Housekeeping question: cleaning speakers


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
How do you clean the speakers ? Have floorstanders. The other equipment can get some damp cloth, but any cautions when cleaning speakers. The dust on them is also collecting in my mind.

I have some very strange and outlandish methods that will seem surprising:
1) I use an Indian brand of "chinese chalk" called "Lakshmanrekha" (insect repellent) and draw a border at the base of both speakers. I also lightly coat the speaker cable in this so as to prevent ants, etc. from climbing onto it. It has worked well for me. I also draw a border around the rear ports to prevent insects from entering it.
2) For the drivers themselves I use a Scratch-Proof wipe from 3m/Scoth-brite. This is a micro-fibre cloth that I hope is safe on such delicate parts.
3) For hard to reach places such as rubber surrounds I use a camel-hair brush but very lightly. Obviously the brush is used only for this purpose.
4) I use a sticky "lint roller" for the cloth grills.
5) Soft cloth for rest of the speakers, i.e. sides, top.
6) I keep naphthalene balls near the speakers and the equipment.
7) Silica Gel bags near amp & players.

Would like to hear what other members are doing.
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I have some very strange and outlandish methods that will seem surprising:
1) I use an Indian brand of "chinese chalk" called "Lakshmanrekha" (insect repellent) and draw a border at the base of both speakers. I also lightly coat the speaker cable in this so as to prevent ants, etc. from climbing onto it. It has worked well for me. I also draw a border around the rear ports to prevent insects from entering it.
2) For the drivers themselves I use a Scratch-Proof wipe from 3m/Scoth-brite. This is a micro-fibre cloth that I hope is safe on such delicate parts.
3) For hard to reach places such as rubber surrounds I use a camel-hair brush but very lightly. Obviously the brush is used only for this purpose.
4) I use a sticky "lint roller" for the cloth grills.
5) Soft cloth for rest of the speakers, i.e. sides, top.
6) I keep naphthalene balls near the speakers and the equipment.
7) Silica Gel bags near amp & players.

Would like to hear what other members are doing.

My god Particleman u do take care of ur stuff!!!!
I personally use a similar very soft cloth all over the sides, back of the speaker and clean the grills with a soft brush.
I just dust off the electronics with a very soft brush(similar in design to those multi color car dusters) and would avoid using any liquid/cream on the surfaces. And yes i do use silica gel bags liberally all around the electronics.If u want ur cables(speaker & IC) to remain clean wrap some cling film on them. I prefer not cleaning/touching the drivers/tweeters unless they seem visually dirty which does not happen often as i leave the grills on at all times.
Have followed this routine once a week or so for two decades now and things seem to be fine!
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My god Particleman u do take care of ur stuff!!!!

Ha, ha, thanks, Dinyaar. Fact is, I have no choice. When you live on the ground floor, near a main road and not far from the sea you have to deal with frequent deposits of dust and the constant company of ants, cockroaches, moths, lizards, etc.

You are right that drivers should be treated carefully, that is important to keep in mind.
Sorry for reviving this very old thread, but I want to know how to clean speaker cones/drivers. My Mordaunt Short Carnival floor standing speakers have developed small brownish dust spots on the speaker cones. I tried to blow on them but they wouldn't budge. I very gently wiped one with a banian (vest) cloth wrapped around my finger and it came off a bit, but not entirely.

I also tried turning up the volume all the way up and playing music with lot of beats to get the cones to move, but that didn't disturb the spots either.

Any tips on how to clean the cones without any risk of damaging the speakers?

Sorry for reviving this very old thread, but I want to know how to clean speaker cones/drivers. My Mordaunt Short Carnival floor standing speakers have developed small brownish dust spots on the speaker cones. I tried to blow on them but they wouldn't budge. I very gently wiped one with a banian (vest) cloth wrapped around my finger and it came off a bit, but not entirely.

I also tried turning up the volume all the way up and playing music with lot of beats to get the cones to move, but that didn't disturb the spots either.

Any tips on how to clean the cones without any risk of damaging the speakers?


I was facing the same problem,
so I decided to made covers for my rti a7 since than my problem is solved so no more dust near tweeters and speaker cones.
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