Well-Known Member
Hi, could you please share your experiences when you decided to try out pre-owned AVRs or speakers or sub woofers from OLX and/or other internet sites please.
Pre owned market it worth it if the previous owner had learned electronics with the stuff he is selling.Many say that pre-owned market is worth it but others disagree. I wanted to see some practical experiences here.
As pointed out, it depends on the seller. I recently sold my Edifier 1280DBS and Crown XLS1502 (yet to hand over) and I'd like to believe I am a trustworthy seller!Hi, could you please share your experiences when you decided to try out pre-owned AVRs or speakers or sub woofers from OLX and/or other internet sites please.
And while I'm not going to rat out this person, i think it would behoove all to know that the abovesaid action (Quoting myself here) comes under the definition of cheating under the Indian Penal Code - Section 415 so its best not to be dishonest despite one's intrinsic urges/nature/nurture while selling something on any platform:I'd bought a pair of speakers from this one FM who'd advertised it as first hand, not that it mattered because speakers are hardy and i couldn't have cared less. While at his place to pickup the item, he was kind enough to let me audition another pair of really fine speakers which he blissfully happened to mention that he'd bought second hand from a dealer at a truly unbelievable price. Saw the same speakers on sale on HFV a few days later at a price much higher than what he'd bought it at and advertised as First Hand. While he's perfectly entitled to sell it at whatever price he deems fit, i do consider prior ownership history to be of relevance. Imagine buying what you believe to be a second hand car (quite literally) and finding out that you're the tenth owner! And while I'm really enjoying the pair of speakers he sold me, it does give me a moment of pause wondering about the chain of ownership.
Loose lips sink ships i guess (i let this one slide and i don't expect the person to introspect for even a moment if he comes across this post because if one does not have a conscience to begin with, one does not grow one at a later date - ergo, once an A**H***, always an A**H***).
Not at all! Just thought it fit to recount an experience which I thought was relevant to the topic at hand i.e. irrespective of forum, it helps to figure out the bonafides of a person.Thanks DB1989. I am sorry if my thread made you cringe over the deal you made yourself. I think we win some we lose some in this game of second hand internet ad responding. New products are so costly that we have to dirty our hands in these roulette chance we take.
This could be a tricky one. I would know the technical details while I'm buying the stuff, once I have them set up and it plays well, then it's all about listening to my music. I would eventually forget all the technical details.Just as a random example, if you ask the person for the size of the woofer driver in a speaker, and they can't answer, it's not a good sign.
You're probably being too kind by not mentioning the fact that the said a****** had a bad case of haemorrhoids too!(i let this one slide and i don't expect the person to introspect for even a moment if he comes across this post because if one does not have a conscience to begin with, one does not grow one at a later date - ergo, once an A**H***, always an A**H***).
The website looks dubious. A similar website that i remember was Naaptol.Today I made an unsuccessful attempt to buy a product from Vplak. Infact the item price is too good to be true (22k for a pair of QAcoustics 3020i) which in Amazon also was listed just Rs.1500 more. But then I received many phone calls from Vplak customer service asking me why I stopped half way through. I said I changed my mind for which he kept dragging saying we can give you further discounts and interest free emis and what not. After about fourth call from them, I got annoyed and blocked their number. Vplak's desperation to sell is a big question mark. I am thinking they are either fake or a pandemic affected fading company that wants to up its turnover.
Hey. Is Vplak safe? Shall I order from Vplak? Or shall I go for reputed Bajaao?Today I made an unsuccessful attempt to buy a product from Vplak. Infact the item price is too good to be true (22k for a pair of QAcoustics 3020i) which in Amazon also was listed just Rs.1500 more. But then I received many phone calls from Vplak customer service asking me why I stopped half way through. I said I changed my mind for which he kept dragging saying we can give you further discounts and interest free emis and what not. After about fourth call from them, I got annoyed and blocked their number. Vplak's desperation to sell is a big question mark. I am thinking they are either fake or a pandemic affected fading company that wants to up its turnover.
Noted.Yes, bought few things from them.
Do ask for discounts
Bajaao is safe too. I ordered Studio monitors, 16 channel Processors, Rythmik Audio F18 Subwoofer etc etc from them. Worth the price. Value for money.Is geniune and reliable?