Jewel Bearing


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008

I am planning/hoping to DIY an unipivot tonearm, like the ones below.

diyAudio - maintenance

diyAudio - maintenance

Can anyone tell of a source for VEE Jewel Bearings and VEE jewel pivots in India,preferably in Madras.

Sapphire Vee Jewel Bearing .1244" / .1256" OD , Angle 90 / 95 Degrees , Thickness .0880" / .0930" , Vee Depth .0450" / .0550" |

Stainless Steel Vee Jewel Pivots Angle 70 Degrees , .0397" - .0403" OD , .365" - .375" Length (Pack of 5) |

They are available at,but if available locally it would be great.

I would also like to know where arrow shafts can be bought.I called a couple of Sports stores and they did not have any Archery stuff.

This is still in the planning/research stage and suggestions/ideas from members are welcome.


I am planning/hoping to DIY an unipivot tonearm, like the ones below.

diyAudio - maintenance

diyAudio - maintenance

Can anyone tell of a source for VEE Jewel Bearings and VEE jewel pivots in India,preferably in Madras.

Sapphire Vee Jewel Bearing .1244" / .1256" OD , Angle 90 / 95 Degrees , Thickness .0880" / .0930" , Vee Depth .0450" / .0550" |

Stainless Steel Vee Jewel Pivots Angle 70 Degrees , .0397" - .0403" OD , .365" - .375" Length (Pack of 5) |

They are available at,but if available locally it would be great.

I would also like to know where arrow shafts can be bought.I called a couple of Sports stores and they did not have any Archery stuff.

This is still in the planning/research stage and suggestions/ideas from members are welcome.

Hi Rajiv,
I am also hoping to DIY tonearm.You can use ball pen refill as Jewel bearing.Carbon fiber arrow shafts are available here
Search Results for All from Playgroundonline, Online shopping India
Please have a look at following threads:
my latest iteration of "Nanook's 219 tonearm".. - diyAudio
DIY Tonearm of found objects, aka "Redboy's WonderBlunder Arm" - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums


Sachin,thanks for the links.

I saw the carbon arrow shafts,not very expensive.I would prefer either wood or Aluminum if i can find them. Not a big fan of carbon/acrylic,etc.

You can use ball pen refill as Jewel bearing

Let me see if I can find the VEE jewel bearings for not too much money.failing which I will go the ballpen route.


Sachin,thanks for the links.

I saw the carbon arrow shafts,not very expensive.I would prefer either wood or Aluminum if i can find them. Not a big fan of carbon/acrylic,etc.

Let me see if I can find the VEE jewel bearings for not too much money.failing which I will go the ballpen route.


Hi Rajiv,
This person has used bearing from a hard drive.
Turntable Forum • View topic - Low Cost DIY Tonearm


To my mind, bearing is going to play a very important role for this tonearm build. If I were you, I would go and order the bearings from

Hard disk option is not a bad one either.

To my mind, bearing is going to play a very important role for this tonearm build. If I were you, I would go and order the bearings from

Hard disk option is not a bad one either.


Anil,if I can't find a good Jewel Bearing locally,I plan to get it from Smallparts.

I found a Naim Aro drawing on the net,and a HiFi News DIY article from 1968.
Might borrow some ideas from them.

h Unipivot Design

Listed under Homemade pickup arm Unipivot design towards the bottom of the page.

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Now I better understand the meaning of the proverb " Necessity is the mother of invention". Never understood it's meaning as a kid when we used to write it 50 times as imposition in school!

Anil,if I can't find a good Jewel Bearing locally,I plan to get it from Smallparts.

You can get these kind locally. Jewels only. She's bearing (boring too!), but that's a different matter :)

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I have been travelling this past week and got back to Madras this afternoon.

I have located a dealer for Jewel bearings in Madras and will probably visit him in a day or two.

Will keep posting updates .

[QUOTEI am thinking of starting a new thread on this site on a DIY turntable. Do you think this will prove popular?


It might be popular but Turntables are precision machines.While it is possible to DIY a TT that will spin the record at the correct speed, it is too much work/expense to DIY a TT that will perform as well as a budget/mid priced TT .


I have been travelling this past week and got back to Madras this afternoon.

I have located a dealer for Jewel bearings in Madras and will probably visit him in a day or two.

Will keep posting updates .

[miroflex] I am thinking of starting a new thread on this site on a DIY turntable. Do you think this will prove popular?

It might be popular but Turntables are precision machines.While it is possible to DIY a TT that will spin the record at the correct speed, it is too much work/expense to DIY a TT that will perform as well as a budget/mid priced TT .



The arm is the precision and difficult part. If you are planning to make this, assembling the motor, platter and arm in relation to the plinth should be an easier job. Don't you agree?

The arm is the precision and difficult part. If you are planning to make this, assembling the motor, platter and arm in relation to the plinth should be an easier job. Don't you agree?


Yes, the arm is a precision part,but the beauty of the unipivot design is that it is very simple to DIY. The bearing is the most critical part in this design.That is why I am looking for the jewel bearings.

I could go with a Ball pen tip or a knitting needle and get reasonably good results.

The rest of the parts arm wand,tonearm base clamping system etc are not that complicated and there are infinite materials to choose from(wood,carbon,steel,Aluminium,etc) dependiing on the listeners choice of the sound he is after.

I would never attempt to DIY an arm like the Linn,Rega SME etc.

Hi Rajiv,
AFAIK the arrows used locally are made of bamboo. If it would work for you I'll PM the details of a contact for the arrows.
AFAIK the arrows used locally are made of bamboo. If it would work for you I'll PM the details of a contact for the arrows.


I am interested.I am exploring all options for this DIY build.

Please PM the contact details.

There is an online store that sells arrows made of carbon fiber for around Rs.550 each.

Hi Rajiv,

Since you are trying every source, may I mention clockmaking. This is a popular hobby in the West where there are many amateur clockmakers and books, magazines and suppliers dedicated to clockmaking. I am sure you could consult them with profit. I can't lay my hands on any book or magazine at the moment but you can go to the nearest British Council library. You are sure to find something on the subject.


Some progress on the tonearm front.

The first parts for the tonearm have arrived. Richie(Grubyhalo) gave me a pair of bamboo arrow shafts.Richie is also trying to get shafts made of Aluminium and the carbon +Aluminium composite from his friend who is an archer.

Thank you very much Richie. I really enjoyed our listening session yesterday. Thanks to you I listened to some of the LP's/music that I have not listened to in quite a while(Police,Queen,etc)

The bearings have been ordered but will arrive only in Feb/March when my wife returns from her trip to visit her brothers.Shipping was working out to be expensive.I opted to wait a little longer and buy another bearing with the money saved on shipping.It also gives me a back up bearing if I mess up first time around.

The headshell design will be based on the Clearaudio tonearm.It is a very simple and easy to get made by a good machine shop.

I plan to copy the arm mounting base and VTA adjustment from the old Decca arm,but will be finalised once the bearings arrive.

...I really enjoyed our listening session yesterday. Thanks to you I listened to some of the LP's/music that I have not listened to in quite a while(Police,Queen,etc)...

Rajiv, the pleasure was all ours, believe me. If I did not have guests waiting outside my door back home, we would've imposed ourselves quite a while longer. My friend was so taken by your passion for music (I think it was the cryo-treated audiophilic footers for the Garrard that did the trick ;) ), he's going to look out for classical LP's that he thinks you would enjoy!
he's going to look out for classical LP's that he thinks you would enjoy!


That would be great.

I have source for Western Classical LP's in very good condition.If he can give me a list I will pick them up from my source.

Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.

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