Need thoughts on SMSL DA-9 amplifier and looking local reseller.


New Member
Nov 30, 2020
Hi Folks,

I am new to the hi-fi audio world. I am planning to buy SMSL Da-9 for my first setup. After doing some research I am going for loxjie 50 (DAC) with Fyne Audio f303 speaker. My only doubt is for the amplifier will it be able to drive the speaker enough or will it be a good system match. Though I don't listen to music at high volume or genre like rock. The speakers are easily available but for amp and DAC I am not able to find any resellers. My ask is in 2 parts.

1) Is smsl da-9 a good amp for this setup?
2) Can you suggest a good reliable local reseller for Loxjie and SMSL products?

Thanks in advance for helping a newbie.
same here, looking for SMSL products liked SA400 and some products were available on Amazon but not the latest ones
yeah. I don't want to spend too much on the amplifier. I wanted to use that money for SMSL m400 DAC or good speakers like Wharfedale Evo 4.2.
SMSL is good amplifier especially sa400 and that its class D, however in the present circumstances Marantz pm7000n is the best deal..
what are your thoughts on Audiolab 6000A. Also good pairing with Wharfedale Evo 4.2 which I heard. Audiolab 6000A doesnt have built in streaming but I can live it. After covid situation gets over I have to find a place for auditioning.
Cant travell to Ban for audition, do they have other outlets in Mumbai
They have a 15 days no question ask return back policy so can literally have a demo at home and if do not like it somehow you can return it minus shipping cost.
They have a 15 days no question ask return back policy so can literally have a demo at home and if do not like it somehow you can return it minus shipping cost.
Its a good policy but i dont want to take any risks and its a headache really to return something which is as heavy as amplifier, had pretty bad experience with shipping
Its a good policy but i dont want to take any risks and its a headache really to return something which is as heavy as amplifier, had pretty bad experience with shipping
Well you can talk to Amit from IndiqAudio to help work it out, they may have a partner service to help out with returns. Amit is very helping and knowledgeable and also not pushy to buy from them only.
Its a good policy but i dont want to take any risks and its a headache really to return something which is as heavy as amplifier, had pretty bad experience with shipping
Its Quite interesting to note ; You're ready to buy SMSL amplifier from Amazon with no after sales support whatsoever (I had a very bad experience sending Smsl amp back to China) ; but you're hesitant to buy from Indiq Audio which offers Genuine Option of 15 days no question asked return policy, 1yr upgrade without restocking fee and after sales service support for at least 10 years?
Its not a big problem to ship the amplifier back in the boxes it comes with in 15 days, so Is the price of Indiq Amp a deciding factor?
same here, looking for SMSL products liked SA400 and some products were available on Amazon but not the latest ones
PS: No Affiliations to indiq audio whatsoever
yeah. I don't want to spend too much on the amplifier. I wanted to use that money for SMSL m400 DAC or good speakers like Wharfedale Evo 4.2.

Which amplifier do you have at present ? If you get a Wharfedale Evo 4.2 and run it out of the SMSL amps , trust me you will find you have spent on the speakers for no reason. Those are not easy to drive speakers and will need a very good amplifier to be paired.
Its Quite interesting to note ; You're ready to buy SMSL amplifier from Amazon with no after sales support whatsoever (I had a very bad experience sending Smsl amp back to China) ; but you're hesitant to buy from Indiq Audio which offers Genuine Option of 15 days no question asked return policy, 1yr upgrade without restocking fee and after sales service support for at least 10 years?
Its not a big problem to ship the amplifier back in the boxes it comes with in 15 days, so Is the price of Indiq Amp a deciding factor?

PS: No Affiliations to indiq audio whatsoever
There are excellent reviews for SMSL products and its within budget, now for Indiq its a Indian product with less reviews on market. hence would like to listen to it once and then maybe decide also its not that cheap...i think its expensive than i said earlier in my post in current circumstances i would go for PM7000N and that too i will audition it if there was some store in Mumbai would definitely have a try...
They have a 15 days no question ask return back policy so can literally have a demo at home and if do not like it somehow you can return it minus shipping cost.
Does the amp have sub out and since i have Kefq300 and a kef sub..would like to keep these speakers for a while
I do not think amp has sub outlet but they can customize the amp as per customer's need, contact them.
I dont think so they will fiddle around with the setup and also i thinka after all those customization what if i decide to shipback, will they that will be a messy situation to be in
I dont think so they will fiddle around with the setup and also i thinka after all those customization what if i decide to shipback, will they that will be a messy situation to be in
I am not their representative to knowing all those details you should try to contact them and ask for details as you will be paying them ur hard earned money, they will be happy to help as Amit is a cool guy, we are just trying here to help you out make a choice.
I am not their representative to knowing all those details you should try to contact them and ask for details as you will be paying them ur hard earned money, they will be happy to help as Amit is a cool guy, we are just trying here to help you out make a choice.
Manav, thanks for your suggestion, but m not that inclined to take this route..maybe in future i hope they grow big and have their stores across India then maybe i will definitely have a try...but not now...
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