Norge 1000 Amplifier with Mission QX-2


Active Member
Oct 21, 2013
Kolkata, WB
Hello folks,

I want to know if the Norge Concerto Gold 1000 Amplifier be able to drive Mission QX-2 Bookshelf speakers?

Specifications for each can be found in the associated links below:

Norge 1000 Amplifier: Link

Mission QX-2 Speakers: Link

If someone is using the Norge 1000 Amp with Mission QX-2 or has heard this combination please do share your input.

It should work well... One of our FM @vaasu using it..

It should work well... One of our FM @vaasu using it..

Nice! I had read that thread a few days back and even messaged FM @vaasu but didn't get any replies from him. Maybe he is away.

Going by what he wrote on that thread the Norge 1000 is a good match with the QX-2. If anyone else has tried this combination please do share your experience.
How much if for Norge 1000? I guess now hifimart is selling Misson QX2 MK II, the latest generation at 32.9K..
How much if for Norge 1000? I guess now hifimart is selling Misson QX2 MK II, the latest generation at 32.9K..

Norge 1000 is around 15k+shipping.

Yes my friend, the QX-2 MKII is there on Hifimart for 32k.

FMs here say that the QX-2 is way better than the LX-2 so I'm thinking. Thing is that my Marantz PM5005 will most likely not be able to drive the QX-2 but will drive the LX-2 just fine.

Now, if I buy the QX-2 I will have to get the Norge 1000. Tricky situation.

I do have a spare TDA7498 amplifier but don't think that will drive the QX-2 as well. Link for it is here if you want to check the specs: Fosi Audio TDA7498E. It's rated at 160W X 2(4 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.04% THD). Should I first order the QX-2 and check if this Amp can drive them and then decide if I need the Norge or not?
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Norge 1000 is around 15k+shipping.

Yes my friend, the QX-2 MKII is there on Hifimart for 32k.

FMs here say that the QX-2 is way better than the LX-2 so I'm thinking. Thing is that my Marantz PM5005 will most likely not be able to drive the QX-2 but will drive the LX-2 just fine.

Now, if I buy the QX-2 I will have to get the Norge 1000. Tricky situation.

I do have a spare TDA7498 amplifier but don't think that will drive the QX-2 as well. Link for it is here if you want to check the specs: Fosi Audio TDA7498E. It's rated at 160W X 2(4 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.04% THD). Should I first order the QX-2 and check if this Amp can drive them and then decide if I need the Norge or not?
Your Fosi Audio amp as well as PM5005 will be able to run QX2.. so you may order the Speaker first, test with your existing amps and then take a call.
Norge 1000 is around 15k+shipping.

Yes my friend, the QX-2 MKII is there on Hifimart for 32k.

FMs here say that the QX-2 is way better than the LX-2 so I'm thinking. Thing is that my Marantz PM5005 will most likely not be able to drive the QX-2 but will drive the LX-2 just fine.

Now, if I buy the QX-2 I will have to get the Norge 1000. Tricky situation.

I do have a spare TDA7498 amplifier but don't think that will drive the QX-2 as well. Link for it is here if you want to check the specs: Fosi Audio TDA7498E. It's rated at 160W X 2(4 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.04% THD). Should I first order the QX-2 and check if this Amp can drive them and then decide if I need the Norge or not?
The PM5005 will drive it just fine. My bro in law has it and has no problems driving it with an NR1509 to loud levels. That is one killer speaker. The QX2 mk-I had a better finish though.
Norge is really competent. One more option for you will be DD Amp. You won't get a better amp in even double the price.

Also, How did you arrive at the choice of Mission?

DD Amp is Aniket's custom made amplifier right? Are they in the same price range of Norge 1000?
specs: Fosi Audio TDA7498E. It's rated at 160W X 2(4 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.04% THD).
I doubt that. Probably the 160watt output is at higher distortion or they are lieing. The TDA7498 datasheet graph shows 50 watts (6 ohms, 0.1% distortion). The datasheet does not mention 4 ohms load watts and distortion. The datasheet doesnot have graphs at 4 ohms. probably they conveniently forgot it.
I doubt that. Probably the 160watt output is at higher distortion or they are lieing. The TDA7498 datasheet graph shows 50 watts (6 ohms, 0.1% distortion). The datasheet does not mention 4 ohms load watts and distortion. The datasheet doesnot have graphs at 4 ohms. probably they conveniently forgot it.

And what is your opinion on the Marantz PM5005, will that be able to drive the QX-2?
And what is your opinion on the Marantz PM5005, will that be able to drive the QX-2?
I have basic understanding of these things. All speakers present varying impedance. Lower impedance means it will draw more current and amplifier should be able to deliver it otherwise amp is prone to damage. Think of it as one is 'slowly shorting the speaker terminals' . We dont have any factual figures of PM5005 and QX-2 but from given specs looks like it can easily drive* Qx-2 unless pushed to limits by contineoulsy sustained listening to loud levels. Things also depend if amplifier has any self protection or not.

* as most average home listening does not require much power.
I have basic understanding of these things. All speakers present varying impedance. Lower impedance means it will draw more current and amplifier should be able to deliver it otherwise amp is prone to damage. Think of it as one is 'slowly shorting the speaker terminals' . We dont have any factual figures of PM5005 and QX-2 but from given specs looks like it can easily drive* Qx-2 unless pushed to limits by contineoulsy sustained listening to loud levels. Things also depend if amplifier has any self protection or not.

* as most average home listening does not require much power.

Thank-you for sharing your knowledge regarding this. Very helpful indeed.

Usually I listen to my music on low or moderate volume levels (close listening). With my Marantz PM5005 + Micca MB42 I usually listen at 9 o'clock position. Going by this I think the PM5005 should be able to drive the QX-2.
Your PM5005 model is actually measured,sc
and it gives 48watts @ 8 ohms and 65 watts at 5 ohms. These are real figures.

If you still want to pursue this further. Take Speaker voltage test mentioned here with all details
All you have to do is multiply measured voltage. i.e. if you get 1.5v multiply 1.5x1.5v = 2.25 watts you are using at that particular level and with that amp and speaker. If you want to calculate occasional transients (Which are higher) multiply measured value by 4 . Means 1.5x4=6 than again 6x6= 36 watts on occasional transients.
sorry read 65 watts @ 4 ohms in above post.
I searched for QX-2 measurements. But could not find it. However here is something different and interesting. Here are measurements of Klipsch RP600
The company has specs of 8 ohms but when measured it shows 3.2 ohms. (Normally 4 ohms is accepted as music is not made up of sinewaves) Things like these may be troublesome for amplifiers which can not handle low impedance.
It should work well... One of our FM @vaasu using it..

yes, norge 1000 and qx2 are a good match. I listen to them by connecting iphone se to norge via 3.5mm cable. Earlier i used yamaha rs201 stereo receiver with pioneer fs52 tower speaker. The stereo separation was very good with that setup. But with norge, separation is there but we can notice it very less. And also pop sound from the speakers always when i switch on the amp.

But for the money, qx2 speakers are a steal. They look gorgeous with the aluminum plate on top and bottom of the speaker.
yes, norge 1000 and qx2 are a good match. I listen to them by connecting iphone se to norge via 3.5mm cable. Earlier i used yamaha rs201 stereo receiver with pioneer fs52 tower speaker. The stereo separation was very good with that setup. But with norge, separation is there but we can notice it very less. And also pop sound from the speakers always when i switch on the amp.

But for the money, qx2 speakers are a steal. They look gorgeous with the aluminum plate on top and bottom of the speaker.
I heard Norge amplifiers are now coming with soft start speaker protection as standard across the current models. FM @girishtd8262 recently bought one see the thread.
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