how old are you??

Lets see what personal details are available in hifivision, a public forum ...
- Name
- your pics
- What do you do for a living
- Marital status
- your age

Now only how much you earn, your zodiac sign & personal health details remains.
I am rapidly getting old Just worrying about this ...
Lets see what personal details are available in hifivision, a public forum ...
- Name
- your pics
- What do you do for a living
- Marital status
- your age

Now only how much you earn, your zodiac sign & personal health details remains.
I am rapidly getting old Just worrying about this ...


as we get to know each other better, there are so many more details that need to be uncovered - such as -

when was the last income tax raid on your establishment?

post a photograph of your wife and mistress/mistresses side by side so we can compare (and have a good laugh!)

have you had heart bypass surgery - please post before/after scans of the blocked vessels (so we can compare and have a good laugh)

though you are forsworn to admit this - are you a freemason?

how many haircuts/hairstyles do you have in six months?

what was the electricity bill in your house last month?

how many gas cylinders does your home use in a month?

Oh! and there are many more!!!!

this is the only way we will get to know other forum members better!!:lol:

OOPS! my age = 49 years aged man.


Was getting tired of this social voyeurism overdose. Started with ancestral pedigree, then followed by an endless list of sky rocking accomplishments by educated scholars, bragging businessmen, boasting intellects, unadulterated snobs to full blown resume, family, kids, pets.... Where does all this digital peep show STOP?!

I wanna be young the rest of my life
never say no - try anything twice
til the angels come and ask me to fly
I'm gonna be 18 til I die -

18 til I die

( Song by my kid bro Bryan Adams )
looks like 'm a dunce here.

lol i see that you are lost.

:D guess what. Manu bahi's "Workshop" is still not up, so is he cooking up all these chit chat?


married and happy?

oxymorons - those two words - anyways, time will tell!:)

Suri sir , you sound like Yoda (from star wars):cool:
Ok .
'm 39 Unmarried... and Happy...

tautologous -these two words are?

atlast you caught me :sad:

soooo... married and 'Unhappy'? . c'om guys , make up your mind.
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