Plasma vs. LCD TVs


Jul 24, 2006
Plasma vs. LCD TVs

Size: Both LCD TVs and plasma TVs are thin as you could hope for. In screen size plasmas usually run larger though don’t usually come in smaller sizes, which is sometimes needed.

Viewing Angle: Plasma have a wider viewing angle.

Life Span: Both have good lifespan.

Issues: Plasma sometimes suffer from “burn in” effect. LCD TVs are sometimes susceptible to a delay that causes the outline of figures or objects to appear jagged.

Color: LCD TVs are renowned for a sharp picture and vibrant color. Plasma TVs are known for a wide range of colors and accurate color reproduction. Brightness: LCD TVs are said to do slightly better in bright-light conditions. Black Levels: Plasma TVs generally produce very black blacks whereas an LCD TV will produce a very dark charcoal gray. Contrast Levels: Plasma TVs, technically, are said to have greater contrast levels.

Cost: Prices for both types of TVs are decreasing rapidly.

What advantages does plasma have over LCD?

Apart from better contrast due to its ability to show deeper blacks, plasma screens typically have better viewing angles than LCD. Viewing angles are how far you can sit on either side of a screen before the picture's quality is affected. You tend to see some brightness and colour shift when you're on too far of an angle with LCDs, while a plasma's picture remains fairly solid. This is steadily changing, however, with more and more LCDs entering the market with viewing angles equal to or greater than some plasmas. Plasmas can also produce a brighter colour, once again due to light leakage on an LCD affecting its colour saturation.

Plasma pundits will also tell you that some LCD screens have a tendency to blur images, particularly during fast moving scenes in movies or in sports. While that was true for older generation LCD screens, newer models have improved significantly - so much so that the differences in performance between LCDs and plasmas in this regard is almost negligible (here's a tip -- if you're shopping for LCDs, check the refresh rate. The lower it is, the better the image quality in fast moving scenes).

Perhaps the biggest advantage plasmas have now over their LCD cousins is price, particularly in the large screen end of the market. Plasmas typically come in larger sizes than LCDs at a cheaper price.

What advantages does LCD have over plasma?

It's not all doom and gloom for LCD though, as it has the edge over plasma in several key areas. LCDs tend to have higher native resolution than plasmas of similar size, which means more pixels on a screen. If you're a true high-def junkie who's keen to see every pixel of a high-res 1080i/p image reproduced pixel-by-pixel (providing you have a source that high, of course), then LCDs are the way to go.

LCDs also tend to consume less power than plasma screens, with some estimates ranging that power saving at up to 30 per cent less than plasma. LCDs are also generally lighter than similar sized plasmas, making it easier to move around or wall mount.

LCD pundits also point to the fact that LCDs have a longer lifespan than plasma screens. This was true of earlier plasma models, which would lose half of their brightness after more than 20,000 hours of viewing. Later plasma generations have bumped that up to anything between 30,000 and 60,000 hours. LCDs, on the other hand, are guaranteed for 60,000 hours.

You might have also heard that plasmas suffer from screen burn in, an affliction not as commonly associated with LCDs. Screen burn in occurs when an image is left too long on a screen, resulting in a ghost of that image burned in permanently. Newer plasmas are less susceptible to this thanks to improved technology and other features such built-in screen savers, but we still hear anecdotal reports here of burn-in with new plasmas.

Which is better value for me right now: plasma or LCD?

If you're in the market for a big screen television -- and we're talking 42-inches and above -- then plasma is a safe bet. Plasmas give you more bang for your buck at the big end of town, and while LCDs can give you better resolution, the price difference is currently too wide. However, if money's not an issue and you want the sharpest image in town, then a large LCD is for you. At the smaller end of things (15" to 36" TVs), LCD is the only way to go if you want something slim and tasteful. And the best thing is that LCDs are getting cheaper all the time.
Very informative article/post Anil.

From a layman's point of view I feel that colour delivery of Plasmas are more "natural" while the key advantage of LCD's would be the sharper/brighter image.

Right now it seems that majority of manufacturers have focused their efforts in LCD development.
Well have been surveying LCD & Plasmas for more than a week, really good LCD are damm expensive and cost around 2 lakhs, these are the one with really good colours and better contrast ratio, the cheapres one are there with less contrast ration and colours,

As far as plasmas are concerned as of now i will put money on them as the pciture is more real , give pure blacks and moving image blur is not there, life of plasma is around 60 k hours similar to an LCD .

Best Plasma TVs as per my survey are Panasonic 42 inches cost 89 K and then 42RC7 model from samasung which cost 73K , samsung has another high end model palsma that has better resolutino and cost around 10 to 15k more,

As i already have a projection Tv at home, i understand how plasmas are great as home theatres and night viewing , as they give even better pictures in a dark room, plus plasmas also have a wide viewing angle .

As far as lcds are concerned u need ample light in the room to watch them, as they are very bright, they dont show pure black colours and are more on grey side, contrast is high , and good oens are really expensive

Conclusion -
If u want good picture and value for money -

U can get a 42 inch plasma . same 42 inches LCd will cost above 1 lakh, that also with low contrast raion than a plasma and smaller viewing angle
Hi All,

Jon has entered the bldg:D
I have shortisted the Samsung Plasma-PS42A410C1 as i'm due purchasing a TV this week.
Do lemme know what i should go for(LSD/Plasma 40/42) with a budget of 60 to 65,000/Con Ratio/Response time.

Awaiting to decide....:rolleyes:
its better to go for plasma, ensure you check out the no of hdmi ports and contrast ratio for the ssame :)
Hi All,

Jon has entered the bldg:D
I have shortisted the Samsung Plasma-PS42A410C1 as i'm due purchasing a TV this week.
Do lemme know what i should go for(LSD/Plasma 40/42) with a budget of 60 to 65,000/Con Ratio/Response time.

Awaiting to decide....:rolleyes:


If you are really looking for something value for money, in which value being the PQ, then prefer Plasmas only...

You can have either Panasonic - 42yPV70H, or Hitachi - P42A01A...
IMO dont go for considering the built they may look far better, but cant be compared to Hitachi or Panasonic...

Pioneer will be out of reach so cant be considered...

Think over it, and if you delay, your purchase delay it somewhat, so that you can landup upgrading your budget to 75-80K...


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