opinions regarding lithos speakers


Oct 21, 2007
ever heard of indian made lithos speakers,I visited their website lithosindia.com and found out the site informative even to a laymam like me.Is it true that those speakers sound so beautiful as the company claims.If any of you out there owns or used or heard these speakers can you give your opinion about the performance of these speakers.
they are really good speakers. i auditioned them in last August..nice package..i could not buy for some reasons..
at that time they were building titanium cone speakers..
you can meet rajeev (if I remember the name correctly)
nice set of speakers..
hi vadiraj
since you auditioned lithos speakers may i ask you why you have decided against buying them.i reside in chennai so it is not possible for me to go to mumbai just for hearing those speakers.do you feel the speakers are compromised in quality or are they overpriced.please give your reasons.of several models that they have which model did you like most.
they are really good speakers in terms of re-producing natural sound from your sources..
the price was a point and i did not have enough money to buy them during august. a pair of Noa and a subwoofer came to around 38K I suppose, dont recall exact amount..i was in mumbai for three months and when I shifted back to bangalore I wanted to buy them..
i will still be buying them at some point of time for sure..they are good speakers....
contact them and ask if they can arrange for a demo in chennai some time or ask them if they are participating any of the AV Expo..AV Expo is happening in Banagalore in Jan end or Feb I suppose :):)
I visited av max expo in december 06 at chennai expecting to see lithos but was disappointed as they did not participate in it.I also contacted people at lithos for an audition at chennai but they asked me to come over to mumbai.I even suggested them to send their speakers for a review in avmax magazine...looks like they are not interested in marketing their products.
Hi redd,
I had bought an amplifier (onkyo SR 805) from US. I am planning to get the speaker set from India. I went to the Onkyo Showroom in chennai and found the klipsch speakers as good. But, wanted to find out the performance of Lithos as well.. Have you bought the lithos system?
Hi Everyone,

I have been using Lithos speaker for the past 7 years now and today, I upgraded to the latest Lithos speaker called - the KONTRA. - kontra .

i used a set of tower speakers of Lithos which were a limited edition of only 6 sets made.

I got the speakers in the morning and just cant stop listening to them. I am using NAD apm and CD player. The speakers cables and interconnects I am using are Sommer.

The combination is nothing short of BRILLIANT. I have heard many speakers over time, but this one just sounds beautiful. the sound delivery is tight bass, spatial sound and clear reproduction.

The desing itself is unique and imposing in my livng room. It forms the center of attraction in the room.

i would recommend anyone who is looking at buying a good high-end speaker system to buy the Kontra's. The price I paid is 1 lac for the pair. I have heard speakers that dont sound half as good priced at 3 lacs a pair.

great product 111
EDIT: Never Mind...I just saw replies to this q. from other members.

Would you happen to know the price of the Lithos Noa1's since you've recently bought a Lithos system?
Happy listening, by the way!
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Thank you shaundubash, Finally an actual user of a Lithos speakers !! Please keep posting your impression of the speakers with different kinds of music.

I heard the Noa1 over 6 or 7 years ago in Rajiv's house. Rajiv actually tempted me to sit for over 2 hours continuously listening to music. What impressed me most was the complete lack of strain on the ears. And of course, the sheer volume of sound that was coming out of something that was so tiny. But what was most impressive was Rajiv's claim of Q-Balance was actually working.

Because of the size, I had immediately put the NOA1 in the league of sub/sat systems such as Bose. I should have taken it more seriously.

I am glad Rajiv is doing well. He sounded very knowledgeable and he deserves good success with what he is doing.

Here goes on some more dope on the Lithos Kontra's. This is day 2 they have been in my house.

Some more background on my "so called" high end experience. BTW I dont consider myself to be an audiophile. I appreciate great music and a system to me is just a channel to get me to hear that great music.

Like most people, I had heard of "BOSE" ten years ago, so when an opportunity arose, I imported the same (AM5 acoustimass). I used them for 6 months and by chance bumped into Lithos at Lakozy (shop at chowpatty, mumbai that deals in high end audio). I heard the sub sat combo and was immediately impresses. The NOA1-s were born from this combination. I bumped in Rajiv at Lithos one day and we hit it off as good friends. We landed up doing blind tests with people with the AM5's and the Sub sats. The sub sats won hands down.

Since I already had the BOSE and spent a small fortune on getting them, i didnt go in for Lithos...but then Lithis designed a tower speaker system called the 602's. they were great for a small room. I made the Towers my main music listening pair and put the Bose as rear speakers for movies.

I have been waiting for lithos to come up with a High End speaker for years. I knew Rajiv was working on the desing and engineering for a couple of years. I heard the prototypes, gave him feedback and it continued. Finally, 6 months later, I had not been in touch with Rajiv for a while, I check the lithos website and I see these magnificent speakers out there. I called Rajiv immediately to hear them and it was just superb.

Alas, the speakers are in my living room now and sounding brilliant.

My wish for Lithos is that he get the financial and management skill sets to take this company global. The Indian mindset is to disregard an indegneously built product. I always tell Rajiv, if I was a rich man and had enough money in the bank, I would gladly setup showrooms across the globe taking his product to ends of the earth.

But there is good news. Lithos is setting up a listening room in Bandra in about 2 weeks time. It is going to be near the Tommy hilfiger showroom on linking road. I think this will give Lithos the visibility it needs.

If you want to know more about me...just search Shaun Dubash on google and you will figure out what I do for a living...average joe here working to make in big in life :-)

Nice to hear more high end speaker manufacturers are coming up in India. Will definitely hear the Kontra once Lithos sets up its showroom in Bandra.
I had demo-ed these extensively last year, courtesy of Rajiv, who was kind enough to arrange for an extended session (actually 2 sessions) at his residence. I had a taste of the upgraded Pro-10 speakers at the time. The Kontra was being readied for launch.

That was a time when I was on overdrive to upgrade my existing speakers and had auditioned almost every possible brand available and models upto the 1 lakh range.

The only two I really liked were the Monitor Audio GS-10 bookshelves and the Lithos system. Of the two I would pick the Lithos system any day.

It quite simply put out the sweetest music I'd heard. This is a guy (Rajiv) who knows his craft and what he is talking about.

I eventually did not go in for the upgrade due to work again taking me outside for a while, then marriage, house etc. and hi-fi requirements had to take a back seat. But the lust is alive and well, and when I do the upgrade eventually, I am pretty sure I'll end up with a Lithos system.

I would very seriously advise anyone looking to build a high fidelity music system to audition the Lithos system before making a decision.

For what its worth, the clincher for me was, I auditioned the Lithos system in a normal living room with normal equipment (he was driving them off a NAD amplifier), so I had a real world experience of the speakers, as opposed to fancy brands who use even fancier equipment and sound proofed and perfectly set up acoustic rooms to showcase their sound.

These speakers were the sweetest sounding *under normal operating conditions*. If you could dedicate a little to acoustically preparing your room, by way of furniture placement, sitting area and other such simple and inexpensive measures (on which too Rajiv will advise you) I'm sure they'd right blow you away.

Venkat P.
hi shaundubash
where are you.its been a long time since you posted your opinion of kontras,give us your feedback regarding the performance of your lithos contras speakers.
I heard lithos Noa-1 and frankly I was not impressed. I thought the satellites sounded a little metallic. Must ave been the metal (unfilled) speaker stands.
Not to my liking really.

i am a proud owner of lithos noa speakers which i bought about 4 years back and ever since that my whole outlook to listening music has changed for the better - they are absolutely phenomenal interms of the natural music reproduction and tight bass.... and trust me lithos is much better than the trash that bose etc dish out both in terms of quality and price points.
Hi Srini

What speaker stands do you use? The setup I heard had really cheap looking MS metallic stands one inch in diameter, no sand in them and a tripod base and true to its "foundation" sounded metallic with a hint of sewer pipe effect in the sats. The sub was driven by an amp of a different make than the satellites and I also got a sense that the timing was off between the sats and sub. I drove 40kms to audition them in the belief that I would rather pay for a product that did not have 70% markup due to customs and dealer margin - in effect get only half the value of the money in terms of product quality (not considering import duty on speaker components in knocked down structure). And also no less motivation mind you - to encourage desi products provided they were fair competition to foreign makes ( I have no "Phoren" craze, be assured). But I guess the setup I heard didn't encourage conversion of a potential buyer. In the end I think I settled for Wharfedale 9.2s only because I did not get a chance at a proper audition. Not that the WFs aren't good, but simply considering getting more bang for the buck in terms of VFM.

I am glad you are happy with the setup. Next time I visit Pune, I will check out the showroom and get a second opinion.

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hi gobble,
i think the place where you auditioned lithos was not properly set up - if possible do drop in to their audition room at bandra or at rajiv's place - trust me both the places are not refurbished as listening rooms - they have normal household furniture and no thick wall padding etc - so you get to listen the same as you would at home - and what you hear at the listening room is what you will hear at your home....also what was the amp make?
i have found it to work best with a NAD or a yammy
Hi Srini

I auditioned at a customers place and he had a NAD c352 for the sats and another brand for the subs. Doesn't the sub come with its own amp? He must have used it for the preamp.

I'll check it out next time I'm in Pune.

Thank you shaundubash, Finally an actual user of a Lithos speakers !! Please keep posting your impression of the speakers with different kinds of music.

I heard the Noa1 over 6 or 7 years ago in Rajiv's house. Rajiv actually tempted me to sit for over 2 hours continuously listening to music. What impressed me most was the complete lack of strain on the ears. And of course, the sheer volume of sound that was coming out of something that was so tiny. But what was most impressive was Rajiv's claim of Q-Balance was actually working.

Because of the size, I had immediately put the NOA1 in the league of sub/sat systems such as Bose. I should have taken it more seriously.

I am glad Rajiv is doing well. He sounded very knowledgeable and he deserves good success with what he is doing.


Hello Venkat,

Did you ever listen them again? If yes, what do you think of them now? and where do you put them in price to performance matrix?

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