Recommendations for B&W 605 S2 speaker


Jun 25, 2012
Hi Team,

I recently bought a B&W 605 S2 speaker. I am going to use PM6007 amplifier to power them. Can someone suggest me the best speaker cables for this speaker.

Also if someone can explain in detail about these two knobs that would be great. I bought these for Rs.55,000/-

I am able to get the low frequency the way I like it by turning these knobs.. but the honest truth is I do not know what is the use of these knobs... in the first place. one of the knob is from A,B,C,D,E,F and the other one is from -6,-4,-2,0,2,4

Please advise looking forward for your answers.
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-08 at 11.34.26 AM.jpeg
Hi Team,

I recently bought a B&W 605 S2 speaker. I am going to use PM6007 amplifier to power them. Can someone suggest me the best speaker cables for this speaker.

Also if someone can explain in detail about these two knobs that would be great. I bought these for Rs.55,000/-

I am able to get the low frequency the way I like it by turning these knobs.. but the honest truth is I do not know what is the use of these knobs... in the first place. one of the knob is from A,B,C,D,E,F and the other one is from -6,-4,-2,0,2,4

Please advise looking forward for your answers.
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Don't have a recommendation on the cables, but the owners manual ( clearly explains how one knob helps tweak the Bass levels (relative to mid range and tweeter) and how the other knob helps tweak the bass frequency cut-off and roll-off rates. Its illustrated with the help of frequency response graphs. Please take a look.
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