Hi, I am back.

sachinchavan 15865

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
Thane, Mumbai
Hi guys,

I have joined back after a hiatus of a year or so. I left under frustration last year due to worsening forum conduct then. But, given my interest in the subject, I kept reading new posts regularly. And based on what I see, the forum has, largely speaking, returned back to its respectful, warm atmosphere - thanks to the mods as well as senior members who persisted. That has motivated me to join back as I couldn’t hold myself back from interacting with the old timers, getting to know the newer members and posting/discussing on both gear and music.

Now, the forum rules don’t allow reclaiming (and continuing with ) your older (deleted) membership, so I’ve started afresh. But with a username that connects with the posts/threads I made in the previous avatar which now appear as by ‘Deleted member 15865’. 😊

As for an update on the year passed by, not much has changed in my gear except the addition of a vintage Cambridge DAC3 (late nineties I suppose) which has added nice punch and more correct tonality to my system. A smaller addition has been the Zeus RCA from SoundFoundations - an affordable transparent analog interconnect. As for the platforms, I’ve settled on a combination of Spotify (labels) and YouTube Premium (live concerts). Don’t intend to go after the FLAC/Hi-Res options until they are officially launched in India. Anyway, though I was always oriented that way, I’ve moved further towards valuing emotion and musicality in my listening as compared to resolution and other hi-fi attributes. I hope it stays that way despite the peer pressure here. 😄 (there, I exhaust the quotas of smilies allowed in a post).

I must thank a few forum members - @prem , @kartick , @Bhaskar Jyoti Talapatra , @vikramdesigner @Yogesh who remained in touch so I had someone to discuss audio and music with this last one year. I look forward to getting back in touch with the rest of you!
Hi guys,

I have joined back after a hiatus of a year or so. I left under frustration last year due to worsening forum conduct then. But, given my interest in the subject, I kept reading new posts regularly. And based on what I see, the forum has, largely speaking, returned back to its respectful, warm atmosphere - thanks to the mods as well as senior members who persisted. That has motivated me to join back as I couldn’t hold myself back from interacting with the old timers, getting to know the newer members and posting/discussing on both gear and music.

Now, the forum rules don’t allow reclaiming (and continuing with ) your older (deleted) membership, so I’ve started afresh. But with a username that connects with the posts/threads I made in the previous avatar which now appear as by ‘Deleted member 15865’. 😊

As for an update on the year passed by, not much has changed in my gear except the addition of a vintage Cambridge DAC3 (late nineties I suppose) which has added nice punch and more correct tonality to my system. A smaller addition has been the Zeus RCA from SoundFoundations - an affordable transparent analog interconnect. As for the platforms, I’ve settled on a combination of Spotify (labels) and YouTube Premium (live concerts). Don’t intend to go after the FLAC/Hi-Res options until they are officially launched in India. Anyway, though I was always oriented that way, I’ve moved further towards valuing emotion and musicality in my listening as compared to resolution and other hi-fi attributes. I hope it stays that way despite the peer pressure here. 😄 (there, I exhaust the quotas of smilies allowed in a post).

I must thank a few forum members - @prem , @kartick , @Bhaskar Jyoti Talapatra , @vikramdesigner @Yogesh who remained in touch so I had someone to discuss audio and music with this last one year. I look forward to getting back in touch with the rest of you!
Welcome back Sachin in Arnold Schwarzenegger, Terminator style .
Good to have you back. Hoping Mpw also rejoins.
Thank you all, once again.

"Deleted member 15865" sounds like a rebel living in a dystopian future - shades of Blade Runner perhaps!
Good to see you back, Sachin!
For someone who was growing up in 1984, some of the things around us today surely do look dystopian. But then, there’s the brighter side, always. Also, as audiophiles we are all rebels - going against the mass trends in consumer audio. 😀

Hoping Mpw also rejoins.
Welcome back Sachin.... Your presence was surely missed... Are you still rocking Castle knight 2 and Audiolab 8000?
Oh yes @matazooma (it’s Audiolab 8200a). If I recollect right, didn’t you buy the CK 2 last year? Are you still hanging onto it or moved on?

Though @Analogous sir tried to fill the void with his thought provoking threads
Yes @drkrack, his threads expand our perspective on science, especially health and environment. And they are at times delightfully provoking too. 😊
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