Samsung LCD Model LA40B530: Poor Production Quality Control

rags india

New Member
Jul 2, 2009
You all might have read good reviews about Samsung LCD TVs. I also read them and decided to buy only Samsung LCD TV due to its perceived Value For Money. But little did I realize that I was

in for a huge disappointment when I bought a high end Samsung LCD TV model LA 40 B 530 ( 5 series Full HD TV) paying whopping 61K Rs!!. This review is not aimed at giving details of features of the LCD TV, but to enlighten the prospective buyers of Samsung LCD TVs about is extremely poor quality control in its production lines. So, read this review and decide whether you still would like to go for Samsung LCD TVs.

I bought this model, LA 40 B 530, a 40 inch, full HD LCD TV with all the latest features, paying 61 thousand rupees at Bangalore. Got the delivery on 8 Jun 09. As I read in some other review, everything was good, an SMS immediately after I gave a call to its Customer Care Center for demonstration, prompt arrival of the technician, etc. Everything was good till he installed the TV. Immediately after installation , the technician switched on the TV. Within 5 secs, the picture went off but audio remained on ( I had given the Set Top Box (STB) input through AV in). The technician could not explain the phenomenon and switched off and on the TV. This time the picture came and remained. He promptly attributed the fault to the loss of signal from STB. Since the problem didnt repeat again that evening, I also thought the same. That evening was a happy evening at home with the new big TV and a newly bought Sony component home theatre.

The next morning, when I switched on the TV, same thing happened again, no picture, but only audio. this time, even after switching off and on, it happened again, Also I found that, before the picture went off, the backlight flickered dangerously ( LCD TVs use backlight for screen projection whereas the Plasmas use tiny gaseous pixels). After about 5 switch off and on, the picture held. After observing the problem for 2-3 more days ( by now the switch off and on increased to 15-20 times before the picture held on), i reported the problem to customer care center. An engineer arrived the next day and as expected, initially attributed the snag to the Hathway STB. But when I told him that the backlight goes off, he thought that it may be some loose connection of strip cables inside the TV. he opened the TV ( imagine how it feels to have your brand new high end TV being operated ruthlessly in front of your eyes!) and reconnected all the strip cables. To my horror, when the TV was opened, I found the strip cables not properly taped (to avoid loose connection). He could do only that much because, there is no other part inside the TV which he could finger, everything is sealed. he switched on the TV, but only to see the screen going off again in 5-6 secs. He agreed that the system was defective piece. He had to, because everything else was perfect, power supply without fluctuation, supply to the TV through V Guard stab and spike buster multi plug extender, etc. I was thoroughly disappointed. During the process of opening, I also observed that the TV did not have any warranty seals on it!! Generally you see the seals put over the screw holes in electronic gadgets to prevent any mishandling. In this Tv there were none of those! This means, the dealer can even do some local repair to the TV (if he had some transit damage) and pass on the product to you!!

Next day when I rang up the service center, the manager promised me that the set would be replaced with a new one, but i need to give them the copy of invoice voucher. I promptly gave it with a detailed explanation of the snag. But the manager said that the approval has to come from the company headquarters at Delhi which may take anywhere from 7-10 days. Already 5 days have passed, let me see how good is this reputed company in its customer care.

At this moment, here I am, sitting in front of this beautiful looking brand new high end TV, which doesnt function most of the time, gives me heart attacks whenever functions because of its dangerously flickering backlight!!.

This shows that, even the so called reputed consumer durable companies have very ordinary production line quality control. If this can happen in a latest model high end LCD TV, imagine what will be the quality of a cheaper product. At least, I had this problem immediately after i bought the TV, so that the fault is covered under warranty. But imagine having such problems immediately after one year when the warranty lapses! I asked the engineer who came to my house for repair, what would be the repair cost if the same problem comes up after lapse of warranty period. He replied that it will cost about 70% of the cost of the system ( about 40 thousand Rs as they have to fully replace the LCD screen!!). With such kind of poor quality control in Samsung anything can happen any time!!!

I should have gone for Panasonic Plasma, which I had initially zeroed on. But due to popularity of the LCD TVs, I decided for this TV. So, here I am , regretting my decision of going for this lousy Samsung Tv. It may be possible that the problem i faced in the TV is due to transit damage. But such kind of snags shatter your confidence in the type of Tv (that is, LCDs)itself! LCD Tvs seem more delicate than Plasmas. My confidence in LCD Tvs has shaken so much that I am even skeptical about the replacement TV I am going to receive in a few days. I will never recommend any LCD Tv to anybody henceforth.

So, my friends, decide whether you want to take chances by purchasing Samsung LCD Tvs for the benefit of few thousand rupees lesser price or go for truly reputed products such as Sony or Panasonic.
All the best
Pester these guys and ask for replacement - in fact LG offered refund to one of the members I think.....

Keep us posted buddy - In case of delay lemme think a plan ......
okay bro i understand your pain - but the thing is that particular piece might have been a lemon - do not hold the company at fault. There have been so many happy samsung display owners on this forum with no problems whatsoever.

They will change the model - to hurry up things talk to the samsung HQ - drop in an email. If things do not get addressed within 2-3 weeks - send them a mail about going to consumer court.

BTW i am in now way supporting samsung or related to samsung in anyway - and such cases with sony too have been reported too.

PS: we Indians should stop respectig brands - we perceive honda s luxury car maker while its cars in the US (accord is a cheap mid sized sedan thats it - they command a premium here because of our mentality - same is given to sony. Tomorrow sony might give the same problem that was with this particular model of samsung
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I am sorry to hear about this. But such rare instances can happen to anyone and any product. At-least they are having it replaced and NOT repaired. Who knows, some other company may not oblige in this manner?

So then how about suggesting to go for Samsung LCDs, because they take care of you if anything goes wrong? Anyway, it may not be correct to suggest to avoid Samsung LCD TVs, because of your one-off bad experience.
You all might have read good reviews about Samsung LCD TVs. I also read them and decided to buy only Samsung LCD TV due to its perceived Value For Money. But little did I realize that I was

in for a huge disappointment when I bought a high end Samsung LCD TV model LA 40 B 530 ( 5 series Full HD TV) paying whopping 61K Rs!!. This review is not aimed at giving details of features of the LCD TV, but to enlighten the prospective buyers of Samsung LCD TVs about is extremely poor quality control in its production lines. So, read this review and decide whether you still would like to go for Samsung LCD TVs.

I bought this model, LA 40 B 530, a 40 inch, full HD LCD TV with all the latest features, paying 61 thousand rupees at Bangalore. Got the delivery on 8 Jun 09. As I read in some other review, everything was good, an SMS immediately after I gave a call to its Customer Care Center for demonstration, prompt arrival of the technician, etc. Everything was good till he installed the TV. Immediately after installation , the technician switched on the TV. Within 5 secs, the picture went off but audio remained on ( I had given the Set Top Box (STB) input through AV in). The technician could not explain the phenomenon and switched off and on the TV. This time the picture came and remained. He promptly attributed the fault to the loss of signal from STB. Since the problem didnt repeat again that evening, I also thought the same. That evening was a happy evening at home with the new big TV and a newly bought Sony component home theatre.

The next morning, when I switched on the TV, same thing happened again, no picture, but only audio. this time, even after switching off and on, it happened again, Also I found that, before the picture went off, the backlight flickered dangerously ( LCD TVs use backlight for screen projection whereas the Plasmas use tiny gaseous pixels). After about 5 switch off and on, the picture held. After observing the problem for 2-3 more days ( by now the switch off and on increased to 15-20 times before the picture held on), i reported the problem to customer care center. An engineer arrived the next day and as expected, initially attributed the snag to the Hathway STB. But when I told him that the backlight goes off, he thought that it may be some loose connection of strip cables inside the TV. he opened the TV ( imagine how it feels to have your brand new high end TV being operated ruthlessly in front of your eyes!) and reconnected all the strip cables. To my horror, when the TV was opened, I found the strip cables not properly taped (to avoid loose connection). He could do only that much because, there is no other part inside the TV which he could finger, everything is sealed. he switched on the TV, but only to see the screen going off again in 5-6 secs. He agreed that the system was defective piece. He had to, because everything else was perfect, power supply without fluctuation, supply to the TV through V Guard stab and spike buster multi plug extender, etc. I was thoroughly disappointed. During the process of opening, I also observed that the TV did not have any warranty seals on it!! Generally you see the seals put over the screw holes in electronic gadgets to prevent any mishandling. In this Tv there were none of those! This means, the dealer can even do some local repair to the TV (if he had some transit damage) and pass on the product to you!!

Next day when I rang up the service center, the manager promised me that the set would be replaced with a new one, but i need to give them the copy of invoice voucher. I promptly gave it with a detailed explanation of the snag. But the manager said that the approval has to come from the company headquarters at Delhi which may take anywhere from 7-10 days. Already 5 days have passed, let me see how good is this reputed company in its customer care.

At this moment, here I am, sitting in front of this beautiful looking brand new high end TV, which doesnt function most of the time, gives me heart attacks whenever functions because of its dangerously flickering backlight!!.

This shows that, even the so called reputed consumer durable companies have very ordinary production line quality control. If this can happen in a latest model high end LCD TV, imagine what will be the quality of a cheaper product. At least, I had this problem immediately after i bought the TV, so that the fault is covered under warranty. But imagine having such problems immediately after one year when the warranty lapses! I asked the engineer who came to my house for repair, what would be the repair cost if the same problem comes up after lapse of warranty period. He replied that it will cost about 70% of the cost of the system ( about 40 thousand Rs as they have to fully replace the LCD screen!!). With such kind of poor quality control in Samsung anything can happen any time!!!

I should have gone for Panasonic Plasma, which I had initially zeroed on. But due to popularity of the LCD TVs, I decided for this TV. So, here I am , regretting my decision of going for this lousy Samsung Tv. It may be possible that the problem i faced in the TV is due to transit damage. But such kind of snags shatter your confidence in the type of Tv (that is, LCDs)itself! LCD Tvs seem more delicate than Plasmas. My confidence in LCD Tvs has shaken so much that I am even skeptical about the replacement TV I am going to receive in a few days. I will never recommend any LCD Tv to anybody henceforth.

So, my friends, decide whether you want to take chances by purchasing Samsung LCD Tvs for the benefit of few thousand rupees lesser price or go for truly reputed products such as Sony or Panasonic.

I agree with the other members that it could be a one off problem. But whether one should go for a Samsung TV (Or for that any other Samsung product) should be based on how they respond to the complaint. The fact that they have to refer the matter to Delhi to solve it is not an excuse. When their engineer agreed that the set is defective, why refer it to Delhi. It is their problem to sort out after they replace the set. So let us wait and see. Please keep us posted and if the response is not satisfactory, then the only alternative is to stop buying any Samsung product.

P. N. Reddy
I agree with the other members that it could be a one off problem.
Yes I feel it is one off isue . In fact when my brothers Samsung HTIB needs to be repaired twice -post complaint they simply returned the money questions asked!! Which I know no Indian company does!
[/QUOTE]But whether one should go for a Samsung TV (Or for that any other Samsung product) should be based on how they respond to the complaint. The fact that they have to refer the matter to Delhi to solve it is not an excuse. [/QUOTE]
Please understand nomally service is given by a department having far lesser power than Product or Sales- and replacement requires sanction and system entries. Unfortunatly things do not happen ot the go . Anyway one need to paster the service personnel as I have seen lack of Coordination and communication between departments! So referring it to delhi is not lame excuse IMHO, it is system & procedures!
[/QUOTE]When their engineer agreed that the set is defective, why refer it to Delhi. It is their problem to sort out after they replace the set. So let us wait and see. Please keep us posted and if the response is not satisfactory, then the only alternative is to stop buying any Samsung product.

P. N. Reddy[/QUOTE]

Note that what I've feel is due to rapid technology change a lot of half baked products are coming to market .....and noone is spared ---not even sony! The worst battery issues and subsequent recall happened with DEll Laptops and the batteries were supplied by Sony!!

My suggestion is that go away from " first day first show" never by any gadget -be it audio or cellphone or anything else -immidiatly after it's release....and it is very true about new ehnologies!
Dude, Just chill out. The particular piece is a lemon.:D That is all. I have atleast half a dozen friends who own the 37inch or 40 inch version of the samsung 5 series. Never had any problem. There is no quality issue also.
Thousands of users on the AVScience forums have dissected the 5 series from samsung and compared them to otheres from sony etc... and they are a winner and great VFM.Just relax. The new one will just work fine.

This can happen to any model from any brand.;)
seriously man chill out.....there are defective pieces from sony and panasonic as well, if you go through these forums you will see people complaining bitterly about customer service from Sony as's sad that you had the bad luck of getting a lemon, but they are going to replace it. I suspect even a Panasonic and a Sony would take some days to process this replacement. It might not be a logical thing to use this experience to condemn a company and all its products (I own and use a Samsung plasma as well as a Samsung fridge, and I've had no trouble, whereas I've had trouble with my Sony Ericsson phone, and my Sony car stereo.....but that doesn't mean I've concluded that Sony is a poor company or that they have poor quality control)

You all might have read good reviews about Samsung LCD TVs. I also read them and decided to buy only Samsung LCD TV due to its perceived Value For Money. But little did I realize that I was

in for a huge disappointment when I bought a high end Samsung LCD TV model LA 40 B 530 ( 5 series Full HD TV) paying whopping 61K Rs!!. This review is not aimed at giving details of features of the LCD TV, but to enlighten the prospective buyers of Samsung LCD TVs about is extremely poor quality control in its production lines. So, read this review and decide whether you still would like to go for Samsung LCD TVs.

I bought this model, LA 40 B 530, a 40 inch, full HD LCD TV with all the latest features, paying 61 thousand rupees at Bangalore. Got the delivery on 8 Jun 09. As I read in some other review, everything was good, an SMS immediately after I gave a call to its Customer Care Center for demonstration, prompt arrival of the technician, etc. Everything was good till he installed the TV. Immediately after installation , the technician switched on the TV. Within 5 secs, the picture went off but audio remained on ( I had given the Set Top Box (STB) input through AV in). The technician could not explain the phenomenon and switched off and on the TV. This time the picture came and remained. He promptly attributed the fault to the loss of signal from STB. Since the problem didnt repeat again that evening, I also thought the same. That evening was a happy evening at home with the new big TV and a newly bought Sony component home theatre.

The next morning, when I switched on the TV, same thing happened again, no picture, but only audio. this time, even after switching off and on, it happened again, Also I found that, before the picture went off, the backlight flickered dangerously ( LCD TVs use backlight for screen projection whereas the Plasmas use tiny gaseous pixels). After about 5 switch off and on, the picture held. After observing the problem for 2-3 more days ( by now the switch off and on increased to 15-20 times before the picture held on), i reported the problem to customer care center. An engineer arrived the next day and as expected, initially attributed the snag to the Hathway STB. But when I told him that the backlight goes off, he thought that it may be some loose connection of strip cables inside the TV. he opened the TV ( imagine how it feels to have your brand new high end TV being operated ruthlessly in front of your eyes!) and reconnected all the strip cables. To my horror, when the TV was opened, I found the strip cables not properly taped (to avoid loose connection). He could do only that much because, there is no other part inside the TV which he could finger, everything is sealed. he switched on the TV, but only to see the screen going off again in 5-6 secs. He agreed that the system was defective piece. He had to, because everything else was perfect, power supply without fluctuation, supply to the TV through V Guard stab and spike buster multi plug extender, etc. I was thoroughly disappointed. During the process of opening, I also observed that the TV did not have any warranty seals on it!! Generally you see the seals put over the screw holes in electronic gadgets to prevent any mishandling. In this Tv there were none of those! This means, the dealer can even do some local repair to the TV (if he had some transit damage) and pass on the product to you!!

Next day when I rang up the service center, the manager promised me that the set would be replaced with a new one, but i need to give them the copy of invoice voucher. I promptly gave it with a detailed explanation of the snag. But the manager said that the approval has to come from the company headquarters at Delhi which may take anywhere from 7-10 days. Already 5 days have passed, let me see how good is this reputed company in its customer care.

At this moment, here I am, sitting in front of this beautiful looking brand new high end TV, which doesnt function most of the time, gives me heart attacks whenever functions because of its dangerously flickering backlight!!.

This shows that, even the so called reputed consumer durable companies have very ordinary production line quality control. If this can happen in a latest model high end LCD TV, imagine what will be the quality of a cheaper product. At least, I had this problem immediately after i bought the TV, so that the fault is covered under warranty. But imagine having such problems immediately after one year when the warranty lapses! I asked the engineer who came to my house for repair, what would be the repair cost if the same problem comes up after lapse of warranty period. He replied that it will cost about 70% of the cost of the system ( about 40 thousand Rs as they have to fully replace the LCD screen!!). With such kind of poor quality control in Samsung anything can happen any time!!!

I should have gone for Panasonic Plasma, which I had initially zeroed on. But due to popularity of the LCD TVs, I decided for this TV. So, here I am , regretting my decision of going for this lousy Samsung Tv. It may be possible that the problem i faced in the TV is due to transit damage. But such kind of snags shatter your confidence in the type of Tv (that is, LCDs)itself! LCD Tvs seem more delicate than Plasmas. My confidence in LCD Tvs has shaken so much that I am even skeptical about the replacement TV I am going to receive in a few days. I will never recommend any LCD Tv to anybody henceforth.

So, my friends, decide whether you want to take chances by purchasing Samsung LCD Tvs for the benefit of few thousand rupees lesser price or go for truly reputed products such as Sony or Panasonic.
this can happen to any company and any product,be it a plasma or a lcd,or even a high performance hyper car.
even in plasma if something goes wrong u will be charged quite a lot,in one of the other popular indian forum TE there was a member who had bought a hitachi plasma,it went kaput just after warranty and the price for replacing the plasma panel only was the same price as a pv8 plasma.

in ur case the tv had a faulty backlight or the backlight powersupply.just like a tubelight which even if u had a bought a new one some times the new may flicker,so that doesn't mean the entire line of products from that company is wrong.
I fully understand what you guys are speaking. But what irked me was the view inside when the service engineer opened the Tv in front of me. The Samsung LCD Tv has just two big PCBs inside. These PCBs are interconnected and in turn connected to the screen module. The screen module, the engineer says is not openable onsite. Whe he opened the TV, I saw that the strip cables which are connected between the PCBs were not taped properly. Tapes were there, but were not taped to the strip cables. Another thing I observed was absence of warranty seal on the TV. Any respected company ensures that these warranty seals are put on their products. U see it on all the computers. These issues made me think negatively about the Samsung product. Now i only have to wait and watch how soon they are going to replace the set. Let us see.....
I fully understand what you guys are speaking. But what irked me was the view inside when the service engineer opened the Tv in front of me. The Samsung LCD Tv has just two big PCBs inside. These PCBs are interconnected and in turn connected to the screen module. The screen module, the engineer says is not openable onsite. Whe he opened the TV, I saw that the strip cables which are connected between the PCBs were not taped properly. Tapes were there, but were not taped to the strip cables. Another thing I observed was absence of warranty seal on the TV. Any respected company ensures that these warranty seals are put on their products. U see it on all the computers. These issues made me think negatively about the Samsung product. Now i only have to wait and watch how soon they are going to replace the set. Let us see.....

How does taping those cables really matter? It didn't start working after taping anyway. I wouldn't like my cables and PCBs held together just by a tape. No warranty seals on my Sony LCD as well.

As already suggested, keep following up for getting replacement asap.
I realise what you went through. I guess there's a general problem with the 5 series. The same thing happened to me as well i bought LA32A520 Full HD LCD in May. After 4-5 days, the panel lights would go off, LCD wouldn't start depsite pressing power multiple times, clarity was bad and woofer was way out. I logged a complain and Samsung promptly sent it's technician. The technician saw all this and said he'll check the LCD. This is where i PUT MY FOOT DOWN. i refused to let him open the LCD and made it clear that i want a replacement. i asked him to call his superior and gave him a piece of my mind and made it clear that only a replacement is going to appease me or else a refund and i'll head to Consumer Court.
Credit to Samsung service - I promptly got a replacement and that too upgraded LA32B530 version. :)
hey rags, open up any "high end" piece of equipment and you'll be surprised to see how far from high-end it looks on the inside, on the inside it's mostly "whatever works" and in your case it looks like it didn't work :) let's hope you get your replacement set soon.
Hi all, This is to let u all know that I received the replacement TV today.:yahoo: Though the condition of the cover (it was pressed from top and was torn at many places) gave me initial jitters, the TV inside was safe. And yes, it worked fine this time. Got the set up checked by the service engineer and only after that signed the user satisfaction certificate.

I must say here that, though the product gave me sad times initially, the customer support of Samsung is good. It took precisely 8 days for them to accept the complaint, get the approval for replacement from Delhi and replace the TV. All the while, the reps were polite, friendly and professional.

But as far as the product is concerned, I must say that it was not the transit damage which made my TVs picture go off, but the defect in the electronics itself. A lot of people felt that I got a lemon and it was an one-off case happened probably due to transit damage. Initially I also thought so. But the nature of the problem made me think otherwise. Initially, the picture used to hold after one or two switch off-ons. Later it needed 20-25 on-offs to settle down. Also I noticed that the problem was getting solved faster if the set was warmed up for 1-2 hours ( means keeping the set in stand-by or in on state with no-picture condition with audio muted ). Later I found out a solution to watch the TV without getting the problem also!! I reduced the backlight to zero and the dangerous backlight flickering suddenly stopped!! After that I increased the contrast and brightness to max with backlight setting to zero, it worked! However, the picture quality was very poor with fog like pictures. At least I managed to stop the crankiness of my son which used to happen whenever the cartoon channel went off. All these experimentations ensured one thing- that this problem cannot come from transit damage. It HAS to be a circuit fault.

This was confirmed when the service engineer came home to install the replacement TV. He also said that it may be something to do with the ICs, or may be solderings. He also said that it is very much possible that the system might have been QC passed with just a brief switching on and testing. Hence my initial doubt of reputed companies not giving much importance to quality of the products sold in India and other third world countries still holds good.

@Square wave- yes, the piece might have been a lemon and u also might have seen a dozen of satisfied Samsung LCD TV users. But the fact is that the poor quality control need not manifest in all the products. If the problem comes in all the products, the company will automatically rectify the fault: be it in design or in production. Poor QC manifests always in random products only.

@reju. Taping of the cables help in reducing the tension of the cable at the connector end points. Also in some cases, transit vibration of the cables.

@ visheshk- your experience is in sync with my opinion that the problem is not due to a freak transit damage, but something more. Yes, their customer care is good, I too experienced it.

@psychotropic- Pal, I beg to differ. High end products are expected to have better circuit design and hence neater PCB layouts. I had a Thomson 29 inch TV which I bought 9 yrs back ( It was high end then, having paid more than 30K). It had one of the most clutter free cables layout inside when compared to cheaper models such as BPL, videocon etc.

Thanx friends for joining me over this discussion and providing me with valuable inputs. Wish u all happy viewing experiences!!
Hi all, This is to let u all know that I received the replacement TV today.:yahoo: Though the condition of the cover (it was pressed from top and was torn at many places) gave me initial jitters, the TV inside was safe. And yes, it worked fine this time. Got the set up checked by the service engineer and only after that signed the user satisfaction certificate.

I must say here that, though the product gave me sad times initially, the customer support of Samsung is good. It took precisely 8 days for them to accept the complaint, get the approval for replacement from Delhi and replace the TV. All the while, the reps were polite, friendly and professional.

But as far as the product is concerned, I must say that it was not the transit damage which made my TVs picture go off, but the defect in the electronics itself. A lot of people felt that I got a lemon and it was an one-off case happened probably due to transit damage. Initially I also thought so. But the nature of the problem made me think otherwise. Initially, the picture used to hold after one or two switch off-ons. Later it needed 20-25 on-offs to settle down. Also I noticed that the problem was getting solved faster if the set was warmed up for 1-2 hours ( means keeping the set in stand-by or in on state with no-picture condition with audio muted ). Later I found out a solution to watch the TV without getting the problem also!! I reduced the backlight to zero and the dangerous backlight flickering suddenly stopped!! After that I increased the contrast and brightness to max with backlight setting to zero, it worked! However, the picture quality was very poor with fog like pictures. At least I managed to stop the crankiness of my son which used to happen whenever the cartoon channel went off. All these experimentations ensured one thing- that this problem cannot come from transit damage. It HAS to be a circuit fault.

This was confirmed when the service engineer came home to install the replacement TV. He also said that it may be something to do with the ICs, or may be solderings. He also said that it is very much possible that the system might have been QC passed with just a brief switching on and testing. Hence my initial doubt of reputed companies not giving much importance to quality of the products sold in India and other third world countries still holds good.

@Square wave- yes, the piece might have been a lemon and u also might have seen a dozen of satisfied Samsung LCD TV users. But the fact is that the poor quality control need not manifest in all the products. If the problem comes in all the products, the company will automatically rectify the fault: be it in design or in production. Poor QC manifests always in random products only.

@reju. Taping of the cables help in reducing the tension of the cable at the connector end points. Also in some cases, transit vibration of the cables.

@ visheshk- your experience is in sync with my opinion that the problem is not due to a freak transit damage, but something more. Yes, their customer care is good, I too experienced it.

@psychotropic- Pal, I beg to differ. High end products are expected to have better circuit design and hence neater PCB layouts. I had a Thomson 29 inch TV which I bought 9 yrs back ( It was high end then, having paid more than 30K). It had one of the most clutter free cables layout inside when compared to cheaper models such as BPL, videocon etc.

Thanx friends for joining me over this discussion and providing me with valuable inputs. Wish u all happy viewing experiences!!

Ok so finally another Samsung Owner is happy. So how about now changing the title to Samsung - Poor Production Quality but Excellent After Sales Service ?? :)
hey rags, i don't think we're disagreeing here, what i meant was that there are several high-end products where you will find less than high-end innards, the Thomson was more likely the exception than the rule.

@psychotropic- Pal, I beg to differ. High end products are expected to have better circuit design and hence neater PCB layouts. I had a Thomson 29 inch TV which I bought 9 yrs back ( It was high end then, having paid more than 30K). It had one of the most clutter free cables layout inside when compared to cheaper models such as BPL, videocon etc.

Thanx friends for joining me over this discussion and providing me with valuable inputs. Wish u all happy viewing experiences!!
@reju. Taping of the cables help in reducing the tension of the cable at the connector end points. Also in some cases, transit vibration of the cables.

This wire taping may be found inside some products may NOT be there in others. It all depends on the design of the circuitry and placement. If it's not there, does not mean it's a fault or poor work! Why don't check out the new TV? I am sure it will not be there. But don't worry, you don't have to tape them.;)

Enjoy your new TV experience!
I agree with the other members that it could be a one off problem. But whether one should go for a Samsung TV (Or for that any other Samsung product) should be based on how they respond to the complaint. The fact that they have to refer the matter to Delhi to solve it is not an excuse. When their engineer agreed that the set is defective, why refer it to Delhi. It is their problem to sort out after they replace the set. So let us wait and see. Please keep us posted and if the response is not satisfactory, then the only alternative is to stop buying any Samsung product.

P. N. Reddy

It isnt a one of problem,

Currently on whirlpool - in australia there is heaps of issues that are being expressed with Samsung TV's

My girlfriend had the same exact fault with the same model number and was just outside by 2mths of manufacturers warrenty. This is pathetic for a 1k plus TV set to totally stuff up, No picture but only sound, no matter what source you put it on and no matter if you press the menu button - no picture comes on at all - by turning it off for a period of time you get picture back and this happens repeatedly throughout the day off and on.

My Soniq (entry level) 1368x720 res 40 inch LCD TV and Acer 40 inch LCD TV same res has worked for 5 yrs now without fail and the picture as great as when I first bought them. Furthering these TV's are they are much better quality that Samsung and the Samsung is inferior to all degrees.

When the picture is working, a pc connected to the Samsung TV is dull, lifeless, blotchy and pixalised - doesnt matter how you tweek the pc graphics car or the TV as you will never suceed. On the Acer and Soniq perfect as like watching a DVD or Blu ray for movies. It takes forever for the Samsung to get a tolerable level for the PC but only barely passable and the quality of the image one would revert back to the other TV's to enjoy the Video - The TV picture in the Samsung is better in TV output only cause of the resolution - but with the picture going all the time its rather pointless even watching it.

Samsungs service is pathetic to say the least, they wont look at the TV without a charge to identify the part that needs to be replaced even when the person with the TV expresses that they will purchase the part, there is no goodwill or even customer care - let alone a dignified response to their product being of good quality.

Personally for me, and my girlfriend, we wont ever be buying a Samsung ever again.

One of the posts in whirlpool describes how a person got a repairer out and they replaced both circut boards and still the fault occured. If a company wishes to make money from selling high priced items - I sugest to them, have good will, good customer service and rectify problems in a mutually beneficial way

But if Soniq and Acer can produce a TV that has better picture all round and lasts 5 yrs without fail - why cant Samsung??
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