Lazy by habit?


Sep 13, 2009
How often have you seen people dump a wrapper just 10 feet before a "use me"?
How often have you seen park right in front of a no parking sign and then pay for their mistake because they didn't, really didn't, know it was "no Parking Zone"?
How often have you seen people just getting trigger happy on the keyboard and just starting off a new thread without searching the forum first?
Do people even read the rules? Apparently not. Just too lazy, I guess.

But the fact remains that it is bloddy irritating to read the same kinf od questions over and over and over again!
"Does impedence matter?"
"What is the best HTIB under 60k?"
"Do DAC's really improve SQ?"

Guys, let's stop being lazy and sloppy. Let's begin by following forum rules. Let's search for relevant threads. Let's moderate our own selves.

Now for the the advantages of such a thing:
if one were to post the same old query in a relevant post, one would a) find the answer without having to ask the question afresh. b) one would find a treasure of additional information which one might not have considered in the first place! and c) if there is new question that suddenly begs to be answered, the experts on that thread will answer and it will become a part of the larger whole. Waiting to be discovered as one huge repository on that subject to the members that will follow. In the long run, making it very convenient for all!

Let's stop being bloody lazy!
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Hey Malvai, the guys who post such queries are so lazy that I'm sure they wouldn't read this post of yours, especially considering that it doesn't appear in the "Home" page.:D
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