Need your advice for buying new home theater


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
Hi Gurus,

This is Prasanna from chennai.Im planning to buy a new home theater.budget is 75K.

Pls advice me which brand is best and where to buy in chennai

thanks in advance

While looking for help it would help to describe your requirement well. Are you looking at the HT only for movies or music too? Do you already have display and player. Is your budget only for the receivers/amp and speakers or should it include something else?
There are many similar threads in the forum, have your gone through those to shortlist some?
Let us know what the budget is for, is it including a display, source, speakers, avr ?

give more information for experienced members to guide u further.
Thanks for the Reply.

The amount is for Speakers and AVR

This setup is for 75% music and 25 % Movie.

Any help is really appreciable
there are many threads which recommends for this combo, if you may shortlist your choice would be helpful. You may also visit profx in chennai for audition, this should give you a fair idea about home theatre setup.
Hi Prasanna. Welcome to the forum!

Before any of the "Guru's" suggest anything to purchase, they need to take care of lot of considerations and parametres. Answering the questions below would help them to pin point you a particular product / brand / type of equipment rather. Its a vast OCEAN you see!

- What is the budget with a +/- deviation? You have mentioned 75K.
- Are you going to invest more, for the set-up in future, or is it one time investment?
- What are your listening preferences? Music Vs Movies in %age. you specified 75% music and 25% movie.- Home theatre or stereo set-up? You have mentioned HT.
- What genres of music do you normally listen to?
- What is the volume of the room? Length, breadth, height?
- Do you have a dedicated room for the set-up?
- Are you also going to invest in the room accoustics or will the set-up act more like plug and play?
- What are your current possesions (DVD/Speakers/Amps/etc)?
- Do you plan to use your current possesions with the new purchase or change them as and when the pocket permits?
- Any preference towards a particular brand (Onkyo / Denon etc) / type of equipment (Book shelfs / home theatre in a box etc)?
- Do you have access to foreign markets to purchase the set-up?

Hope you get your answer!