No/Low output from the subwoofer.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
Hi - just finished setting up the HT at my new place. The config is - QA Concept 20s (fronts), DLS Mini (rears), QA Concept Center, QA B12 Sub, Denon AVR X2300W. Sub is connected using the Sub Pre-out 1 to LFE. TV is connected to the AVR via ARC. Other details -
Cross Over - 80 @ LFE
Sub Volume - 75%
Setup done via Audessey
Current Speaker level for the sub - +6DB (option to take it till +/-9).
Phase - 0

Issues -
1 - There is very low output from the Sub, it almost doesn't exist. I have fiddled with the phase, crossover, volume on the sub..
2 - My sources are all streaming via Apple TV 4K.
3 - On some platforms, like Disney+ the Sub was uncomfortably strong, but almost everywhere else, nothing. Even 5.1 from Netflix, or Apple TV, almost nothing.

Questions -
1 - Is it the fault of the streaming services? Or some settings in the Apple TV or somewhere else?
2 - How can I force the Denon to push music to 2.1, when I choose the Music preset on the Denon, currently nothing on the sub; currently it only does 2.0? Or is there any other way to auto detect 2.1 channels when I use spotify? Now before this, when I had my HTPC hooked up, it would automatically shift to Stereo (2.1), any music played, thru tidal, spotify, local (only apps, webapps won't pick up 2.1).

I am sure it is not the sub, it works, but something here isn't working! Cant figure out! Any help will be appreciated!
Hey hi,

1. Audyssey set your sub to +6db? That looks way too high.
2. Are all your speakers set to Small?
3. Did you try connecting the source to the receiver and try instead of through tv?

1 - Audessey set the sub to +6DB yes.
2 - Yes all speakers are set to small.
3 - The source is connected to the AVR directly, not to the TV, TV is connected to the AVR via ARC.

The sub is mindbogglingly strong on Disney +, so much so, that is is extremely uncomfortable! But it doesn't work anywhere else. My biggest gripe is music, as the C20s need that sub to kick in or they sound too dry. I have tried, Music and Direct from the AVR, but the sub is dead silent. Nothing!
Hmm if audyssey has set the sub to +6 then there is definitely something wrong. Do a factory reset of the receiver and run the audyssey setup again.

Does the sub make noise during the audyssey setup? Where is the sub placed? Did you do a sub crawl?

Hey @MaSh , did that already, (no sub crawl though). The sub made sound during the setup yes. The second run of audyssey turned it to -3., I reset it manually to +4 @50% volume. The sub is rumbling away, just finished the dark phoenix on Disney +, the sub performance was good, if not perfect. The reset fixed it to a large extent but still not quite there, though more than satisfactory. Thanks for all the help.

Any inputs on 2.1 for music??? It is still on 2.0 for music thru Spotify.
Hey @MaSh , did that already, (no sub crawl though). The sub made sound during the setup yes. The second run of audyssey turned it to -3., I reset it manually to +4 @50% volume. The sub is rumbling away, just finished the dark phoenix on Disney +, the sub performance was good, if not perfect. The reset fixed it to a large extent but still not quite there, though more than satisfactory. Thanks for all the help.

Any inputs on 2.1 for music??? It is still on 2.0 for music thru Spotify.
That's great news. However +4 is also too much. That -3db is actually quite good. Anything over 0 is adding gain to the channel and that can add distortion. So increase the sub volume to say 80% and get the receiver sub gain to under -ve 7 from -ve3.

Infact for my svs I used to aim to have absolutely No gain to sub. Used to do multiple runs adjusting volume on sub to get a receiver gain as close as possible to -ve 11. This keeps the signal clean, makes the amp on the sub run to it's potential and avoids any chance of sub amp distorting or clipping at high volumes.

@DB1989, yes it was all sorted eventually. I manually adjusted things - increased the volume of the sub to 80% and reduced it to -5 in Audessey, it is fantastic. The 2.1 issue was also sorted, it was basically running, but in the previous settings it was imperceptible in music (is my understanding- I might be wrong). Once these settings were done, the sub came to life and it is all merriment since.

The QB12 is actually not a bad sub. Obviously the size is a bit of an eyesore in the setting, but, it is quite tight, if not accurate or audiophile level. That doesn't mean it isn't good - I believe for the price like most QA stuff, it would be very difficult to beat. It is great for movies and does a more than satisfying job for music too. I still compare it with the REL T0 (I have sold it already) when it comes to music and there are a few things that could be better - but that could as much be my media setup, but I absolutely can't fault it in movies.

**Oh BTW - I changed the AVR to X2700H, so maybe that could be the difference.
The QB12 is actually not a bad sub. Obviously the size is a bit of an eyesore in the setting, but, it is quite tight, if not accurate or audiophile level. That doesn't mean it isn't good - I believe for the price like most QA stuff, it would be very difficult to beat. It is great for movies and does a more than satisfying job for music too. I still compare it with the REL T0 (I have sold it already) when it comes to music and there are a few things that could be better - but that could as much be my media setup, but I absolutely can't fault it in movies.
Thats great! I'd auditioned the QB12 and thought it was fantastic for the price and my go to sub below 50k. Anything will seem excessively large once you've lived with a Tzero.
Hi - just finished setting up the HT at my new place. The config is - QA Concept 20s (fronts), DLS Mini (rears), QA Concept Center, QA B12 Sub, Denon AVR X2300W.
Also, glad to see the concept center is obliging with its duties. :)
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