Seeking choosing speakers for Denon 1611


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
I am new to this forum.
I am going to buy speakers for Denon 1611. I have already baught Denon 1611 as my budget permit. My room size is 16' X 12'. I have chosen some speakers after going through some threads in this forum and also considering my budget. My budget is around 50000/-.
I have chosen-
1. Polk Tsi 300 FS
Polk Cs 10 for centre
Wharf 9.1 bookselvs for rear
and Wharf SW 150

another option may be-
2. Sonodyne Sonus 2605 FS
Sonodyne Sonus 2401 Centre
Wharf 9.1 bookselvs for rear
and Wharf SW 150

Do the above configuration math? I have only auditioned Sonodyne in durgapur. It sounds really good to me. I cant do frequent audition as I live near Durgapur and for audition I have to go to Kolkata.

I need suggessions from the experts in this forum.
Seeking help choosing speakers for Denon 1611

yesterday I have auditioned Wharf 10.4, Mordaunt Short Avant, DALI Concept and again Sonodyne Sonus (For all only FS).
Wharf 10.4 didnt impress me at all. The impressive bright sound of DALI concept was really good. Mordaunt Short was not much impressive but liked better than Wharf.
Again the sound quality and clarity of Sonodyne much better I found. But DALI makes me spell bound.
The price they quoted(all for a pair of FS only) -
Wharf 10.4- 32000/-
DALI concept- 40000/-
Mordaunt Short- 24000/-(They told original price was 36000/- but as this
model was fased out, they are giving @thisprice)

and Sonodyne 2605- 25000/-

Where from I can get Wharf 9.1/9.2? Coz the above showroom told that there is no supply of 9 series.

Are this price they quoted are right enough to buy? Or I can have better deal. I need all of the experts suggestion on this and also of my previous thread.
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.