Rockboxon Ipod 160 GB


Sep 23, 2007
Hey I got an used Ipod 160 GB at very good price, without cable and headphons

Now planning to upgrade it with Rockbox ,so some questions

1) How easy to install rockbox?
2) Will battery life be reduced significantly?
3) Flac is playble right?
4) I am planning to buy basic chinese dock and remote , now post rockbox can I use dock and remote will be functional?
5) Does rockbox gives drag and drop functionality for music files?
6) If I connect my ipod to pc ,then post rockbox can i use this ipod as hard drive to my laptop? so that I can play the files through my dac??


Yeah I too was unlucky. Got a 6G Classic 80 GB which was the starting series where Apple disabled Rockbox support. *#$^#$#$ Apple wants people to use only Itunes. :(
Thats Steve Jobs and his Apple...........:lol::lol::lol:........
You get IN but there is no way OUT......Trapped !!
1) How easy to install rockbox?
2) Will battery life be reduced significantly?
3) Flac is playble right?
4) I am planning to buy basic chinese dock and remote , now post rockbox can I use dock and remote will be functional?
5) Does rockbox gives drag and drop functionality for music files?
6) If I connect my ipod to pc ,then post rockbox can i use this ipod as hard drive to my laptop? so that I can play the files through my dac??

Since you cannot rockbox, this is irrelevant largely in the context of this thread. But, n00bs like me get only a few chances to answer something we know of. So, I'm not letting this go ;)

  1. Rockbox is very easy to install. The installer will detect and get the relevant firmware download, ask you to select themes and viola! up in a few minutes.
  2. I am guessing - yes! I've not emptied the battery of my Sansa Fuze yet. But, Fuze is rated at 20-30 hours and I am guessing it would be around 10-15 hours on RB. Will update once I do two cycles of draining and re-charging. BTW, my Fuze is an el cheapo refurbished piece. So, it may already have pathetic battery life. But, I've read that RB reduces battery life with other players.
  3. FLAC - Absolutely
  4. When connected to a PC via USB (or when charging), the original firmware takes over. So, if I have to make a guess RB may not support Drag and Drop and may not make it possible to use it as an external HDD device. I've no idea about iPod dock question though.
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