

Active Member
Jul 7, 2018
Hello All, Anyone using Kaleidescape movie player in India, if so please let me know the price and where you purchased.

Also please comment it’s pros and cons
Thanks all
How can you be, when even I’m
not:-). Depending on how things go, I may still go with my original plan of getting the Strato S 6 TB. We shall see.
What will be the approximate cost.will we be able to use in india.
When I contacted them about 6 months back I was told around that much and they said I can't use it in india.
Also please comment it’s pros and cons
Thanks all
Pros are you get a movie library that’s Bluray and the best quality for both audio and video which is very easy and convenient to use. Cons are it’s very expensive and no service available in India incase of any faults. Also you can get the same experience in a HTPC at the fraction of the cost.
Pros are you get a movie library that’s Bluray and the best quality for both audio and video which is very easy and convenient to use. Cons are it’s very expensive and no service available in India incase of any faults. Also you can get the same experience in a HTPC at the fraction of the cost.
is there any thread/link available to read more about potential HTPC build to compete Kaleidescape?
is there any thread/link available to read more about potential HTPC build to compete Kaleidescape?
I haven’t come across any such thread in hifivision. I don’t follow international av forums but you should find many if you google. @Tuhin Lavania is building a HTPC who also happens to have JVC nx7. But be warned he is slower then a turtle in building his HT so you will need lot of patience till he gets it completed hahah. And also from a HTPC you won’t benefit much since your preference is OTT on the audio front but definitely you will see major difference with your PJ performance when u involve madvr.
I haven’t come across any such thread in hifivision. I don’t follow international av forums but you should find many if you google. @Tuhin Lavania is building a HTPC who also happens to have JVC nx7. But be warned he is slower then a turtle in building his HT so you will need lot of patience till he gets it completed hahah. And also from a HTPC you won’t benefit much since your preference is OTT on the audio front but definitely you will see major difference with your PJ performance when u involve madvr.
No, actually i completed the HTPC part. Its a bit overkill on the HTPC side since i also wanted it for gaming so went for the Ryzen 5950x ( not needed for HTPC ) and a 3080Ti ( again, not needed but can help due to extra tensor and CUDA cores for MadVr )
Image side of things, its a kickass machine combined with MadVr. I personally will never go back to a only Projector setup for watching movies. A external VP is necessary, be it a HTPC or Envy or Lumagen.

Im not very sure how beneficial a Kaleidescape is, given its price. At that price im never going to buy it, ever. So i never thought of using it or building anything around it. I never stream content. Every movie, in its best possible format is downloaded and shifted to external Hard drives and playd via HTPC. The HTPC is purely for MadVR and Gaming which it does beautifully.
Also please comment it’s pros and cons

Sorry, missed this. Pros are disc like quality (for the most part) and a vast collection of (mostly) Hollywood titles. The interface gets rave reviews and the "scenes" feature makes for readymade demo material for fellow enthusiasts. Control system integration for lighting and aspect ratios. A growing collection of 4K titles (close to 500 at last count) that aren't available on disc (and may never be). The biggest pro for me personally is the addition of the rental feature earlier this year. This makes the price for the content a bit more palatable (~$8/applicable title), given that I rarely watch the same movie more than once.

The biggest con is the pricing for the hardware (Strato players as well as the Terra storage servers). Niche and a monopoly generally don't augur well for pricing. Ironically, despite their "monopoly" status, they're at the mercy of large studios and streaming services that are now doubling up as content producers. I do feel like their LT survival does depend on getting the original content of the streaming services on the Kaleidescape platform. And even that might not be enough given the improvement in the quality of streaming. Also, there's titles that don't have the immersive audio tracks that the disc equivalents have (especially Atmos).

All things considered, this is a "risky" bet, IMO. If you can get comfortable with the risk and funds allow, go for it. From my reading, there are very few folks who have bought into the Kaleidescape platform that would live without one afterwards.
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