recently on my visit to delhi i had a chance to demo magnepan mg12 and i was floored by their resolution and clarity and esentially 'boxless sound'. being a bipolar (but strictly 2 channel) guy myself (i use definitive technology bp7004) i think magnepan is a highly cost effective high end sound.(except that its indian price is highly inflated).
does anyone here have maggie mg12 or higher? what are their experiences?
how does the mylar diaphram behave under indian conditions?
what about repairs/ repacements.(not to mention damage by pests like mice etc?)
though my deftechs are brand new but im itching for magnepans.
my denon integrated pma2000ivr may also cry out for help in order to drive the demanding maggies but till now ihve never felt any current or low impedance problems. this amp has enough juice for moderate systems.
advice on maggies anyone?
recently on my visit to delhi i had a chance to demo magnepan mg12 and i was floored by their resolution and clarity and esentially 'boxless sound'. being a bipolar (but strictly 2 channel) guy myself (i use definitive technology bp7004) i think magnepan is a highly cost effective high end sound.(except that its indian price is highly inflated).
does anyone here have maggie mg12 or higher? what are their experiences?
how does the mylar diaphram behave under indian conditions?
what about repairs/ repacements.(not to mention damage by pests like mice etc?)
though my deftechs are brand new but im itching for magnepans.
my denon integrated pma2000ivr may also cry out for help in order to drive the demanding maggies but till now ihve never felt any current or low impedance problems. this amp has enough juice for moderate systems.
advice on maggies anyone?