Low Budget Decent Quality HT/Stereo Setup


New Member
Jul 17, 2009

I have gained a lot of knowledge on Hi fi Vision. thru this forum. Thanks for all.

I have been using Sony CRT TV + O Play Mini + 500 GB External Seagate HD. I do watch movies (downloaded) thru this setup.

I have a huge collection of 320kbps Mp3s and some FLAC collections on my HD (Tamil & Hindi). Now I wanted to setup a low budget decent quality HT / Stereo setup.

I have these options on my mind

1. Onkyo HT-S3400 (or)
2. Norge 2030 AMP and the matching speakers
3. Craftel AMP and the matching speakers

Listening HQ Music is my first pref.

Which one is best for SQ from Music files?

It looks like (for me) Onkyo is for movies and Norge/Craftel for music. Please suggest and make me understand.

Thanks & Regards

Pritam Pitambaram

It would be nice if you could tell us about your budget, the types or to use the modern word genres of music you like to listen to, the listening levels you prefer and the room size.


Budget : 15 k to 20 k

Genres of music : Nothing Specific. All Tamil & Hindi film songs from 80's & 90's

Room Size : 10 x 12

I am not a audiophile but I wanted to have a decent quality setup for music.

It will be nice, if the setup serves me for both purposes (SQ & PQ)


It may be a good idea to to start with a used stereo set up in the first place and keep your savings plus future savings for a full home theatre later. Since you already have sources, your basic requirement will be for an amplifier and a pair of speakers. Used NADs, Sonys or Marantz amps are available in the Rs. 6k to Rs. 10k if you look around and bargain a little. There have been "For Sale" posts by fellow members in this price range. There was a NAD 306 for sale by fellow member saran for Rs. 6,500 (negotiable) which has now been sold. Other such posts may come up. Sites like quikr and ebay.co.in can also be profitably trawled for used amps.

Used speakers are more expensive. At least Rs. 8k to Rs. 10k for for a pair.

If you don't want to take chances by buying used equipment, Norges are excellent value for money and have been highly praised by members on this site. Please hunt around and read these threads.

All the best to you in your search.

Thank you Miroflex for your kind reply.

Some forum member of here saying Sonodyne is better than Norge. Little confused.

Will check the 'For Sale' posts.

I have a doubt, may sound silly, Is Onkyo HT-S3400 will produce decent SQ for MUSIC as compared to the others models, I mentioned ?

Thanks & Regards
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Go through the COMPLETE Topping TP20 thread by Psychotropic in the Amplifier section ........ you would get ALL your answers on a platter!
The best way is to audition the onkyo model yourself. Most likely,the consensus will be favouring a dedicated stereo amp for music. However,depending on your expectations and taste,you may even like the avr for music also.
I am a person who likes it other way round. I enjoy movies in stereo mode with marantz amp. My screen is just 22" and I am content with stereo mode even for action movies. I am not a fan of surround effects. The wire clutter of a 5.1 set up is another deterrent for me.
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