My Samsung Plasma died and was alive again!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
Chennai, India
On Friday, my Plasma appeared to die. It was not showing a picture. Some vertical white lines and some red mist appeared for a few seconds on powering on, and then the picture completely disappeared, while sound continued to work perfectly. Registered a complaint with Samsung (through the dealer, who is an acquaintance) and the Samsung engineer came today (sunday) and we powered on the TV and it worked, perfectly. For those unfamiliar with Christian mythology, Jesus is supposed to have died on a friday and come back to life on a sunday.

Would anyone have any idea why I experienced what I did, and what I can do to prevent it from happening again? Couple of points that I must mention here:

- My maid cleans the TV once in a way, possibly with a damp cloth. I have a theory that perhaps it was some moisture that affected whatever and then upon the moisture evaporating it returned to functioning properly. I will put an end to this practice, and take over cleaning of the plasma myself.

- Whenever a tubelight is switched on in the same room as the TV, or the doorbell rings (same room, living room), the TV picture blinks for a moment. This is something that we've always told ourselves we need to get checked, but never did. Need to get to the bottom of this. I am thinking this is something to do with the wiring in the house....any ideas?

I'd like the knowledgeable forum members to let me know their theories on this.

Also, I had one scary thought about owning a Samsung plasma. MY dealer who contacted Samsung, told me that there is a shortage of spares for last year's Samsung plasma TVs, and this might be an issue. This company, while making excellent plasma TVs, doesn't seem to care too much about that (plasma) segment of the market, and this "cannot find spares" story might repeat itself. This could be one factor to keep in mind while deciding between a Samsung and plasmas from other companies. A Panasonic I would imagine, would always have spares for their plasmas, since their thrust area is plasma.
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Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

- Whenever a tubelight is switched on in the same room as the TV, or the doorbell rings (same room, living room), the TV picture blinks for a moment. This is something that we've always told ourselves we need to get checked, but never did. Need to get to the bottom of this. I am thinking this is something to do with the wiring in the house....any ideas?

Looks like the presence of a holy spirit in your home ... :)

Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

For those unfamiliar with Christian mythology, Jesus is supposed to have died on a friday and come back to life on a sunday.

and he went to heaven after 40 days, so maybe we should watch this space???
Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ


- Whenever a tubelight is switched on in the same room as the TV, or the doorbell rings (same room, living room), the TV picture blinks for a moment. .......

Hi, same problem with my Samsung LED TV, on switching on of a tubelight, immaterial of which room, the HDMI connection just disconnects for 2sec and again reconnects.:mad: Though not sure why it happens. Anybody else with this problem.

Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

You need X BRAND isolation transformer. "Pow! Dichkyaon Dichkyaon! Buy now and save 20% during festival season!! " :rolleyes: :D

Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

well i believe it has do something with the temperature,was it a rainy day or a cold weather.
there are reports of screen cracking too,internally.

well about the interference,well check all the wiring connections,also the switches should make a clean contact.i.e u should hear one click sound.
the wires i hope aren't should be 2.5 mm2 to handle todays electronic/electrical devices.
Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

yup it was a pretty wet / rainy day.

I don't imagine it's a screen cracking issue, because it seems to be displaying the picture fine now. and yes LGANS, i've just run out and bought a V Guard Digital 100 stabiliser, through which I have connected the TV now :) Nothing like a scare to get you careful.

well i believe it has do something with the temperature,was it a rainy day or a cold weather.
there are reports of screen cracking too,internally.
Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

yup it was a pretty wet / rainy day.

I don't imagine it's a screen cracking issue, because it seems to be displaying the picture fine now. and yes LGANS, i've just run out and bought a V Guard Digital 100 stabiliser, through which I have connected the TV now :) Nothing like a scare to get you careful.

well that explains.
well in the US there are reports of screen cracking when u switch on the tv ,when the temperature is its better to switch it on at a blank input,so it warms up gently in cold conditions.since as soon as u switch it on and watch a bright scene it will become hot rapidly compared from what it was initialy i.e room temperature.

its also good that u bought a digi 100.:)
Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

hehe i got the digitla 100 recommendations from one of the threads here, so thanks!

does no one else have any experience of such sudden death and resurrection of their plasma TVs? do not the white lines and red mist ring a bell??? anyone?
Re: My Samsung Plasma did a Jesus Christ

hehe i got the digitla 100 recommendations from one of the threads here, so thanks!

does no one else have any experience of such sudden death and resurrection of their plasma TVs? do not the white lines and red mist ring a bell??? anyone?

certainly reminds me of SCARY MOVIE 3!
hey I just saw the post title has been amended. I do apologise if i offended anyone's religious sensitivites. That was not my intention at all, and if it helps I'm half-christian!
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