Jamo C809 + Vincent Amp - Advice needed for CD player


New Member
Sep 6, 2009
Hi all,
I just purchased a pair of Jamo C809 which are driven through Vincent SP331, which is a great amp. The preamp I use is a Rotel RC 1082. I use Atlas Equator Interconnects and Van den Hul CS122 speaker cable. I also took a chance with the Beresford Caiman as the source. I find that the Caiman is a good DAC for the price. It sounds good with mellow Indian and western music. But it is not up to the mark for Rock music or anything that demands pace and attack. I am looking for a CD player that is more live and punchy, something that may go along with my current setup. The speakers and amp are laid back, so a live CD player may negate these characteristics. I am not sure if changing the speaker cable will change the attributes of the sound, it may enhance it.
I have looked at Rega Apollo, Marantz CD6003 and Naim CD5i. i also heard about Ayon. Ability to play MP3 would be an added bonus. I appreciate any feedback.
the ayon CD7 supports a USB input through which you can play MP3 or connect an IPOD. IMO, it's also the best player of the ones you mentioned - also the more expensive one at the 1 La range (don't know what the Rega costs)

I think the Rega Apollo is around Rs.40,000, Naim cd5 upwards of 1 lac while the Cd6003 happens to be the only budget player at Rs.22k.
i think subhash has a setup similar to urs,the c809/vincent.do pm him,am sure u'll get some direction reg the player.u have there a great speaker/amp combo.enjoy the music!!cheers
Hello Rallynut,
I had contacted him prior to my purchase. He was very helpful and gave me a lot of feedback. I know that he is using Marantz SACD player. I know that it is a good player, but feel that it lacks the punch for rock music. Thanks for the feedback.
Hello Rallynut,
I had contacted him prior to my purchase. He was very helpful and gave me a lot of feedback. I know that he is using Marantz SACD player. I know that it is a good player, but feel that it lacks the punch for rock music. Thanks for the feedback.

i use the Marantz SA-11S1 SACD player , its a good one, sounds good for all kinds of music its very natural sounding but some may miss out on the sparkle/brightness offered by the 6003/5003 marantz cdps
Hey all,
After some thorough research, I am currently looking at either the Ayon CD1s or CD2s. I will decide after an audition. I am pretty sure that the CD2s is better sonically, however, there is also a substantial price difference. I would buy the CD2s if the higher price is justified. Thanks
just a thought,may not fit into ur scheme of things,but have u considered the emotiva ;)??seems like a good vfm bet.of course,if u have more money to spend,..YMMV!!!cheers
The price difference between the CD-1s and the CD-2 is not that much and is about the same difference between the CD-7 and the CD-1s. In your setup, the CD-2 is likely to be an overkill. The CD-2 has better extension, transparency and speed than the CD-1s. CD-2 is also completely balanced - internal topology. if your other components are able to support this capability, the CD-2 will be worth it. IMHO, in yours setup, the CD-1s is sufficient, perhaps even the CD-7 (can take an USB input), the CD-2 would be an overkill but if you did buy something like it, it would easily survive a couple upgrades to the rest of the components in your system.

With no disrespect to the Marantz mentioned, one of my customers had this CDP before he tried the older Ayon CD-1 model and the difference is substantial with the Ayon being better (pls note that I say not just different but better). The Ayon will not be an exception, even an Ayre or a Cary (or another) equivalently priced boutique player will perform on par or better.

If you are in BLR, you are welcome to come by for an audition

I definitely feel that the CD2 is an overkill, may be the CD1s is pushing it a little far as well. I love engaging, punchy and dynamic music. This is the only reason I am going for the Ayon. Also, the CD1s is more similar to the CD2 and has volume control. The ability to function as a DAC is an advantage as well. I am planning on building an HTPC to run blu rays and to function as a music server. I will connect that into the Ayon and use it as a DAC.
I think the shipping on the Emotiva is high compared to the price on the unit. Also, I dont think it is comparable to either the Marantz players or Ayon. Thanks for the feedback
but this is the "REFERENCE"

against which every other (mediocre) player must be measured -

make no mistake - this (Marantz SA-11S1) is - "THE ONE"

hi suri

definetly this CDP (marantz 11S1) sounds great , its more natural sounding what i meant by missing out on the sparkle/brightness is ,previous to this i had a 5003 and kept switching btwn them ,the 5003 sounded more bright and not too natural ,there was more of treble and bass and most info was missing.

In the 11S1 u get to hear detailed info on all instruments and the frequencies are very much smoother .The cymbals/vocals/ kick drum etc etc are very very natural but in the 5003 most notes just pass as some high/low frequency notes
so this exagerated notes may be missed by some
vivemtu, a couple of our members did a comparo of the said Emotiva and Marantz and found the former trumping the latter.


I think rallynut suggested it in the light of this thread. The main problem is that the shipping is high compared to the cost of the player and that you cant audition it.

i doubt the shipping cost is expensive on the emotiva , in fact it wud only be abt 10-20:/: more if shipped via border linx . ie if the cost of the cdp is under 400 $ u wud spend an additional 70-100 $ at the most or even less .Which still wud be worth ,u cud use the Border linx calculator to get the Aprox

About audition , guys in US are lucky as they have a return policy within 30 days ..........but thats tough on us ............but still when it comes to Emotiva i wud buy without audition
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.