HT with wireless surround spkrs


New Member
Oct 25, 2010

I am quite new to this forum, and to HTs too!

I have purchased an LCD TV, and I already have a DVD Player with an HDMI output. I am looking for a basic HT or an HTiB. The usage will be about 80% audio and 20% movies. The constraint I have is that I won't be able to do any wiring to connect the surround speakers.

Are there any HTiBs in the market (in India) that either have "front-only" surround speakers or wireless-connected rear speakers? I checked some stores in Hyderabad but nobody had such systems. If none are available, I might have to settle for a regular HTiB and simply not connect the rear speakers, or place them alongside the front speakers.

Any input will be hugely appreciated!

- htnovice
What is your budget?

For front only:
You can go for a "Sound Bar" or an AVR that will simulate 5.1 with front speakers

For wireless:
Even wireless speakers would require 1 wire for each speaker for power. Is that okay for your usage?
As netfreak says, it depends on your budget.

Philips has 2 sound bar models priced at 28k and 36k approx which simulate surround sound effects. Yamaha has an sound bar which directs sound around the room..have auditioned it and was pretty impressive...costs about 90k...

If your usage is going to be 80% music I would recommend you going for a stereo amp, which can also be used for movies..only the surround information will be played out on your front having wired surrounds placed in front right:)
Thanks, netfreak and asterix. Sounds bars don't seem to be very popular. Guess, I'll go with an AVR which simulates surround and 2.1 speakers. Any suggestions? My budget is about 30k.

- htnovice.
At 30k you will get a Denon 1611 or 1610 (if available)...I assume you plan to add on surround speakers later with a 2.1 as a starting which case an AVR makes sense...if you dont intend getting surround speakers, you will be better off with a stereo amp like the NAD 326 which has a sub woofer pre out which enables a 2.1 and be excellent for music as well.
I want to understand why you want to go wireless? Is that you dont like wires? Whats the constraint? The wires will give you the best effect. The wireless systems are actually not wireless systems.

I saw one SONY (SONY just that I wanted to know the technology) system. It had a basic principle of transmitter and receiver at GHz freq (bluetooth range). The rear speakers were connected to the receiver. So, they were still wired. And the rear receiver needs power to run.

I did not see any advantage of the system rather there are many disadvantages:-

-high cost.
-interference (being wireless and more circuitry).
-difficult installation.
if youre usage is going to be 80% music then i suggest a 2 channel stereo setup. for 30k youre not going to get much in terms of sq from a 5.1 setup
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.