My recent vintage buys


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
I recently bought few vintage amps and speakers. A very good B&O Penta model 6611 Floor Standing speakers with 9 drivers in each speaker box and 5 ft tall. I played some Church Hymns and I felt I was sitting in a Church and listening to Pipe Organs! It's an awesome pair of speakers. I just got it yesterday. After playing it for a few days, I am planning to change it's caps if I can get the right ones.. Ii had also got a monster of a Kenwood Receiver model KR 7600. Very powerful with a 85 Watts per channel power. Another Nakamichi Amplifier one amplifier and a Nak 1000 cassette Deck. I firmly believe these vintage stuff can deliver real vintage music for old timers like us.
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Congratulations on your recent purchases. Which model of Nakamichi did you buy?

Would love to learn more of your impressions about them.


I bought a Nakamichi Amplifier One model. It is an excellent amplifier. Very warm and has an excellent phono stage. I also bought a Nakamichi Deck model Nakamichi 1000 but not ZXL 1000. I have given it for servicing and let you know how it sounds when I get it back from service guy..
" I firmly believe these vintage stuff can deliver real vintage music for old timers like us"

Being an old timer I agree.
Congratulations ! Jacob. It seems great stuff . I too am passionate for real vintage stuff like you purchased. By the way, how much you paid for it ?
I was listening to Duke Ellington's 'Midnight in Paris' on Vinyl with Linn Sondek ,Nakamichi Amplifier One and the B&O 6611 Penta Passive. Truly amazing experience. The speakers are as good as any I've heard in my lifetime. No wonder they were when one of the more expensive speakers when theythey were first launched
I have heard these B&Os play (not sure but I think it was the very same pair as they look the same) at a friend's place in Chennai some years ago. What struck me is that these speakers are quite narrow (front) and tall. They sounded great when we listened to classical music (western) but the moment we got to Metallica, they were struggling with bass reproduction. What I still remember was the imagery which was "picture perfect". Felt like the orchestra was in the room, between the speakers. In my opinion, fantastic speakers, but not quite suitable for extreme listening. Hence, let the buying decision pass.

Congrats on the accquisition!!
I bought these from Trivandrum last week. They are superb to listen to old Jazz music . They are power hungry and need fairly large rooms for it to perform to it's potential and is supposed to perform best with B&O amplifiers. I found it matches perfectly with my Nakamichi Amplifier 1. I have not placed it well enough to get the best sound stage it can offer. Will do so in due course of time.I am eagerly waiting for a Pioneer CS 99a which is undergoing a face lift and new caps for the cross over. They sounded awesome even with the old caps.
" I firmly believe these vintage stuff can deliver real vintage music for old timers like us"

Being an old timer I agree.

;)is vintage stuff for old timers...why cant V stuff deliver real sound to young ones...
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!