Mini Theatre's article in 4th magazine

Hi Vinay,
Good work. After taking so much effort and time i hope u are now really sitting back and enjoying the end result. Congrats again and good luck.
Best regards.

PS: U tempt me to come to ur place for movies rather than a theatre!!!!!!!!
It was a pleasure to hear from you again, indeed i am enjoying my theatre cum music room, and with two screens all the more it becomes good, i can see movies in both formats, with the articles coming in 4 magazines, there have been many phone calls and visits by people, so it gives me great joy, and indeed there are a few places where i have gone wrong in the making of the theatre, but over all, it is a master piece, this is what is my view and of many people, the owners of this site also have praised my theatre, and than in the indian history it has never happened that a home theatre being covered by 4 magazines.

I will be pleased if you came over at my place to see the theatre and watch a movie too, let me know please.

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