New to this forum


New Member
Feb 1, 2023
Canada, province of Québec
Good day everyone,
Just registered and became a member of HiFi Vision.
A bit about myself;
Retired RCN as a meteorologist, spent 37 years in the navy, and now live up north Québec. I now enjoy woodworking with my wife; as a matter of fact, my wife she's the woodworker while I do all refinishing.

My systems consist of: Bryston B-135 cubed, Myriad Z140, Pioneer SA-8800, Sansui G-5700, Anthem mrx 540, Audiolab 6000N, Sansui TU-719, Pioneer TX-6200, Dual 704, Thorens 145MK1, Thorens 125MK2, Pioneer PL-12D, ATC scm11, AR 91, Dynaco A-25 (3 versions), Klipscht RB-10 and 25, REL T9i, Furman Elitę-15.
As you can notice, except for a few new components, I much favour vintage.

For now I've no question but will enjoy reading your posts, and maybe offer some help were I can.
Thanks, et au plaisir de vous lire.
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Welcome to the forum! Thank you for joining.
We have quite a few members who are into vintage audio.

Good day everyone,
Just registered and became a member of HiFi Vision.
A bit about myself;
Retired RCN as a meteorologist, spent 37 years in the navy, and now live up north Québec. I now enjoy woodworking with my wife; as a matter of fact, my wife she's the woodworker while I do all refinishing.

My systems consist of: Bryston B-135 cubed, Myriad Z140, Pioneer SA-8800, Sansui G-5700, Anthem mrx 540, Audiolab 6000N, Sansui TU-719, Pioneer TX-6200, Dual 704, Thorens 145MK1, Thorens 125MK2, Pioneer PL-12D, ATC scm11, AR 91, Dynaco A-25 (3 versions), Klipscht RB-10 and 25, REL T9i, Furman Elitę-15.
As you can notice, except for a few new components, I much favour vintage.

For now I've no question but will enjoy reading your posts, and maybe offer some help were I can.
Thanks, et au plaisir de vous lire.
Welcome to the forum.
Good day everyone,
Just registered and became a member of HiFi Vision.
A bit about myself;
Retired RCN as a meteorologist, spent 37 years in the navy, and now live up north Québec. I now enjoy woodworking with my wife; as a matter of fact, my wife she's the woodworker while I do all refinishing.

My systems consist of: Bryston B-135 cubed, Myriad Z140, Pioneer SA-8800, Sansui G-5700, Anthem mrx 540, Audiolab 6000N, Sansui TU-719, Pioneer TX-6200, Dual 704, Thorens 145MK1, Thorens 125MK2, Pioneer PL-12D, ATC scm11, AR 91, Dynaco A-25 (3 versions), Klipscht RB-10 and 25, REL T9i, Furman Elitę-15.
As you can notice, except for a few new components, I much favour vintage.

For now I've no question but will enjoy reading your posts, and maybe offer some help were I can.
Thanks, et au plaisir de vous lire.


Welcome to HFV.

I am sure you will find your experience here very enriching and enjoyable.

Make sure to visit the countless posts which is based on direct experience, technical knowledge and honest feedback.

Hope you have a great journey here!

All the best!
I have pioneer sa 8800 vintage amplifier which speakers would be good for it...
Wharfedale LINTON Heritage are
MAGNAT TRANSPULS 1000 are any other suggestions
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!