Let's talk digital!


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
New Delhi
Happy New Year Everyone!

Those who know me know that I am a hard core digital guy. There is only one way in which I have played my music in last two decades, the digital way. 2014, a new year, and a year of anticipations at that. What a better way to begin this year than by sharing how I have been getting a lot from digital by investing just a little?

Firstly I thought of just making this thread a thread about "My computer transport". Because that's the part which will be most relevant for most people interested in this thread. Other parts of my setup (and my methods) may or may not interest others. But this is a part everyone can relate to. And by everyone I mean, everyone who has tasted digital and is constantly trying to get more. Everyone who has been reading about digital but falls short of venturing into it because of his non-tech-savvy nature. Everyone who has always been in analogue, but wants to start into digital. Everyone who is firmly into digital and yet wants to improve upon what he is getting. Most importantly, this thread is for everyone who wants to get more by investing less.

This thread, however, is not for digital vs analogue discussions. This is for discussing how to get more, how to get best out of digital, not about how it compares against analogue.

Here in this thread I would be sharing most of the things in as plain-English as possible. That is, I will try not to make it a thread for IT geeks, but for everyone. With the help of this thread, everyone can try digital audio and everyone can hear the difference.

Truth be told, I had wanted to start such a thread a long long time ago. But I had been seeing a lot of negativity about digital (not only here, but everywhere). But now that more and more people are getting into digital ( actually getting into it big time) and looking for reliable source of information on digital, I have decided to finally start such a thread. Consider it my new year gift :D

Background: Before I begin, I want to set a background against which I would be sharing my experiences here. In last two decades in my digital journey I have used 5+ disc spinners, 5+ desktops, 8+ laptops, 5+ tablets, 6+ portable devices, 3 media players as source. All in the name of experiments and endeavor to get the most out of my digital collection.

My current collection of gear that I use for digital playback are:

(1) A Bufallo NAS running SMB, AFP and FTP (was also running DLNA but shutdown due to performance reason).
(2) An Apple MacMini with i5 processor, 8 GB RAM.
(3) An HP ProBook 6530 notebook.
(4) An HP Mini 210 VT netbook.
(5) A desktop (not in use anymore, but retained for comparison's sake)
(6) 3 Tablets/Smartphones as controller devices.
(7) 5 routers and switches. Not all are used at once, but I have tried them all in order to achieve the maximum performance, before settling down on my current configuration.

Result? Well, all that list of equipment and blah is very good. But here comes the most important question. How does it sound?

In one word, divine! In two words, pure + pristine. In more words - well, I should actually leave it for others to describe as owners tend to be biased. However, to give a slight hint, recently I dedicated some time to hear some really high end setups. And my transport sounds ridiculously good compared to source in the range of Rs. 5-8 Lacs. In fact I would buy any transport immediately if it sounds better and is available under Rs 2 Lacs.

Back to the transport: there are three goals in my hifi endeavor: (1) Economical (2) Natural sounding (3) Simple. There can be better sounding sources out there, but none will be as economical and simple as a transport you can make one for yourself following this thread. Let me begin by posting some screenshots of my transport in action.


As you can see in this pic, the computer (my test machine) has a very entry-level specification by current standards. And if I can convert this into a pristine sounding transport, everyone else can, including you.

Some more screenshots:


As you can see, it's quite a lot of customization resulting in an an unusually efficient performance. I will be sharing the know-how and the steps how you can turn your machine into an equally efficient music PC as well. Since this is going to be a long typing and a lot of screenshots, I will do it in steps.

Thanks for riding the digital express with me.
A Happy New Year to you too!!

This looks promising for folks who, like me, do think about going digital to some extent at least, but hold back for the fear of the unknown.
Was this late in the night or early in the morning? :D

Waiting for more.
Yep Atoms are really good for music playback. I built one recently too with a D2550 1.86GHz dual core with hyperthreading. This CPU has a tdp of just 10W and as a result doesn't require any fans to cool. The heatsink on the motherboard is completely passive. I also got an Antec ISK 110 case with a 90W external power brick which eliminated the need for an internal power supply and as a result there is no power supply whine/noise from the power supply fan. I also got a basic 64GB corsair neutron ssd. This eliminated the need for noisy seeks in a hard drive. I also added a 4gig stick of ram. It accesses data from a home built file server over Wifi and has no other internal storage other than the ssd.

It is dead quiet and after some basic windows customization, has a very low memory footprint. The sound as a result is spectacular - with the m2tech hiface, it sounds better than my cd transport. My total outlay for the entire project was under 30k including a tiny 15" monitor.
Awesome thread..Just what we need.:clapping:

i would be interested in hearing experiences on processor impact. what you gain by processor speed and reduction in latency, does it cover the impact of reduced noise/Fan.

My layman view is that if a higher processor if run at low utilization, the noise/fan usage should be low ?

Also Is there any case available with a built in LCD screen maybe 6-7 inches , or any LCD monitor which is really small ?
This thread, however, is not for digital vs analogue discussions. This is for discussing how to get more, how to get best out of digital, not about how it compares against analogue.

Here in this thread I would be sharing most of the things in as plain-English as possible. That is, I will try not to make it a thread for IT geeks, but for everyone. With the help of this thread, everyone can try digital audio and everyone can hear the difference

Happy new year !!!
Thanks for providing us this gift and I don't mind getting it in installments.
Take your time and I (as others) am very much excited !!!
Perfect timing and thanks so so much for this thread.

I am looking to setup a new music PC and was scouting for advice, tips and tweaks!!
Just great! :)
Excellant writing ranjeet. Did you try with any wav file or converting the same flac to wav ? I think that will even take down the CPU usage further since in your case processor is doing uncompressing of the flac
Ranjeet, looking forward excitedly...been looking to convert a cheap laptop to play digital music for a long time now without any progress....

Would you recommend using a cheap Atom netbook with Windows 8 or 7?
My layman view is that if a higher processor if run at low utilization, the noise/fan usage should be low ?
I would say no to this. My PC is an everything PC, and I bought an AMD 3.6Ghz CPU. Why? I now ask myself! The answer is ... too impressed by high-spec to really think about how the machine would be used.

Even for non-audio purposes, I rarely use more than 25% of the CPU --- but, even though I made it a hobby, at one time, to get the quietest cooling/fans that I could, I could still be running at half the power and half the heat, as in Ranjeet's 1.6Mhz system.

I was doing PC audio on Pentiums, ten years ago: I know it doesn't need Mega-Mega-Hz --- but still I got numbers-blinded.
Hi Ranjeetrain,

I'm also a recent convert of digital. I'm using Asus Xonar with JRiver. But I have to admit the CA Cdp is far better in its presentation T2 (Timbre & Texture) as it is more natural. I have opted for digital because of the user friendliness and versatility it gives my wife and son. Can you help me to improve T2?

helium= HTPC Asus Xonar + Luxman M-06a + Magnepan

* For sale: Polk Audio LSi9/ Vintage B&W Dm4/ Cdp-CA 640c V2
I'm also a recent convert of digital. I'm using Asus Xonar with JRiver. But I have to admit the CA Cdp is far better in its presentation T2 (Timbre & Texture) as it is more natural. I have opted for digital because of the user friendliness and versatility it gives my wife and son. Can you help me to improve T2?

helium= HTPC Asus Xonar + Luxman M-06a + Magnepan

* For sale: Polk Audio LSi9/ Vintage B&W Dm4/ Cdp-CA 640c V2

Maybe this is pedantic, but the CDP is digital. Just as digital as the Audio PC. Might an adjustment to the thread title be appropriate?

As to your question, Heliumflight, I believe that the sound-card/interface/DAC is all. The point of that Digital-->Analogue conversion, where the electricity stops looking like digital data and starts looking more like sound, is going to determine the nature and quality of the rest of the chain.
I am actually using a fan-less PC (Foxconn Intel Atom) brought from Newegg.com couple of years back. It came with 64GB SSD and 4GB RAM. I got all my music in a 1TB external HDD connected over USB 3.0. I had Win7 32bit running earlier with Fidelizer enabled but recently upgraded to Win8 32bit Professional and tweaked the system by using the audiophile script which disabled the unnecessary processes,functions,apps. My CPU usage has come down drastically and very happy being a headless PC as I use the Foobar app on Android and MonkeyMote app on iPhone to access the playlists. I used the MMC to load Foobar without loading the Windows Explorer.
Honestly an Essence STX/ST is not a serious enough source to be spending time on tweaking. At best you can get a 12V linear power supply and feed it via that instead of the main computer power supply. Opamp rolling may help - it didn't in my case - I have a secondary bedroom system where I use this card as a source. I preferred the stock opamps over the stuff recommended on the internet (LT1364, LME49720 etc).
My setup is very similar to reignofchaos'. I use Zotac ID-11 which is a a small form factor fanless Atom+Nvidia based HTPC running Ubuntu + XBMC which runs absolutely silent. Recently upgraded to a 32G SSD and 2G ram from my unused laptop (thanks to nexus 7). It fetches the data from my Ubuntu based NAS over wifi using NFS. The power brick is external and it is connected to my DAC (Asus Xonar Essence One) through (async) USB so jitter is hopefully dealt with.

@heliumflight - You could try opamp rolling. The default opamps that come with the card are not the greatest. I have replaced all the opamps in my Xonar DAC to opa627 and it now sounds superb and definitely worth the 20K I spent on the upgrade.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.