Musical Hearing Aid for my dad


Active Member
Nov 19, 2008
My dad is about 70. He lost his active hearing about two years back. He uses a hearing aid which is perfectly ok for normal conversations. But he is unable to enjoy music.

I feel a bit pained since music is pretty much in his DNA. He spent his active life when he was earning for others listening to cassettes in cheap two in ones. Its an irony that i am planning to buy on a hi-fi while he will not be able to listen to it.

Do you know of good hearing aids that help in music listening. Its a gift that he would treasure. I am going to visit him in Chennai later next week and if possible can get him to try them.
Hearing Aid Centre in Chennai (HAC) has brought in a new brand of hearing aids - Phonak - reputed to be right up there in quality. They are very professional with their testing methods and pleasant people to deal with in general. You might want to try those to see if they help.
Dear Ram, Really sorry to hear that. But equally impressed with your dedication and compassion towards your father's happiness. I'm sure he would definitely be a proud dad.

Coming to your query, am a complete noob in this particular subject of hearing aids and accessories. So please ignore if its inappropriate.

Would you be considering headphones by any chance? Assuming that one could wear it even over the hearing aids, you may try the full-size models. Depending on your budget you will get lots of suggestions here.

I have this one and totally adore it.

Another, may be even better, one is the AKG701. Its famous for its sound and being comfortable.


Best regards.
Dear Ram, Really sorry to hear that. But equally impressed with your dedication and compassion towards your father's happiness. I'm sure he would definitely be a proud dad.

I share exactly the same feeling. But Unleash, should you be calling him "Ram"? The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word "Ramanuja" is somebody born after Rama (Ramanuja = Rama + Anuja). So you should actually call him "Lakshmana" :).

I have no idea about hearing aids, but what Vortex suggested seems worth a try.

should you be calling him "Ram"? The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word "Ramanuja" is somebody born after Rama (Ramanuja = Rama + Anuja). So you should actually call him "Lakshmana" :).

I sign off as Ram, and quote the full name to slip away from taunts asking me to be virtuous. Which itself begs the question, isnt Lakshamana more virtuous than Rama.


I sign off as Ram, and quote the full name to slip away from taunts asking me to be virtuous. Which itself begs the question, isnt Lakshamana more virtuous than Rama.



Hi ramanujam,

lakshmana appeared to be more virtuous than rama, but as a person who did not have to be a leader (as rama did) he , perhaps, was not given the opportunity to stray from the straight and the narrow:)

I have not read the epics in detail, so pardon my ignorance and correct me if necessary:o
You have a good point, and i am not too religious myself, but get the reference. He just had to follow Rama and didnt have to worry about whether it was right or wrong.

Maybe i should use the full name, if i want to avoid responsibility or decision making. Let me try it with my boss.
You have a good point, and i am not too religious myself, but get the reference. He just had to follow Rama and didnt have to worry about whether it was right or wrong.

Maybe i should use the full name, if i want to avoid responsibility or decision making. Let me try it with my boss.

when you share your name with a genius of our times, likely your boss will shower you with more responsibility:)
Well, i went to the same school as the maths genius Ramanujam, but that's where all the resemblance stopped. I was and still am terrible at mathematics.
Hearing tests help determine what kind of hearing loss you have by measuring your ability to hear sounds that reach the inner ear through the ear canal and sounds transmitted through the skull.
I am sorry i am a noob but wat u want to gift ur dad is the greatest gift he can get....

My dad too spent his days saving for me and sacrificing his desires...
Its time now for me to payback and i am on the way of transforming his secret dream (Home theater system)..
I still remember the days he would come home after work and share his thoughts with mom abt the system he heard in his friends place...

DAD i love u and ur dream is my command :)

My dad is about 70. He lost his active hearing about two years back. He uses a hearing aid which is perfectly ok for normal conversations. But he is unable to enjoy music.

I feel a bit pained since music is pretty much in his DNA. He spent his active life when he was earning for others listening to cassettes in cheap two in ones. Its an irony that i am planning to buy on a hi-fi while he will not be able to listen to it.

Do you know of good hearing aids that help in music listening. Its a gift that he would treasure. I am going to visit him in Chennai later next week and if possible can get him to try them.
Hearing Aid Centre in Chennai (HAC) has brought in a new brand of hearing aids - Phonak - reputed to be right up there in quality. They are very professional with their testing methods and pleasant people to deal with in general. You might want to try those to see if they help.

i think iam seeing a post after a long time vortex.happy to see u
Hello, there!!! Thanks for sharing this information here. I am searching for hearing aids specially designed for music hearing loss since 2 hours and I found It here. but you didnt mentioned about the prices do you think I can get one in 100$ for a single piece.
I would like to buy a couple of hearing aid for my grandmother. There are so many types of hearing aid available but how do we recognize if one is suitable for her use.
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