Lavardin amplifiers

Hi squarewave

I have had the older Lavardin for a very short time in my system. I preferred the Sonneteer Alabaster to it. Sugden, Lavardin, Sonneteer are all cut from the same cloth.
I have heard it many years back while scouting for an amp and ended up with a Sugden. was intrigued by their 'Memory effect". very smooth sounding amp and packs a punch.

too $$$ at the price though ! the Sugden Masterclass series to me more VFM
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Hi Squarewave

I think it was IT. But it was way way back. Probably close to 15 years back
I have hear the old IS model..forgot the speakers i heard it with though//too many moons back !
what are you looking at ?
Hi Squarewave

The IT was always there. The newer model would be an improved version.
Hello folks,
I recently contacted the Lavardin for the amps & pricing. Below are the details:
Model ISx price is 2200€, ISx Ref 3300€ Model ITx 6200€ Model ITx20 10800€
I am just curious as they are not so powerful but the guy named Cevl mentioned:
"Dear Sir,
2,9 ohm concern a very little part of the spectrum, it is no problem at all.
in 1997 we powered the first presentation to the world of the Focal Utopia range, including the Grande Utopia,
just friven like crazy with our AP150 2x50W power amplifier …. nearly the same as any Model ISx.
All the distributors over the planet where stunned … by the Utopia."

Point in discussion was 2ohm stability since I own Focals & looking for an amp change which can handle 2ohm loads since my Aria has an Z dip at 2.9Ohm.
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