Need some speaker advice!

Mark Fisher

New Member
Apr 19, 2010
Hi, I am currently building a set-up in my room for music and the last component I need (for now!) is speakers.

I am a bit unsure as to what brands (and how much I should be spending) I should be looking for... I would like a decent sound, something middle-of-the-road but not crappy and cheap. In saying that I don't want 'revolutionary' 2 grand speakers either. As this is my first set-up I don't think I need those kind of speakers...

For example, where would these speakers sit in terms of quality?

Honest opinion?

A list of brands to look out for would also be very helpful as I look at second-hand stores as well, and a lot of the time stuff from there can be a steal. Not a massive list, just like the main 15 or so. I know people have different likes and dislikes in a speaker, but what does the majority of music-listeners like?

Thanks a heap dudes!
Hi, I am currently building a set-up in my room for music and the last component I need (for now!) is speakers.

I am a bit unsure as to what brands (and how much I should be spending) I should be looking for... I would like a decent sound, something middle-of-the-road but not crappy and cheap. In saying that I don't want 'revolutionary' 2 grand speakers either. As this is my first set-up I don't think I need those kind of speakers...

For example, where would these speakers sit in terms of quality?

Honest opinion?

A list of brands to look out for would also be very helpful as I look at second-hand stores as well, and a lot of the time stuff from there can be a steal. Not a massive list, just like the main 15 or so. I know people have different likes and dislikes in a speaker, but what does the majority of music-listeners like?

Thanks a heap dudes!

You have just entered an arena where you can just get in but cannot get out. The pursuit for a good sounding pair of speakers is like a mirage. You keep searching for it and the endless possibilities keep growing on.
Seriously, I have been searching for speakers for like a few years now but couldn't zero down on any one brand. The only restricting thing seems to be your budget. You set your budget, you finalize a particular brand and model, then again you listen to another costlier brand then you think of raising your budget so as to accommodate these new costlier ones. This becomes a vicious circle.
My bet on a good budget speakers would be Wharfedale Diamond 9 series. But if you don't have any budget constraints then the list is endless.
Hi Mark,

A lot of options in the stereo (as you mentioned music) would depend upon budget and location. If your location as it states is in Australia, the options and prices would be very different from those in India (this is primarily an India based forum). However, if you can give your music tastes and the rest of your chain - source, amplification, the more knowledgeable can guide you through.

As 'decent' music is very subjective, its easy to have a budget range - <500$; 500-1500; >1500 or some such number it will help with the recommendations. Also, giving room size and type of music you listen would be helpful.
Hi Mark,

To begin with, could you share with us a few things -
The size of your room
The max budget you have in mind
You choice of music
Your listening habits (dedicated listening for 'x' hours a day, music in the background, music for party etc.)
The rest of the chain (CD Player, Amp, cables etc.)

This would help us (and you) identify your requirements and suggest speakers that fit the bill...what say?
Sorry dudes, maybe this will help you more:

Size Of Room - roughly 2.9 by 3.something (metres).
Max Budget - at the moment I would say <$500.
Music - I listen to all classic rock and blues.
Habits - Whenever I'm in my room I have music on, so all the time basically.

I have a Sherwood S-7010A Receiver/Amp. It's fairly old, and I love it.
A Mitsubishi Direct-Drive DP-300 Turntable.
A Sharp CD Player (DX-677) from the 90s.
And at the moment I'm using Logitech speakers. I've been using these for a couple of years.

But what do you think about the speakers in the link?
Bookshelves (pair) only for this room size ..... 3m x 3m .... translates to 11' x 11'.

You may look at:
- Wharfedale Diamonds 9.1/9.2 or 10 series
- Quad
- Tannoy
- Morduant Short
The first one being the budget ones...... am universally liked in India.

(For your budget of @ US$ 500)
For your choice of music consider PSB, Monitor Audio, Quad, Totem Acoustics (I love the rainmaker) and Epos.

I am not sure how much they'd cost in Australia. I'm not giving any specific models but speakers from these companies usually sound great with rock/blues. I've not heard Sherwood amps so can't comment on their match. One suggestion I could give here is to carry your amp when you go auditioning for speakers.

For your room size, bookshelves would be the way to go. Floorstanders may sound too boomy or muddy. Keep in mind that you'd have to spring for good stands for your bookshelves.

You have a squarish room so speaker placement is going to be tricky...

In the your ears...but listen to your pocket too ;)

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!