snell c7


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
Hey guys
Recently I had the opportunity to hear the new Snell C7 pair. This is a new speaker designed by the ubiquitous De Appolito. A real monster both in weight and size. The De Appolito array was at full steam with the SEAS silk dome tweeter. The bass was a little boomy though.(probably inadequate amplifier power).GREAT speakers , and sounded fantastic both in stereo and home theatre mode with a really lush and precise midrange.
A real all round speaker. I am sure a good home theatre can be built around this, minus the subwoofer. Any other experiences?
Hey guys
Recently I had the opportunity to hear the new Snell C7 pair. This is a new speaker designed by the ubiquitous De Appolito. A real monster both in weight and size. The De Appolito array was at full steam with the SEAS silk dome tweeter. The bass was a little boomy though.(probably inadequate amplifier power).GREAT speakers , and sounded fantastic both in stereo and home theatre mode with a really lush and precise midrange.
A real all round speaker. I am sure a good home theatre can be built around this, minus the subwoofer. Any other experiences?

For the pricing, it had better be a good musical system. If the bass is boomy, it has failed the basic of tests for music auditions.
well the room acoustics were improved and the bass became smoother, and so did the midrange.
the snell c7pair costs equivalent of 6000$, hence really expensive.I heard them powered by denon 4308 (on 2 channel) with denon dvd1940 as source and qed interconnects.
I came back home and compared the sound with my rig i.e denon integrated pma2000ivr, deftec bp7004, and denon cdp dcd700ae,qed.
the midrange and top were the key,the snells were definitely more authoritative and smooth where as the deftechs sounded a little brassy.
in the the bottom end , the inbuilt,powered subs of the deftech put out a slightly smoother base performance .