
Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
I got my MF V-DAC MKii last week and it does not come with a USB cable to connect to my music PC. Presently I am using my printer USB A to B cable and I did not find it great to use it. Planning to get a proper cable, so FM's who own this DAC please recommend me a good USB cable that I can get in India.

I expect that your printer cable is a proper USB cable*!

However, if it makes you feel better, buy a branded cable (eg Belkin) from a computer shop or online supplier. Disclosure: this is exactly what I intend to do for my DAC sometime soon, even though the cable supplied with it is probably up-to-spec.

Or... you can go the audiophile USB cable way, where the sole purpose is giving your money away. Of course, if that makes you feel better, then spend away :)

I recommend the Belkin. And hey, you can even use it for your printer!

FM's who own this DAC

Doesn't matter. All that matters is that it is properly made, properly terminated, and has the right plugs on each end. What DAC you are connecting matters as much as what PC you are connecting: which is not at all.

*It's also possible that it came out of a Chinese factory where they didn't even bother to read the spec. Branded is the way to go.
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Thanks Thad, I am not in a position to purchase a audiophile cable but just the one which is built good and lasts long as my printer cable is pretty old and used roughly with lot of folds/bends. I will get a Belkin one as I understand the digital cable will be the same irrespective of the brand (provided it is made to the spec :) )
You're welcome.

Do post about your V-DAC-II experiences (if you haven't already). Lots of people looking for decent but not-too-expensive DACs will read.
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