how to convert MP3 to WAV files


Nov 27, 2008
hyderabad india
dear friends,

most of my music collection is in MP3 format. i want to convert MP3 to WAV files to improve the SQ.

which is the best free software for above conversion .

dear friends,

most of my music collection is in MP3 format. i want to convert MP3 to WAV files to improve the SQ.

which is the best free software for above conversion .


Sorry to say,

converting MP3 to WAV cannot improve SQ as datalost in mp3 convrsion cannot be recoverded.

I can suggest for your req.- Power mp3 cutter joiner which is all in one.
which also is converter & search for serials.
Sorry to say,

converting MP3 to WAV cannot improve SQ as datalost in mp3 convrsion cannot be recoverded.

I can suggest for your req.- Power mp3 cutter joiner which is all in one.
which also is converter & search for serials.

thanks for the info. does this mean we have to download wav files from net, is this possible
thats fine. can MP3 be decompressed to WAV to improve SQ. for downloading music from net , in which format its to be downloaded for best SQ.

As Sprirovious has already said conversion into MP3 already has lesser there is no point in converting MP3's into WAV or any other format. For downloading music from internet, best is to download properly ripped FLAC files....You can use Torrent for this purpose...
thats fine. can MP3 be decompressed to WAV to improve SQ. for downloading music from net , in which format its to be downloaded for best SQ.

See during compression ,data is lost permonently(mostly higher frq & very low fq)Its not like winrar.So no use.
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thats fine. can MP3 be decompressed to WAV to improve SQ. for downloading music from net , in which format its to be downloaded for best SQ.

Dear friend,

.wav files are the main uncompressed file format in a windows (pc) set up.When you convert to mp3,the process uses certain algorithm and good amount of data gets removed.A wav file from a CD is about 1400Kilobytes/sec.IE that much amount of details,where as the highest quality mp3 is only 320Kb/sec.Normally it may not be appreciated in normal systems,but as compression becomes more,the loss of sound quality becomes more obvious.

FLAC files are using a different algorithm for data processing.The quality deterioration is very very less.Hence its a LOSE LESS Compression format.MP3 is a LOSSY Format.

Reconverting Mp3 back to .wav files wouldn't bring the lost data back.

Good Luck

In another thread we discussed about your choices for a budget CD Player that can also play MP3 files.

If you have a large collection of MP3 files, as I said in the other thread, look for an amp/receiver that can understand MP3 and 'enhance' them during playback. This is your best bet. I would say even use a portable player such as an iPod, and use a good amp.

dear friends,

most of my music collection is in MP3 format. i want to convert MP3 to WAV files to improve the SQ.

which is the best free software for above conversion .


hi wnrao,

as an aside, AAC format is much better than mp3 at the same bit rates so try songs in aac 192kbps instead of mp3 192kbps. there'd be a difference.

hi wnrao,

as an aside, AAC format is much better than mp3 at the same bit rates so try songs in aac 192kbps instead of mp3 192kbps. there'd be a difference.


maybe for newer rips. But he already has a collection of mp3s. So converting them to AAC will not improve anything except frustration levels.
exactly. :) thats why i said as an aside. for future ripping if required. the other posters have already covered the fact that you cannot regain what ripping to mp3 loses.

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