Need help refurbishing a pair of Enbees


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
Hi all,

A very dear friend of mine owns a set of over 50 years old Enbees (he has two sets - also the later generation from around 2010). They have been in his family forever and have been passed on to him as the second generation heritage. Now I am attaching a few pictures I received from him, to show you the extent of damage on these speakers. He wants to refurbish them and as he is not willing to go DIY route so he doesn't destroy them, he wanted to know if anyone in Delhi/Chandigarh/Gurgaon can help him restore these. They work and they work as well as they could with the condition of the boxes. So the concern here is to fix the boxes and not anything mechanical inside.

Can you please help me with any contacts in these parts of the country where he can get these fixed?

Thank you so much!

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-02 at 1.39.53 PM (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2021-06-02 at 1.39.53 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2021-06-02 at 1.39.54 PM.jpeg
Thanks @Naturelover however Mr. Kalam won’t do the woodwork :) he already worked on this amp in the picture. Need a solid restoring/refurbishing guy
Its so nice to know that someone really cares for these rare vintage gems. Looks like a good carpenter who is familiar with audio cab requirements, should be able to pull it off. However any restoration will be only complete if the electronics inside is checked up. Even if the amp sings, there may be failing caps, leaky transistors, dusty pots and switches, etc that would attention or even replacement. Then of course, there is the post-operative therapy in the form of bias and DC offset, calibration for getting the amp to sound as good as new. For the speakers, the crossover can be checked as well. All the very best!
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