jriver or foobar or something else


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2014
Hello friends,

I have been using foobar on my laptop to play through usb for quite some time now. Today i tried jriver and seem more smooth in treble and better in bass region. Foobar seem harsh in comparision. Anyone else having same experience. Why there is difference in the two players using same driver, is jriver procesing sound it seems. What other players should i try.
Hello friends,

I have been using foobar on my laptop to play through usb for quite some time now. Today i tried jriver and seem more smooth in treble and better in bass region. Foobar seem harsh in comparision. Anyone else having same experience. Why there is difference in the two players using same driver, is jriver procesing sound it seems. What other players should i try.
I'm pretty satisfied with Audirvana for PC, try it out for one month free.
Hello friends,

I have been using foobar on my laptop to play through usb for quite some time now. Today i tried jriver and seem more smooth in treble and better in bass region. Foobar seem harsh in comparision. Anyone else having same experience. Why there is difference in the two players using same driver, is jriver procesing sound it seems. What other players should i try.
Couple of years back when I was on laptop based setup, the bit perfect volume control implementation in JRIver was a tad better than foobar.
However there are some tweaks to be done in foobar to improve on this as I preferred using foobar owing to its simplicity and more so it being totally free.
Most important in foobar is to bypass windows mixer by installing the DACs native ASIO driver or the universal WASAPI component and choosing the same to output. Also disable Replay gain. There are some more tweaks that I dont remember now.
I was also running a heavily optimized windows with a dedicated machine for audio.
I guess @keith_correa has developed some more windows tweaks in this direction.

That said, J RIver has some advanced features that help in scaling the output including direct DRC plugin support, total active implementation, parametric equalizer plugins, delay, TA, room correction interface to REW and more.
JPlay. Can be used as a plugin in foobar or used as a standalone player

I just tried jplay, can it be run as a standalone player? i did not find any gui.

I also tried audirvana before that and was very impresed with its sound, without jplay. its way better than anything i have heard till now. It was way better than jriver.

Then I ran jplay it with foobar and also audirvana

I think the player also gives a certain sound to the jplay plugin. With foobar it was marginally better or i could not find difference with or without jplay

With jplay on top of audirvana, i think it might be best but still not able to figure out how much jplay is adding to audirvana sound.
Mac Users could try Pine Player. I chanced upon this software when searching for Foobar for Mac (which doesn't exist). I am a recent Mac convert so pardon the naivety in that department. However, the player is quite pleasing to the ear. I haven't been too critical with it but the sound is quite engaging. Plethora of formats are supported which is good. I am sure some in-build DSP is going on in the code. However, I find it slightly more refined sounding than Foobar. Trying it is worth it for Mac users out there as it costs nothing!!
There is JPlay mini. It works as a standalone player. It's pretty basic. Looks like a text file. You copy the files you want into the text interface and it starts playing.

Just tried that,, trouble seems that somehow i cannot use ASIO driver with jplay (if i select it, jplay crashes) so maybe its not working upto full potential. I am still favouring Audirvana for this reason. Audirvana also has Tidal inbuilt and can use vst plugins. I am not able to decide which one is better sopnically, Audirvana with my DACs asio driver or audirvana with jplay driver.
Hello friends,

I have been using foobar on my laptop to play through usb for quite some time now. Today i tried jriver and seem more smooth in treble and better in bass region. Foobar seem harsh in comparision. Anyone else having same experience. Why there is difference in the two players using same driver, is jriver procesing sound it seems. What other players should i try.
Assuming you are using usb input on your DAC, in the long run, if possible, get away from USB on target side.
Assuming you are using usb input on your DAC, in the long run, if possible, get away from USB on target side.

I was using allo digione signature since last more than a year but after i got a high quality usb to i2s converter for my dac, i starting liking usb more than spdif, digione sig although with much cleaner output seem little more emphasized on treble and light on bass, maybe my dac likes usb more. I think i should get a usbsignature that would work better but missing the convinience of a windows laptop is dreaded.
Just tried that,, trouble seems that somehow i cannot use ASIO driver with jplay (if i select it, jplay crashes) so maybe its not working upto full potential. I am still favouring Audirvana for this reason. Audirvana also has Tidal inbuilt and can use vst plugins. I am not able to decide which one is better sopnically, Audirvana with my DACs asio driver or audirvana with jplay driver.
Generally it works better with Kernel Streaming. You may need to tweak some settings to get it stable (some of them don't work well with Asio)
Generally it works better with Kernel Streaming. You may need to tweak some settings to get it stable (some of them don't work well with Asio)

Only WASAPI is working for jplay for me, asio and kernel streaming causing crashes.
Try changing some of the buffer settings. Have had that work resolving with some usb interfaces in the past

KS worked after changing buffer, but ASIO doesnt work still. I can say jplay (through jplaymini and through kinsky) is excellent compared to audirvana and foobar after a careful listen. Its more transparent sounding and better overall. Through foobar its not so good. Tidal from jplay and bubbleupnp is also superior to everything else i have heard.
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