Is Topping amp better than Norge


Active Member
Sep 2, 2008
Dear friends,

Just a question, is the topping T20 amp better than Norge 2060 in terms of sound quality, and VFM.
Nvr tried the toppng but i am well aware its low powerd and that wud make it tough to drive any floor standrs and wont have the sound to fill up a big room!.the norge 2060 on the other hand has the power as its advantage but distortion/bad sq at high volumes as its disadvantage!.
It can fill up a big room provided the floorstanders in questions have 90db plus sensitivity.
And yes, the sq is very good. Not heard the Norge though.
...the norge 2060 on the other hand has the power as its advantage but distortion/bad sq at high volumes as its disadvantage!.

Hi, my experience with Norge 2060 + Wharfe 9.2... I increased volume till 11'o clock position, and it was loud enough that I couldn't make out what the sales guy (approx 2m from me) was speaking. I would put that loudness at 80dB at 2 m distance from speakers. The 2060 at this volume was sounding distortion free. I didn't try any louder since I don't listen to music that loud.

I don't know how a 2060 will drive floorstander like wharfe 9.5. However the Norge 1000 is known to drive floorstanders like Missions and wharfes "moderately" loud (approx 80dB).

Absolutely - YES!
Thanks Malvi, that means there is no point in going for a Norge if I want a stereo system which I will will not play very loud.
Nvr tried the toppng but i am well aware its low powerd and that wud make it tough to drive any floor standrs and wont have the sound to fill up a big room!.the norge 2060 on the other hand has the power as its advantage but distortion/bad sq at high volumes as its disadvantage!.
Thanks metalmikey
It can fill up a big room provided the floorstanders in questions have 90db plus sensitivity.
And yes, the sq is very good. Not heard the Norge though.
Thanks iaudio I do agree with you.
Hi, my experience with Norge 2060 + Wharfe 9.2... I increased volume till 11'o clock position, and it was loud enough that I couldn't make out what the sales guy (approx 2m from me) was speaking. I would put that loudness at 80dB at 2 m distance from speakers. The 2060 at this volume was sounding distortion free. I didn't try any louder since I don't listen to music that loud.

I don't know how a 2060 will drive floorstander like wharfe 9.5. However the Norge 1000 is known to drive floorstanders like Missions and wharfes "moderately" loud (approx 80dB).

Thanks sonosphere the loudness factor is taken care of but what about the sound quality.
Thanks sonosphere the loudness factor is taken care of but what about the sound quality.

Hi lifewater,
Not been fortunate enough to listen to this little wonder, however considering Malvai's exposure to Hi end stuff, I would trust his judgement reg Topping.
I personally found the Topping tp20 to be detailed and transparent, it can definitley take up a fight with any of the budget integrated amps from international manufacturers, when it comes to sound quality.
if your speakers have a reasonably high sensitivity and if you don't listen to your music too loud and if the music that you listen to shouldn''t/ needn't be listened to too loud (such as acoustic jazz) then i guess amps with low wattage should at least be tried out as an experiment...i cannot explain this with the right adjectives but i find such music better with my 15watt musica as compared to my 50W NAD..
All the questions being asked here are answered in the other Topping vrs NAD BEE thread. Please search there and most questions will be resolved.
Any good budget speakers >90db sensitivity for pairing with Topping?(from Indian dealers)

Klipsch Refrence series are the best match on paper. Have'nt heard them yet with the Topping (as it is still to arrive). Klipsch is 'bit' expensive, though. But, with >90 db sen and 8 ohm impedance.

1) CA S30 series ... looks to be the best budget (Rs. 9K) match ... 90 db & 4-8 ohm, but rear ported .... might not suit me ... but have to audition myself.

2) Polk RTiA1 ... good specs ... 89 db ... 8 ohms ... front ported. Ok price @ Rs. 15K.

3) Paradigm Atom ... again good specs ... 89 db ... 8 ohms... but, rear ported. Price @ Rs. 16k.

You may provide your listings or studies ... I may like to look at other choices which I might not have looked at, till now.
Klipsch Refrence series are the best match on paper. Have'nt heard them yet with the Topping (as it is still to arrive). Klipsch is 'bit' expensive, though. But, with >90 db sen and 8 ohm impedance.

1) CA S30 series ... looks to be the best budget (Rs. 9K) match ... 90 db & 4-8 ohm, but rear ported .... might not suit me ... but have to audition myself.

2) Polk RTiA1 ... good specs ... 89 db ... 8 ohms ... front ported. Ok price @ Rs. 15K.

3) Paradigm Atom ... again good specs ... 89 db ... 8 ohms... but, rear ported. Price @ Rs. 16k.

You may provide your listings or studies ... I may like to look at other choices which I might not have looked at, till now.

Atom 16k Where ? details please.:)
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