New Stereo Setups


Jul 3, 2011
I want to start this thread just to understand what can/SHOULD be an IDEAL HiFi stereo setup at home.I mean what/how will be the source,amplification,speakers etc. This is irrespective of what an individual's budget may be.With so many learned forum members advice i hope this would help many novices setup their hifi stereos.

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I think the answer will be "DEPENDS".

Please try to narrow your field of queries and personify your queries. Even though questions apply for many, so will be their answers as music is universally personal.
In my opinion there's nothing as ideal, there are many "could be ideal" and close to ideal.

Please try to define as a minimum
1) budget
2) space available in your listening area
3) amount of time and patience you want to put in finding questions of yours and then their answers
4) time of purchase, how long you can wait before you must complete your system
5) how flexible you are for upgradation
6) how happy you want to be with respect to how much you know about ways of quality sound reproduction

An ideal stereo set up should be able to reproduce a correctly recorded music with an illusion so that the listener can visualize himself in that 3 dimensional recording situation in a location the sound recording person intended the listener to be. That recording situation can be a recording studio or a live programme or an anechoic chamber. Provided your listening space attributes match the recording engineers pre-requisites.

It really depends on many things.
I think one should also carefully consider the kind of music that one listens to and build up a system that will do justice to those genres.
Also besides some of the obvious choices one should be open to the prospect of DIY stuff, used gear and those made by niche manufacturers who may not advertise their stuff heavily but have been validated by discerning listeners, music lovers and of course audiophiles.
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