Interesting Hypex amps build pictures

wow..that is such a steal for those Hypex module based amps. I've heard a few of those amps are they are bloody brilliant. The best Class D amps I evar heard!!

I wish i had that kind of pocket change lyring around, would've instantly picked them up.

Fantastic deal there.

Nice spotting this one George.

The ones i heard were built by Veloce audio. They were using a tube input buffer and were running on batteries!! Honestly, I had no idea that they were class D amps. Figured that they were some class A mono blocks that they were running. Definitely worth building. Heck am tempted between springing for a Buffalo 2 and this..might end up going for the buffalo 2 since i want a decent balanced DAC.

The Wyred 4Sound DAC 1 is looking interesting too.