Old Hindi Movie Vinyls....


New Member
Nov 6, 2006
Kolkata, India
I am looking for Old Hindi Movie vinyls, especially, the ones, whose Music Director is R.D.Burman. I have most of his compositions in CD or MP3, but listening those in vinyls is a different experience altogether.

Can anyone please help, where should I get them in India, especially, in Calcutta ?? I know few places here in Calcutta, but looking for a wider perspective.

Any dealers in this forum ???

Please revert back to me.

Thanks & Regards,

Kabariwallahs are your best bet-but try to pretend you're not really interested else they'll skin you!
Try this no: 9331051135. His name is Mashooq Jamal. The shop is near wellington square. He has a huge collection.
Try this store on India ebay ..I have not bought anything from this store, but worth a try as the collection appears to be largely vintage bollywood. I recently did pick up a stash of about 200 LPs from a gentlemen in Kolkotta, so I guess you just need to ask around.

eBay India Store - Bollywood World 4 All: Bollywood Music Record LP33rpm, Bollywood Music Record EP45rpm

BTW - this is my first post and I live in Bangalore and currently running a pretty basic stereo setup and looking to upgrade. This forum is quite good for audiophiles in India.

Spread the word, with friends, family, people at work, etc. You'll find this hilarious but a couple of weeks ago, I gave a speech at office as part of an internal event based on interesting hobbies. My topic was my vinyl record collection. The next thing I know is that one of the Senior Leaders walks up to me and offers me some records if I can drive down to his house and pick it up. Turns out that its his fathers old collection of some 50 something English records and I'm going there to collect them, this weekend. You wont believe this but a lot of my collection was built up this way, with contributions from family, close friends, colleagues at work and even from my customers. I have crossed the 800 mark as of today. I started my record hunting in 2004, even though records have been in the house-hold since the 1950s.

Flip side of this approach is that you cant pick and choose titles.
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Spread the word, with friends, family, people at work, etc. You'll find this hilarious but a couple of weeks ago, I gave a speech at office as part of an internal event based on interesting hobbies. My topic was my vinyl record collection. The next thing I know is that one of the Senior Leaders walks up to me and offers me some records if I can drive down to his house and pick it up. Turns out that its his fathers old collection of some 50 something English records and I'm going there to collect them, this weekend. You wont believe this but a lot of my collection was built up this way, with contributions from family, close friends, colleagues at work and even from my customers. I have crossed the 800 mark as of today. I started my record hunting in 2004, even though records have been in the house-hold since the 1950s.

Flip side of this approach is that you cant pick and choose titles.

Thanks for sharing. Same with me Reuben. As a part of knowledge sharing session in my office, which is a speech and presentation for each employee, my presentation was on magic of modeling algorithm on cleaning a vinyl rip. That was hugely taken by so-called new generation listeners and I was offered with small sets of attic collection from some of the participants.

Jai Ho Vinyl.
Hi everybody,
I am Sunil from Bangalore,Looking for some Good hindi Vinyls of Rajesh Roshan and R.D.Burman,if anyone has please contact me at 9945087890.Thanks.
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