MQA Bankrupt?

Someone will likely buy out the IP. Tidal is the likely candidate but their parent company having their own issues currently. Not sure anyone else tied sufficiently to Mqa to care
I feel MQA is the biggest organized attempt to lie and mislead consumers in audio (By everyone , Print Media, "Audio Gurus" ,"influencers" etc) . From day 1 , every objective and truthful technical commentator had called out MQA tech BS, but there were so much push behind MQA that so many have wasted money getting MQA enabled DACs. If it weren't for internet , YouTube and forums , I bet they would have gotten away with their scam for much longer.
I feel MQA is the biggest organized attempt to lie and mislead consumers in audio (By everyone , Print Media, "Audio Gurus" ,"influencers" etc) . From day 1 , every objective and truthful technical commentator had called out MQA tech BS, but there were so much push behind MQA that so many have wasted money getting MQA enabled DACs. If it weren't for internet , YouTube and forums , I bet they would have gotten away with their scam for much longer.
Could this affect any part of the system or curtail its functions, for example, I use a Bluesound Node 2 streamer...
Could this affect any part of the system or curtail its functions, for example, I use a Bluesound Node 2 streamer...

IMO yes but you will need to check. Because I think the signal will be processed by the built in filters

Could this affect any part of the system or curtail its functions, for example, I use a Bluesound Node 2 streamer...
There is a video on youtube about how they scientifically tested MQA by uploading audio to Tidal and analysing the output. They found that MQA was adding noise to silent portions of music ( among other distortions) , which is the worst thing a codec can do especially one that used to claim lossless. So I never trust a MQA enabled DAC , I always felt it will mess with my standard flac audio even if the MQA light does not glow. Someone hald already shown that MQA 'unfolding' or the light can be triggered with non MQA streams if you have the right bit pattern.

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Did any streaming site but Tidal ever push MQA? Many hardware manufacturers also didn’t feel the need to add MQA unfolding in their DACs/Streamers. It was never a real threat to true hi-Res. But admire that they could sway a lot of users with sheer dint of branding for all these years.

Also, with broadband speeds where they are now (and only increasing further), is there really a need for smart algorithms to reduce music file sizes?
Good riddance hopefully. Ridiculous scam from day one.

TIDAL and ROON have been complicit in pushing MQA all over.

These scamsters and their disciples pulled off this smoke and mirrors show for quite some time not to mention the expensive hifi equipment required to "unwrap" this obscure lossy format. They peddled their bag of tricks and told all their lies and got found out. MQA has met its inevitable conclusion!
There is a video on youtube about how they scientifically tested MQA by uploading audio to Tidal and analysing the output. They found that MQA was adding noise to silent portions of music ( among other distortions) , which is the worst thing a codec can do especially one that used to claim lossless. So I never trust a MQA enabled DAC , I always felt it will mess with my standard flac audio even if the MQA light does not glow. Someone hald already shown that MQA 'unfolding' or the light can be triggered with non MQA streams if you have the right bit pattern.

After that incident where golden sound ripped MQA and tidal lossless claims to shreds, Tidal came up with a lossless version at half the price of it's MQA offering
However, recently TIDAL has released a new pricing structure, and you can now opt to pay half as much as the MQA ‘Hifi plus’ tier and not have MQA. Comparing the TIDAL version, and the Qobuz version using the DeltaWave software, we can see that they are bit for bit identical. No difference whatsoever. Meaning for tracks WITHOUT the ‘MASTER’ tag, Tidal does deliver lossless files as long as the one provided by the artist/label was lossless in the first place.

Tidal now launching hi-res Flac files to replace mqa.

"Breaking news for my reddit peeps: we will be introducing hi-res FLAC for our HiFi Plus subscribers soon. It's lossless and an open standard. It's a big file, but we'll give you controls to dial this up and down based on what's going on."

Tidal now launching hi-res Flac files to replace mqa.
At half the price of it's lossly MQA version. What a scam it was till it lasted and how many audiophiles sweared by it for the superior quality of the MQA version just becase it was priced higher :)
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