Product Link: Magico M9
Magico had released their "Revelatory New Flagship" loudspeakers last year via a press release that showcased CG rendered images of the new speakers with an announcement that they will be ready to ship in Q4 of 2020. A few months ago a few videos and images were made available to finally see the M9s in the flesh at Magico's listening room. Those who were lucky to have had the chance of listening to the demo have been very impressed to say the least.
By all accounts, Magico seem to have successfully redefined the game at the very highest level.
2020 Press Release Link: The M9 - A Revelatory New Flagship Loudspeaker
One of the first videos available in April of the M9s via Mono & Stereo
Video: The Magico M9 speakers in the Magico official listening room, powered by four Pilium Hercules monoblock amplifiers, Pilium Alexander preamplifier, MSB Technology Select II DAC, Taiko Audio Extreme SGM server.