Oscar Nominations - Some thoughts


Active Member
Sep 20, 2006
Hey the Oscar Nominations are out, just thought of getting everyone's feed on these. Some of the things that pleased me about the nominations were:

1. Heath Ledger not getting nominated for best actor - I think it was a very sound decision made by the board. I mean he has been fantastic in the role and nobody can ever own that role the way he did and redefined it totally. But best actor nomination? Excause me. Either for the screentime or the scope of the role I think it made sense that Heath was nominated for supporting cast. I hope he wins it. BTW I saw lot of people getting carried post his death saying he should get best actor award. Sorry I disagree. You just have to watch Daniel Day Lewis in "There will be blood" to witness what defines best actor nomination and win.

2. A.R.R - Well what can I say about Rahman. Im really happy for him. Though the score for SDM is not phenomenal, i think ARR's average work is way better than the hollywood giants. And thats pure genious!

3. SDM/ Danny Boyle - Have always been a Danny Boyle fan since 28 days and weeks (though he didnt direct this one) so Im really happy for this guy. I mean to take a novel written by a Indian diplomat about India and turn it into a kind of movie that takes the world by storm. Thats truly phenomenal. Danny you rock! His resume has such a versatile mix of themes he has worked. Truly amazing

3. Wall-E - Great movie, loved it. But again some folk were hoping that it should have been nominated for best movie. Its a truly groundbreaking animation movie in terms of production, storytelling and all that allegorical references. But then it didnt have in it to make a best movie nomination. Wall-E is definitely going to pick up best animated feature apart from atleast 1 award from the sound department.

4. Best Actor - My fav is Mickey Rourke for "The Wrestler" and I really hope he gets it.

Guys just jotted down some random thoughts. Please pour in yours. Lets agree to disagree.
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