Novice query on stereo


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2012

I am using jriver to play audio on my speakers via a nuc which flows into my htr 3072 avr.

In jriver I have selected stereo output which shows as 2 channel. In avr i have selected straight as the mode to play it.

Now my avr shows 2/0/... As the signal info. When I check my subwoofer is playing along with my l anr r. This is what I wanted to do but I am just confused isn't it supposed to show up as 2.1 instead of stereo when it is using my sub as well?

I am using jriver to play audio on my speakers via a nuc which flows into my htr 3072 avr.

In jriver I have selected stereo output which shows as 2 channel. In avr i have selected straight as the mode to play it.

Now my avr shows 2/0/... As the signal info. When I check my subwoofer is playing along with my l anr r. This is what I wanted to do but I am just confused isn't it supposed to show up as 2.1 instead of stereo when it is using my sub as well?

Have you kept main+lfe on in subwoofer settings? It might be called something else in yamaha like Extra Bass or something.

I am using jriver to play audio on my speakers via a nuc which flows into my htr 3072 avr.

In jriver I have selected stereo output which shows as 2 channel. In avr i have selected straight as the mode to play it.

Now my avr shows 2/0/... As the signal info. When I check my subwoofer is playing along with my l anr r. This is what I wanted to do but I am just confused isn't it supposed to show up as 2.1 instead of stereo when it is using my sub as well?
Check the crossover settings in AVR.
It is set to 180 hz on the avr as it is written on back of my sub as the recommended cutoff for Boston acoustics 5.1

Is this incorrect?

No, since you have changed your speakers calibrate the AVR again. QA 3020i and QA 3090i do go lower than 80hz but try keeping 80hz for them.
Does your AVR have setting to keep different crossovers per speakers ?
No, since you have changed your speakers calibrate the AVR again. QA 3020i and QA 3090i do go lower than 80hz but try keeping 80hz for them.
Does your AVR have setting to keep different crossovers per speakers ?
No only one setting for the subwoofer, no individual settings for the speaker. I think the sub setting is called low pass on my sub
No only one setting for the subwoofer, no individual settings for the speaker. I think the sub setting is called low pass on my sub
Which subwoofer are you using?

So these should be the default settings for HT and are widely used.
Settings in AVR -
All speaker crossover to 80hz if any of your speaker is not able to go down till 80hz or ratting is high, try 100hz for that speaker.

Settings on a Subwoofer-
Max out crossover on the subwoofer, then calibrate.

From what I understand, your fronts are QA and surrounds are satellite speakers right ? you will have to keep the crossovers to match the satellite speakers or the freq between 80hz and the satellite speakers say 180hz will be blank.
Which subwoofer are you using?

So these should be the default settings for HT and are widely used.
Settings in AVR -
All speaker crossover to 80hz if any of your speaker is not able to go down till 80hz or ratting is high, try 100hz for that speaker.

Settings on a Subwoofer-
Max out crossover on the subwoofer, then calibrate.

From what I understand, your fronts are QA and surrounds are satellite speakers right ? you will have to keep the crossovers to match the satellite speakers or the freq between 80hz and the satellite speakers say 180hz will be blank.
Thanks a lot for your inputs. Yes, I am using the front 3 from q surround l and r are from the Boston acoustics soundware xs 5.1 package and subwoofer is also from the same package.

I don't have the option to set individual speaker crossovers in my htr3072 avr but yes I have the option to set the crossover for subwoofer...actually I don't find much of a difference when I calibrate my subwoofer in terms of crossover - maybe I am still not skilled enough to identify that difference
Would suggest change the surrounds and subwoofer down the line. Surrounds should atleast hit 80hz or lower in your room.
QA might give you better bass than the boston subwoofer :p
Now my avr shows 2/0/... As the signal info. When I check my subwoofer is playing along with my l anr r. This is what I wanted to do but I am just confused isn't it supposed to show up as 2.1 instead of stereo when it is using my sub as well?

No. How you choose to playback a signal can be different from the original signal source. You're playing back a stereo source by also sending audio at and below the crossover point to your subwoofer(s). Your AVR is reporting the signal as received. The .1 has to do with whether the signal has anything in the LFE channel. A stereo signal doesn't, so your AVR is correctly reporting it as 2.0.
In jriver I have selected stereo output which shows as 2 channel. In avr i have selected straight as the mode to play it.

Now my avr shows 2/0/... As the signal info. When I check my subwoofer is playing along with my l anr r. This is what I wanted to do but I am just confused isn't it supposed to show up as 2.1 instead of stereo when it is using my sub as well?

In JRiver go to Tools > Options > Audio > DSP & output format > Output Format > Subwoofer (bottom right of the window)
Select "Silent (don't use subwoofer in the downmix)

Check if this removes the subwoofer.



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In JRiver go to Tools > Options > Audio > DSP & output format > Output Format > Subwoofer (bottom right of the window)
Select "Silent (don't use subwoofer in the downmix)

Check if this removes the subwoofer.

Thanks i will try this... I do actually want a 2.1 signal from jriver but whenever I select 2.1 on dsp it up mixes to 5.1 and sends it... Other channel config like 3.1 4.1 5.1 work as intended but for some odd reason 2.1 doesn't work it converts to 5.1 instead
If the source signal has 0.1 then it will display it.In your case you are sending a 2 channel audio to AVR .If the source signal has frequency which is below the crossover point ( check it on AVR crossover settings) of your Front speakers ,then those will be handled by the subwoofer.
So you may not get the 0.1 display on your AVR but still sub will be playing .Hope you got the point .
If the source signal has 0.1 then it will display it.In your case you are sending a 2 channel audio to AVR .If the source signal has frequency which is below the crossover point ( check it on AVR crossover settings) of your Front speakers ,then those will be handled by the subwoofer.
So you may not get the 0.1 display on your AVR but still sub will be playing .Hope you got the point .
Thanks yes makes sense
As many suggested, you have to set LEF+main(double bass). Secondly instead of straight, try stereo mode in avr. Also use lossless music format. Mp3 file may not have low bass.
Thanks i will try this... I do actually want a 2.1 signal from jriver but whenever I select 2.1 on dsp it up mixes to 5.1 and sends it... Other channel config like 3.1 4.1 5.1 work as intended but for some odd reason 2.1 doesn't work it converts to 5.1 instead
For anyone else wondering I found my answer on jriver forum..

It seems selecting 2.1 output sends 2.1 in a 6 channel package with the last 3 packages blank which is why my avr shows all channels are active... Will see hopefully no sound from the other 3 channels come

For anyone else wondering I found my answer on jriver forum..

It seems selecting 2.1 output sends 2.1 in a 6 channel package with the last 3 packages blank which is why my avr shows all channels are active... Will see hopefully no sound from the other 3 channels come

Checked and confirmed. Sound coming out is actually 2.1 , other channel speakers don't make any sound, it is just a multichannel package-carrying 2.1
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