MHZS CD player with tube pre out


Kaushik the MHZ CD player that is in the question is decent sounding ! I've heard the MHZ that Sridhar(Odyssey) has and was pretty neat !!

But a startling revelation by Shuhas on the companies CDP's has made me rethink bout their entire line-up ! I for one from the moment I saw the truth bout it,have almost ruled out the possibility of ever bothering let alone consider to buy ! needless to say I strongly say its No1 crook company and one should be very very careful while considering !

There are plenty of other Chinese companies who are atleast truthful about what goes into their products ! but this MHZ mislead everyone by using some very very substandard components and claiming it to be the best and also by just gimmicking the use of the Valve !

Just read this ! I think you missed this ! otherwise you wouldn't have posted this thread in the first place !!

Hi Sreekanth
Even i had missed this post by Suhas. So thank you Suhas for infor and thanks Sreekanth for pointing us there
Hi Guys
I do have the MHZS 88 player with me and in fact I like it quite a bit. I did see the Lampizator comments a while back, some of the stuff he says are absolutely right, some of it is marketing BS which needs to be taken with a pinch of salt...ok alright more than just a pinch :D but as ROC and Soundsgreat says, I can vouch for the performance of the player. This player was recommended to me by someone who knows Arthur Salvatore (he recommends some basic mods though) and though he caused quite a bit of controversy with this website I decided to try this out. That said, I havent heard a player that I liked better for that price but there are a lot of fakes and this CDP needs to be bought from Pacific Valve.
Some of the specs are complete BS - like proprietary DAC, etc but that is known to anyone in this industry or an enthusiast. The +/- 5dB is BS, there is a post over at head-fi where someone actually measured this to be within 0.5dB and not 5dB, it seems that someone missed the decimal point. The cathode follower implementation from what I understand is quite standard and many many products implement a "tube" not as a gain but just as buffer...this is again for lower Z and definitely better marketing. Very few players actually do justice to the tube in them. If you are looking for a real top notch CDP, check out the Doge 6 - also chinese made.
I changed the stock tubes to RCA Cleartops a couple of days back and the sound is now even better.

all of the above are just my opinions, we all know how subjective sound is to each person so take it for what its worth it. In any case, I dont sell the product and have never asked anyone to buy my player so I have no commercial interest in it.

Sridhar, how is it as a pure transport ?

I havent done comparisoon wrt to good players at that range but very good when compared with a Marantz 63se, 6002, and a Dennon CDP. After rolling with a pair of RCA cleartops the performance is now very good.

can u post info on,where in india we can purchase 'MHZS 88 player'.
How u applied MOD to RCA Cleartops??

if not available here ,please recommend any good online store ...:)
i have seen some china ebay sellers , they accept paypal,

will it be safe to do paypal, as paypal buyer protection cover is there ??

also i ask other members to please share ebay experiance here:)..
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my experince with Ebay is good but with the indian postal system is bad, try to get it Fedexed or any other carrier as paying the extra is worth it !
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i have seen some china ebay sellers , they accept paypal,

will it be safe to do paypal, as paypal buyer protection cover is there ??

also i ask other members to please share ebay experiance here:)..

Dear kaushik,

As long as you play safe in ebay you will be ok. I have been buying and selling in ebay since 2003, first in ebay uk and then ebay india. i find ebay india, or atleast indian sellers to be less reliable and honest. All these years I had no issues except for a chinese guy trying to sell me a fake cd claiming it to be original. Even in that case he refunded my money after i threatened to leave negative feedback. Please follow some basic and simple rules and you will be safe, lets say.

  • Always buy from sellers with good feedback. preferably 100% positive (never less than 98%) with atleast a 100 feedback over a period of 2 years.
    Always check his recent feedbacks, see if he has ever sold items worth the amount you are thinking of buying. See if ebay/paypal buyer protection covers the amount you are paying.
    Try to stick with sellers from europe, usa and australia. It wont always guarantee safety, but atleast you are at lesser risk. There are good sellers in china, hongkong etc, but always check thier feedback thoroughly.
    Dont do a deal outside ebay, you will be cheated without any doubt. some people will solicit deals outside ebay.
    Always pay using paypal, it is the safest mode. in no case should you use money transfer.
    Make sure it is shipped through a decent mode. fedex is expensive. Most country's international priority will do. always ensure the delivery is signed for and insist on shipping insurance for expensive and fragile items.
    And last of all, if you are planning to buy a cd player, it most probably wont survive the shipping unless its packed in its original shipping box.

Hope this helps.
I dont know where in India, one can purchase the MHZS player. Pls be careful when buying on ebay or on chinese websites, I got this from Pacific valve in the US who gauruntees the authenticity. Pacific valve is more expensive than the regular chinese websites but then you get what you pay for. There are people who got it from China directly and got bad/high failure drives, etc and also some negative comments due to this. I have not had any problem with mine. The RCA cleartops are just different tubes, it just requires taking the old one out and replacing it with better tubes (to whatever taste you want).



can u post info on,where in india we can purchase 'MHZS 88 player'.
How u applied MOD to RCA Cleartops??

if not available here ,please recommend any good online store ...:)
i have seen some china ebay sellers , they accept paypal,

will it be safe to do paypal, as paypal buyer protection cover is there ??

also i ask other members to please share ebay experiance here:)..
thank u Arj,
and special thanks to odyssey for the useful and detailed info....

sure now i will check the points while with ebay....and i have dropped the idea of buying CD player for the time being ,for the reason u told :)..
i know some importers i will try to get it shipped by them.

rather i will hunt for DAC and CABLE type of things ..

Hello odyssey,

I actually won in eBay....actually bid it casually thinking he would not accept the bid, but luckily i won it. Going by the posts in other forums, it seem it needs heavy modification....Can you help me in this ...

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