Obsessed Audiophiles in Japan Install Their Own Utility Poles for Better Sound Quality


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
Having your very own utility pole and decimated transformer!!!!,

Some die-hard audiophiles in Japan insist that they are critical for a pure audio experience. “Electricity is like blood. If it is tainted, the whole body will get sick,” Takeo Morita recently told the Wall Street Journal. “No matter how expensive the audio equipment is, it will be no good if the blood is bad.”

He paid around $10,000 to have a concrete utility pole installed in his yard. It comes complete with his own personal transformer, which feeds power more directly from the grid.

Having your very own utility pole and decimated transformer!!!!,

Some die-hard audiophiles in Japan insist that they are critical for a pure audio experience. “Electricity is like blood. If it is tainted, the whole body will get sick,” Takeo Morita recently told the Wall Street Journal. “No matter how expensive the audio equipment is, it will be no good if the blood is bad.”

He paid around $10,000 to have a concrete utility pole installed in his yard. It comes complete with his own personal transformer, which feeds power more directly from the grid.

If the source of electricity itself is not pure, what is the use of own pole and transformer. They should install their own "audiophile grade" power generation plant.
If the source of electricity itself is not pure, what is the use of own pole and transformer. They should install their own "audiophile grade" power generation plant.
Does the noise coming into the transformer get passed through its output unaltered?
the noise coming into the transformer get passed through its output unaltered?
Most transformers will isolate the HF noise on the primary side from the secondary because of hysteresis loss. Hysteresis loss is frequency dependendent. Hysteresis loss in a magnetic material is directly proportional to the frequency of the field, magnetic flux intensity, and volume of the material. It is also dependendent on the transformer core material used. One can choose a transformer core that has very high hysteresis loss for high frequency noise generated in a typical household. Even putting an isolation transformer can reduce the high frequency EMI generated in today's times by cell phone chargers, SMPS connected to our mainline.

In a typical flat today, you get a very polluted output, exacerbated by all other flats in the society, since all of them share a common transformer. So there is lot of merit in what the Japanese audiophiles are doing.
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