again for crt as many says its dying tech,and when one is upgrading its better to go for latest.So again i m at square no.1:-) To be hd or not to be! Its question of dumbest member on this forum.
I had a 29" sony wega crt with drc-mf, one of the best crt tvs. I was skeptical in upgrading to a flat panel. Finally I bought a 42" samsung plasma and believe me I like this much better than my crt. And it looks good even when it' not switched on ;)
And it looks good even when it' not switched on ;)


LCDs aren't really that bad when it comes to DTH viewing.
CRTs are any day better for PQ(DTH signals), but you are not going to observe each and every detail and colour precision or are you??

with in a year or so HD movies become so common and also bluray players So u wont regret the LCD
Hi,i am now planning to think to buy samsung la40b550 so pl tell me how good it is and the dealer offered me discount of 15% on mrp of 65000,thats around 55k so is it right price.Waiting impatiently for reply as i m going to buy in 2 days
Search the forum for the models you want. We discussed that enough. For price, read the price thread and u will get all the lastest prices.
the reason people say pick a CRT is the same reason they say don't pick a highly resolving set of speakers if you'r egoing to play MP3s......but you will some time want to move up from just watching DTH right? and our DTH transmissions will also move to HD and so on in the next year or two......why be stuck with a CRT that has a poor baselines on which the DTH looks good but nothing looks better?

You have a budget of 40k least consider a 42" plasma. Yes, DTH will look blocky, but the size is so good that even on 4:3 mode it looks much bigger than a CRT, and if you can live with the compressed-ness on some channels (some are not too bad) for a bit and also watch a few net it might be worth it.

My perspective is of course biased, i am a plasma owner and would not dream of going back to watching a standard definition CRT, and i watch more movies than those are my disclosures :)
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